This chapter is to provide for the enforcement of California Laws and regulations pertaining to retail food facilities, and to establish local requirements as authorized in Health and Safety Code Section 113715.
All definitions, authority, scope, responsibilities, requirements, standards, conditions, exemptions, procedures and penalties described within state law are hereby adopted and incorporated herein. The provisions of this chapter are authorized pursuant to state law and are intended to supplement and not to pre-empt state law. Laws and regulations enacted by the state that surpass the requirements of this code, which pertain to health and sanitation shall take precedence.
(SCC 1333 § 1, 2006)
"Food facility" is any operation that stores, prepares, packages, serves, vends, or otherwise provides food for human consumption at the retail level, and as further defined in California Health and Safety Code Section 113789.
"Permanent food facility" shall be as defined in California Health and Safety Code Section 113849.
"Mobile food facility" shall be as defined in California Health and Safety Code Section 113831.
The "Official Inspection Report (OIR)" is the written notice prepared and issued by the Health Officer after conducting an inspection of a food facility to document compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations pertaining to the protection of the public health.
"Operator" and/or "employee" means any person or owner engaged in the dispensing of, or assisting in the preparation of food or beverages, or any person otherwise employed in a food facility. "Owner" or "owners" means those persons, partnerships or corporations who are financially interested in the operation of a food facility.
"Placard" means a color coded placard that describes the compliance status of the food facility at the most recent inspection or re-inspection. The color green shall be the primary color used for a "PASS" placard. The color yellow shall be the primary color used for a "CONDITIONAL PASS" placard. The color red shall be the primary color used for a "CLOSED" placard.
"Routine Inspection" shall mean an inspection of any food facility to determine compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations pertaining to the protection of public health. A Routine Inspection shall not mean an inspection by the Health Officer to determine compliance with a previously issued inspection report or any interim inspection conducted to determine compliance with specific regulations or legal requirements.
"Hearing Officer" shall mean the Health Officer or the Health Officer's duly appointed designee.
"Health Officer" means the Health Officer of the County and the duly authorized agent.
"Board of Supervisors" means the Board of Supervisors of the County.
(Ord. 735 § 1 (A-H), 1961; SCC 1333 § 2, 2006; SCC 1600 § 2, 2016)
Laws and regulations enacted by the State of California that surpass the requirements of this Code which pertain to health and sanitation of food facilities shall take precedence and supersede the provisions of this Code.
(Ord. 735 § 1 (J-M), 1961; SCC 1333 § 3, 2006)
Upon completion of a routine inspection or reinspection, the Health Officer shall post at every food facility the appropriate placard, as determined by the Health Officer. The placard shall be posted so as to be clearly visible to the general public and patrons of the food facility. "Clearly visible to the general public and patrons" shall mean:
For a permanent food facility, posted in the front window within five feet of the front door; for a mobile food facility, posted on the front of the facility within two feet of the service window or service area; or
For a permanent food facility, posted in a display case mounted on the outside front wall of the food facility within five feet of the front door; for a mobile food facility, posted in a display case mounted on the front of the facility within two feet of the service window or service area; or
Posted in a location approved by the Health Officer to ensure proper notice to the general public and to patrons.
In the event that a food facility is operated in the same building as a separately permitted or licensed business, or in the event that a food facility shares common patron entrance with a separately permitted facility or licensed business, the Health Officer shall post the placard in the initial patron contact area or in a location approved by the Health Officer.
The placard shall not be defaced, marred, camouflaged, hidden or removed. Unless the food facility has been exempted from the placarding requirement by the Health Officer, it is unlawful to operate a food facility without the placard being posted in accordance with this chapter.
Removal of the placard is a violation of this chapter and shall be punishable as specified in Section 6.60.020. In addition, the removal of the placard may result in the suspension or revocation of the health permit and will be subject to a daily reinspection and the associated fees. Posting of a placard not issued to the food facility where the placard is posted may result in suspension or revocation of the health permits of both the posting food facility and the food facility to which the placard was issued.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, a mobile food facility may remove its green placard only when the mobile food facility is outside the geographic boundaries of Sacramento County. The green placard must be reposted as required herein when the mobile food facility returns to Sacramento County.
Any lost or stolen placard shall be reported to the Health Officer as soon as possible and in any event, no later than the next business day.
In addition to the placard, the OIR shall be maintained at the food facility and shall be available to the general public and to patrons for review upon request. The food facility shall keep the OIR until such time as the Health Officer completes the next routine inspection or reinspection and issues a new OIR.
A placard shall remain valid from the time of issuance until a new placard is issued at time of routine inspection, reinspection or change of ownership.
