All revenues due to, and raised by the City, shall remain within the City of Carlsbad for appropriation solely by the City Council. No such revenue shall be subject to subtraction, retention, attachment, withdrawal or any other form of involuntary reduction by any other level of government.
No person, whether elected or appointed, acting on behalf of the City, shall be required to implement or give effect to, any function which is mandated by any other level of government, unless and until funds sufficient for the performance of such function are provided by such other level of government.
Safety employees hired on or after October 4, 2010 (the effective date of the ordinance amending the City's Contract with CalPERS to create a second tier of retirement benefits for safety employees) shall not have their retirement benefit formula (commonly known as the 2% at 50 years of age formula) increased without an amendment to this section. The City Council may reduce this formula as provided in state law without an amendment to this section.
Editor's note: Section 502 was added to the charter by the voters at an election held on Nov. 2, 2010. (Charter Chapter No. 6, Statutes of 2011, February 3, 2011)