Except as authorized by Section 6.20.110, it shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the business of or otherwise solicit, organize, direct or sponsor the collection or transportation of solid waste within the unincorporated area of the County without possessing a valid, unexpired and unrevoked County solid waste collection franchise. Brokering any of the services identified in this section is lawful only as long as the services brokered are those of a hauling service provider who possesses a valid County franchise.
(SCC 517 § 2, 1982; SCC 0823 § 3, 1991; SCC 1044 § 2, 1996; SCC 1654 § 11, 2019; SCC 1672 § 2, 2021; SCC 1720 § 1, 2023)
The following persons shall be authorized to collect or transport solid waste, including commercial solid waste, within the unincorporated County without a County franchise:
The United States, the State of California, the County, a special district or other local public agency, or any employee or member of the Armed Forces thereof, when collecting or transporting solid waste produced by operation of the public agency under a system of solid waste collection and transportation operated and maintained by the public agency;
The owner, operator or occupant or employee thereof of a farm or ranch zoned five acres or more, when transporting for off-site disposal solid waste that has accumulated as a result of operation of the farm or ranch;
An owner or occupant of a residential unit, when collecting or transporting rubbish, not containing garbage, from his or her residential premises to a lawful point of disposal;
A residential or commercial construction contractor, gardener, or any person engaged in the business of cleaning residential and commercial properties and the employees thereof, when self-hauling waste materials consisting of by-products of the services provided to a lawful disposal location;
Recyclers of organic material, provided they are storing, containerizing, collecting, transporting, and diverting from landfill disposal, organic material in a manner that does not create a public nuisance, including the generation of noxious odors, leakage, and the creation of conditions for the harboring of rats, vermin, and vectors, such recyclers as:
A person or employee thereof, when only collecting or transporting dead animals for disposal or rendering and lawfully operating pursuant to Food and Agricultural Code Section 19200 et seq.,
A person or employee thereof when only collecting or transporting bones, meat scraps or other organic material resulting from food processing plants for tallow, animal feed, energy production, compost, or fertilizer,
A recycler of organic material that is destined for use as either animal feed or for final disposition on land in a manner that is specifically authorized by the State Water Resources Control Board or a Regional Water Quality Control Board, provided such final disposition does not adversely affect public health and safety or the environment,
A recycler that transports less than one cubic yard of food waste per vehicle trip;
A person or employee thereof when only collecting or transporting other waste material to be used as raw material in manufacturing, or waste material for purposes of salvage; provided that such persons shall reuse or recycle or cause to be reused or recycled all materials collected, and shall not transport any collected materials to a disposal site;
An operator or employee thereof of one or more industrial plants which are under single ownership, when collecting or transporting waste material which cannot be handled by standard solid waste collection equipment or which involve significant health, operating or handling hazards, including, but not limited to, rice hulls, tomato pulp, chemical residues, explosives, and other toxic, noxious or hazardous substances; provided that all such wastes shall be deposited at a facility operating in compliance with Title 22 of the California Code of Regulations and any other applicable State or Federal standards;
A person that is in the business of providing moving, hauling, custodial, landscape, clearing, or cleaning services, which may occasionally be augmented by waste material removal and/or disposal services, provided out of necessity to residents and businesses in the County, and that obtains a special businesses license issued by the County pursuant to Title 4 of this Code;
A person collecting or transporting hazardous waste, medical waste, or designated waste, as defined by law, regardless of its source, provided it is delivered to a lawful disposal location;
A person collecting or transporting by-products of sewage treatment, including sludge, sludge ash, grit, and screenings provided it is delivered to a lawful disposal location; and
A person collecting or transporting residue or non-processable waste from a solid waste management facility, including material recovery, composting, and transformation facilities.
Any transportation of solid waste authorized by this section shall be conducted in strict compliance with any and all requirements of this chapter and all applicable State and Federal laws relating to transportation and any regulations issued hereunder.