(SCC 1238 § 1, 2003; SCC 1333 § 4, 2006; SCC 1600 § 3, 2016)
When the Health Officer, during a food facility inspection, determines either of the following:
Repeated violation of critical factors affecting food safety; or
The owner or employee with Food Safety Certification has failed to ensure that all employees who handle unpackaged food have sufficient knowledge and understanding of how to safely prepare and serve food.
The Health Officer may require the owner to send all staff who engage in food preparation to a food safety education class provided by the County's Environmental Management Department.
The food safety education class shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
Causes and contributing factors of food-borne illness, the relationship between time and temperature with respect to food-borne illness, and the relationship between personal hygiene and food safety;
Methods of preventing food contamination in all stages of food handling; and
Procedures for cleaning and sanitizing food handling equipment and utensils.
The owner shall pay an exceptional surcharge pursuant to Section 6.99.280 of this Code to cover the County's costs of providing the food safety education class to the owner's employees.
(SCC 1238 § 2, 2003; SCC 1618 § 54, 2018)
Except as provided by Section 6.04.095, separate toilet facilities for each sex shall be provided convenient to the employees or operators on the premises of food facilities, the toilet facilities shall also be provided convenient to the public.
The separate toilet facilities for each sex shall be located, designed, equipped and constructed in compliance with the following requirement:
The restrooms shall be located not more than 200 feet distant from the main entrance of the food facility, shall be available for use by persons associated with the food facility at all times the facility is open, and shall not be located within another business establishment.
(Ord. 563 § 1, 1983; Ord. 735 § 8, 1961; SCC 1333 § 11, 2006)
A single restroom subject to use by either sex, which is located, designed, equipped and constructed in compliance with the provisions of Section 6.04.090, may be provided for food facilities, if the seating capacity of the food facility does not exceed 12 (including seats for video games, chairs and benches).
(Ord. 563 § 1, 1983; SCC 1333 § 12, 2006)
All wastes shall be properly disposed of, and all garbage and trash shall be kept in suitable, leakproof, nonabsorbent receptacles covered with close fitting lids. Garbage disposal units may be used for wet garbage. Receptacles into which waste products are emptied at frequent intervals shall not be required to have lids during such use. Such receptacles shall be thoroughly cleansed after emptying and before reuse.
(Ord. 735 § 13, 1961)
All food and beverage shall be clean, wholesome, free from spoilage, and be so prepared as to be safe for human consumption and shall comply with the provisions of the Health and Safety Code relating to pure foods, adulteration, and all portions pertaining thereto.
(Ord. 735 § 14, 1961)
All food or beverage shall be so stored, displayed, dispensed, or served as to be reasonably protected from dust, dirt, flies, vermin, depredation and pollution by rodents, unnecessary handling droplet infection, overhead leakage, or other contamination.
(Ord. 735 § 16, 1961)
The premises of all food handling establishments shall be clean and free by all reasonable means of litter, rubbish, rodents, roaches, ants, flies, or other insects.
(Ord. 735 § 18, 1961)
No person shall be employed in any food handling establishment who, in the opinion of the Health Officer having jurisdiction, is affected with, or a carrier of, any disease in a stage which is likely to be communicable to persons exposed as a result of the affected employee's normal duties of a food or beverage handler.
(Ord. 735 § 23, 1961)
When a complaint or information as to the possibility of the transmission of infection from any employee or owner is presented to the Health Officer, the Health Officer shall investigate, and may, after investigation, require, in writing, any or all of the following measures:
The immediate exclusion of such employee or owner from the food facility by the Health Officer;
The immediate closing of the food facility until no further danger of disease outbreak exists in the opinion of the Health Officer;
Adequate medical examination of the owner, employee, and co-employees, with such laboratory examination as may be indicated; or should such examination or examinations be refused, then the immediate exclusion of the refusing owner, employee, or co-employee from that or any other food facility until an adequate medical or laboratory examination shows that he/she is not affected with or a carrier of any disease in a communicable form.
(Ord. 735 § 24, 1961; SCC 1333 § 23, 2006)
Any person now operating a food facility without a permit, or any person intending to operate any food facility, shall make an application to the Health Officer upon a form provided by the Health Officer, giving the names of the owner or owners, manager or managers thereof, and such other information as the Health Officer may require for the administration of this chapter and the laws of the State.
Following receipt of such application by the Health Officer, the Health Officer shall make or cause to be made an inspection of the food facility, and if the provisions of this chapter, and the health laws and regulations of the State of California have been complied with, the Health Officer shall so certify that fact to the applicant and within ten days issue a permit to operate. If the food facility does not conform to the provisions of this chapter, or the health laws and regulations of the State, the Health Officer shall not issue a permit.
