The purchasing agent shall be authorized and is hereby required to make purchases of personal property for the County, County officers or departments, and using agencies.
(SCC 594 § 2, 1984)
The purchasing agent is authorized to enter into agreements by which independent contractors provide services, with or without the furnishing of material, to the County, County officers or departments, and using agencies; provided, however, that the amount of any such contract shall not exceed the amount prescribed by Government Code Section 25502.5 or any other applicable statute now existing or hereinafter enacted.
Any contract which is known at the time of bidding to exceed pertinent statutory limitations shall be subject to approval by the Board of Supervisors. Any other contract for such services let by the purchasing agent shall contain a provision that such contract terminates upon the date of provision of services or personal property or incurring of expenses the cumulative total of which equals said statutorily prescribed amount.
(SCC 594 § 2, 1984; SCC 0865 § 1, 1992)
The purchasing agent shall not, absent prior approval by the Board of Supervisors, let any contract for the rental or lease of personal property, or for the acquisition of personal property and/or services which exceeds a term of five years. No such contract shall exceed one year unless the purchasing agent finds, and such findings are recited in the body of the contract, that a term longer than one year is required in order to promote efficiency and economy, or for other reasons that a term of one year is otherwise impractical. The purchasing agent shall have the authority to extend the term of any authorized contract for no more than an additional six months. If a contract term is extended pursuant to this section, the purchasing agent shall have the authority to amend the agreement so as to increase the maximum compensation, provided that such increase does not exceed 10% of the maximum compensation set forth in the original contract. The purchasing agent shall annually report all contract extensions executed pursuant to this section to the Board of Supervisors.
(SCC 594 § 2, 1984; SCC 1545 § 1, 2014; SCC 1677 § 1, 2021)
Except as authorized by Section 2.56.250, all purchases by the purchasing agent shall be made pursuant to competitive proposals, and shall be let to the party who makes the best proposal as defined in Section 2.56.240.
The solicitation of bid proposals by newspaper publication shall not be required. The purchasing agent shall utilize such processes to advertise intended purchases as are reasonably calculated to provide adequate competition among vendors within the County, including, but not limited to, the direct solicitation of proposals from known vendors.
The purchasing manual may contain procedures under which notice is given exclusively to prequalified vendors and identify other forms and procedures for the issuance of notice.
(SCC 594 § 2, 1984)
Awards shall be determined by and be based upon the best proposal, which in the discretion of the purchasing agent is the proposal which most adequately meets the needs of the County, officer, department, or using agency at the lowest price.
In determining the best proposal, in addition to price, the purchasing agent may consider the quality, availability and functional or other suitability of the personal property, or contractual services to the particular use intended. The purchasing agent may also consider other factors, including, but not limited to, the following: the ability, capacity and skill of the bidder to perform the contract or provide the service required; whether the bidder can perform the contract or provide the service promptly or with the time specified, without delay or interference; the character, integrity, reputation, judgment, experience and efficiency of the bidder; the quality of performance of previous contracts or services; the previous and existing compliance by the bidder with laws and ordinances relating to the contract or service; the sufficiency of the financial resources and ability of the bidder to perform the contract or provide the service; the ability of the bidder to provide future maintenance and service for the use of the subject of the contract; the number and scope of conditions attached to the bid.
With respect to acquisitions of title to personal property or the use of personal property by rental, lease or otherwise, the best proposal shall, as to products which equally satisfy intended uses, be the one submitted by a responsible bidder at the lowest price.
When two or more proposals of the sale, rental, or lease of personal property are the same, the purchasing agent shall, pursuant to Section 83 of the Charter, give preference to the lowest responsible bidder within Sacramento County who offers to supply items raised, grown, manufactured, fabricated, processed or assembled in Sacramento County, if price, quality, service and other factors are equal.
In order to encourage and enhance participation by small business enterprises in the County's contracting activities, a two percent price preference shall be granted to formally certified micro-business enterprises as specified in the County of Sacramento's Procurement Opportunities Program Policy adopted by resolution of the Board of Supervisors and as amended from time to time.
(SCC 594 § 2, 1984; SCC 0937 § 1, 1993; SCC 1100 § 1, 1997; SCC 1227 § 1, 2002; SCC 1439 § 1, 2009)
Purchases may, but need not be, let pursuant to competitive proposals under the following circumstances:
When the aggregate or cumulative price to be paid under the purchase contract is $100,000 or less, unless otherwise required by State law;
When a patented or proprietary item is being purchased; or
In the event of an emergency; or
When the following types of personal property or services are being acquired, obtained, rented or leased: (1) advertising, (2) books, recordings, motion picture films, subscriptions, (3) election supplies, (4) insurance, (5) public utility services, (6) travel services, (7) property or services provided by or through other governmental agencies, or obtainable from suppliers which have in force a current contract with another governmental agency for the same item or service, or (8) property or services, the price of which is fixed by law; or
When the purchasing agent determines that making of a purchase without competitive proposals is reasonably necessary for the conduct of County business.
(SCC 594 § 2, 1984; SCC 1127 § 1, 1999; SCC 1545 § 2, 2014)
It is unlawful, for the purpose of evading the requirements of this article, to split or separate into smaller units of purchase any purchase covered by this article.
(SCC 594 § 2, 1984)