(SCC 517 § 2, 1982; SCC 1044 § 2, 1996; SCC 1303 § 1, 2005; SCC 1522 § 2, 2013; SCC 1654 § 11, 2019; SCC 1672 § 2, 2021; SCC 1720 § 1, 2023)
Except as otherwise provided by this chapter, all solid waste other than rubbish, and all food waste, created, produced or accumulated in or about a residential unit or other place of human habitation or any business with a fixed location where solid waste and/or food waste is accumulated, situated in the unincorporated area of the County, shall be removed from the premises by the hauler contracted to collect and remove the solid waste and/or food waste at least once every seven days. Pursuant to DWMR rules and regulations issued as required by Section 6.20.035, DWMR may require a greater or lesser number of collections consistent with proper sanitation requirements. It is unlawful for the owner, occupant, tenant or lessee of any of the above-described premises to fail or neglect to provide for the removal of solid waste as required by this section or regulations issued hereunder. Each day's violation of this section shall be treated and considered to be a separate and distinct offense.
(SCC 517 § 2, 1982; SCC 0869 § 17, 1992; SCC 1044 § 2, 1996; SCC 1654 § 11, 2019; SCC 1672 § 2, 2021; SCC 1688 § 2, 2022; SCC 1720 § 1, 2023)
Except as otherwise expressly provided by this chapter, the owner, tenant, or occupant of every improved parcel (parcel with one or more business and/or residential buildings approved for occupancy) located within the unincorporated area of the County shall subscribe to solid waste, recyclable material, and organic material collection service provided by DWMR or a County franchisee. Each business and/or residential building with a separate address and each separate business unit and each separate residential unit with a common address located on such parcel shall subscribe, or participate in the subscription, to such service.
Exceptions to this mandatory service requirement are listed in Sections 6.20.110, 6.20.145, 6.20.445, and 6.20.460.
(SCC 517 § 2, 1982; SCC 694 § 1, 1987; SCC 1044 § 2, 1996; SCC 1522 § 3, 2013; SCC 1654 § 11, 2019; SCC 1672 § 2, 2021; SCC 1720 § 1, 2023)
No person shall place, deposit, dump or accumulate, or cause to be placed, deposited, dumped or accumulated, any solid waste, organic material, or recyclable material on or in any public or private street, public right-of-way, easement, gutter, or sidewalk, or any public or private property, including public parks, within the unincorporated area of the County, without the consent of the owner thereof and except in conformance with this chapter and DWMR rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to Section 6.20.035. No owner, tenant or occupant of any premises in the unincorporated area of the County, whether vacant or improved, shall allow any accumulation of solid waste, organic material, or recyclable material to remain thereon for any period of time if such solid waste, organic material, or recyclable material is determined to constitute a public health or safety hazard. Enforcement of this section is governed by Section 6.20.710.
(SCC 517 § 2, 1982; SCC 1044 § 2, 1996; SCC 1322 § 5, 2006; SCC 1654 § 13, 2019; SCC 1672 § 2, 2021; SCC 1720 § 1, 2023)
Exemptions from mandatory County collection service requirements may be granted, upon application, for an accessory dwelling unit when all of the following conditions are met:
The property is occupied by the owner of record as listed with the County of Sacramento Assessor's Office; and
The accessory dwelling unit is used by the owner or a family member of the owner of record, or a person who resides at the location and is the primary caregiver/caretaker of the resident(s) of the primary dwelling; and
There is not an active short-term rental permit issued by the County's Office of Planning and Environmental Review for the accessory dwelling unit; and
The waste materials generated by the primary dwelling and the accessory dwelling unit does not exceed the amount that can be properly sorted and stored in the approved containers for weekly/bi-weekly removal.
Exemption from mandatory County collection service requirements may be granted, upon application, for a property whose primary use is as a farm or ranch and is zoned five acres or more.
Final determination of an exemption from mandatory County residential collection service requirements shall be made at the discretion of the Director.