(Ord. 735 § 25(A), 1961; SCC 1333 § 24, 2006)
The certificate of approval issued by the Health Officer shall be considered the permit to operate under the provisions of this chapter. No permit to operate such place of business shall be issued to any person until all of the provisions of this chapter, the rules and regulations of the Health Officer, the health laws of the state, and the rules and regulations of the State Department of Public Health as well as all other ordinances of the County in relation to proper location, construction, and equipment of food handling establishments has been complied with. Any permit issued under these provisions shall not be transferable to any other person or any other location. No permit shall be valid for a longer period than ten days following date of its issue unless the operator, owner or manager procures a license from the license collector to operate the place of business. The license collector shall issue no license to operate a food handling establishment, as defined herein, until a permit or certificate of approval has been issued by the Health Officer. The application for a permit to operate a food handling establishment when countersigned by the Health Officer, recommending a permit be issued to the applicant, shall be the certificate of approval.
(Ord. 735 § 25(B), 1961)
Any permit issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter may be suspended or revoked by the Health Officer for a violation of the provisions of this chapter, or any health law or regulation of the State. Any food facility for which the permit has been suspended shall close and remain closed until the permit has been reinstated. Any food facility for which the permit has been revoked shall close and remain closed until a new permit is issued.
Whenever the Health Officer finds that a food facility is not in compliance with the requirements of this chapter or any of the health laws or regulations of this state, a written notice to comply shall be issued to the owner. If the owner fails to comply, the Health Officer shall issue to the owner a notice setting forth the violations with which the owner is charged, and informing the owner of the right to a hearing, if requested, to show cause why the permit should not be suspended or revoked.
The Health Officer may also, after providing an opportunity for a hearing, modify, suspend or revoke a permit for serious or repeated violations of any of the requirements of this chapter or any of the health laws and regulations of this state or for interference in the performance of the duty of the Health Officer.
A written request for a hearing shall be made by the owner within 15 calendar days after receipt of the notice. A failure to request a hearing within 15 calendar days after receipt of the notice shall be deemed a waiver of the right to a hearing. When circumstances warrant, the Hearing Officer may order a hearing at any reasonable time within this fifteen day period to expedite the permit suspension or revocation process.
The hearing shall be held within 15 calendar days of the receipt for request for a hearing. Upon written request of the owner, the Hearing Officer may postpone any hearing date, if circumstances warrant such action.
The Hearing Officer shall issue a written notice of the decision to the owner within five working days following the hearing. In the event of a suspension or revocation, the notice shall specify the violations with which the owner is charged, and shall state the terms of the suspension or that the permit has been revoked. The decision of the Hearing Officer shall become final upon the expiration of the time for the filing of an appeal stated in Section 6.04.290.
(Ord. 735 § 25(C), 1961; SCC 1333 § 25, 2006)
Any person whose permit is revoked or suspended pursuant to the provisions of this chapter may appeal to the Board of Supervisors by filing a request for a hearing of such appeal with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors within 10 days after the decision of the Hearing Officer that such permit be suspended or revoked. The Board of Supervisors shall, at the next regular meeting after the filing of the request for hearing on such appeal with the clerk, set the matter for hearing not less than five and not more than 10 days. The Board of Supervisors may at such hearing sustain, reverse, or modify the decision of the Hearing Officer respecting the suspension or revocation of the permit.
(Ord. 735 § 25(D), 1961; SCC 1333 § 26, 2006)
It is unlawful for any person controlling, leasing, acting as agent for, conducting, operating, or managing any food handling establishment in the unincorporated area of the County, to conduct or operate, or cause or permit to be conducted or operated, such food handling establishment without a permit to operate the same, or during the time of suspension of such permit, or after the revocation of such permit, notwithstanding the fact that such person holds a valid license from the County to conduct such business.
(Ord. 735 § 26, 1961)
The Health Officer shall have the right to make reasonable rules and regulations governing the conduct of the food handling establishments as defined herein for the purpose of enforcing the provisions of this chapter. For the purpose of this chapter, such rules and regulations and amendments thereto shall be effective only after approval of the Board of Supervisors.
(Ord. 735 § 27, 1961)
The Health Officer, and the Health Officer's duly authorized agents, are charged with the enforcement of the provisions of this chapter.
The Health Officer, and the Health Officer's duly authorized agents, may at all reasonable times enter any food facility or any place suspected of being a food facility to inspect the premises and utensils, implements, machinery, receptacles, fixtures, furniture, and other equipment, supplies, articles of food, operatives, and employees therein.
(Ord. 735 § 29, 1961; SCC 1333 § 27, 2006)
In addition to the penalties set forth in Section 6.04.340, any violation of the provisions of this chapter is hereby declared a public nuisance.
(Ord. 735 § 31, 1961)