Exemptions will be granted to qualified applicants for a period of three years. DWMR may verify the status of the exemption at any time. Property owners must notify DWMR within 10 days if any of the conditions listed in subsection A or B of this section have changed (e.g., the property owner has sold the property; the property owner no longer resides at the property; the accessory dwelling unit has been turned into a rental unit; etc.).
Revocation or denial of an exemption will be mailed to the property owner stating reason(s) for revocation or denial. Regular service and billing will begin immediately following revocation. Revocation of an exemption shall occur upon any of the following events:
It is determined by DWMR that solid waste collection service to the primary dwelling is insufficient to remove weekly the accumulated waste materials on the property, as required by the provisions of Sections 6.20.115 and 6.20.120;
The accessory dwelling unit becomes a rental unit;
Property has changed ownership or the property owner who received the exemption no longer resides at that location;
Property's primary use is no longer a farm or ranch; or
Failure to notify DWMR of any changes in exemption status.
Appeal of denial or revocation of the exemption shall follow the procedures provided in Sections 6.20.755 through 6.20.760.
(SCC 517 § 2, 1982; SCC 1044 § 2, 1996; SCC 1522 § 4, 2013; SCC 1654 § 17, 2019; SCC 1672 § 2, 2021; SCC 1720 § 1, 2023)
No person, other than the customer who has contracted for service with DWMR or a County franchisee or a person with such customer's consent, shall deposit waste material into waste material container, including, but not limited to, bins, drop boxes, compactors, roll carts, or dumpsters placed in the unincorporated area by DWMR or a franchisee for the purpose of receiving waste material.
(SCC 517 § 2, 1982; SCC 1044 § 2, 1996; SCC 1654 § 18, 2019; SCC 1672 § 2, 2021; SCC 1720 § 1, 2023)
Waste material lawfully deposited in containers used by DWMR or a franchisee for collection for either disposal or recycling shall become the property of DWMR or the franchisee, respectively, upon its deposit in any such container. Scavenging of such materials, as described in subsections B and C below, is prohibited.
It shall be unlawful for any person within the unincorporated area of the County, other than DWMR or a franchisee authorized under this chapter, to collect or remove waste materials or salvageable material placed by any person at a curb or in a container for collection by DWMR or the franchisee.
No person shall open, look into, search through, or remove any of the contents from a waste material container located within the unincorporated County other than:
The customer receiving the collection service or who is billed the rates, fees, and charges for the collection service or a person with the customer's consent;
Any employee, agent, or contractor of DWMR or a County franchisee that owns or maintains the container in the performance of their duties; or
Any employee, agent, or contractor of any city, county, state or federal government agency in the performance of their duties.
(SCC 517 § 2, 1982; SCC 644 § 1, 1986; SCC 1044 § 2, 1996; SCC 1654 §§ 19, 20, 2019; SCC 1672 § 2, 2021; SCC 1720 § 1, 2023)
Vehicles used in the collection or transportation of waste material shall be constructed and maintained in such a manner as to minimize the health and safety hazards to collection personnel and to the public. Each vehicle used for the collection and transport of waste material shall be clearly marked with the name of the agency or firm operating the vehicle. All trucks used in the collection and transportation of solid waste in the unincorporated area of the County shall be subject to inspection by EMD, as the Local Enforcement Agency for CalRecycle, for the purpose of determining whether or not they comply with sanitary requirements set forth in Sections 17341-17345 of Title 14 of the CCR.
(SCC 517 § 2, 1982; SCC 568 § 10, 1983; SCC 1044 § 2, 1996; SCC 1618 § 63, 2018; SCC 1654 § 21, 2019; SCC 1672 § 2, 2021; SCC 1720 § 1, 2023)
All vehicles transporting waste material in the County shall comply with California Vehicle Code Section 23115 and have their vehicle loads covered with a tarp or equivalent cover, or otherwise adequately secured, to ensure protection from littering during transportation.
(SCC 1672 § 2, 2021; SCC 1720 § 1, 2023)