All mixed C&D debris and unrecyclable C&D debris, including that from sources other than covered projects, must be contained in a manner so as to prevent blowing or scattering.
Mixed C&D debris and unrecyclable C&D debris, including that from sources other than covered projects, must be hauled by franchisees or by the person who generated that mixed C&D debris.
No C&D debris, including that from sources other than covered projects, shall be deposited on any roadway, or on any real property without a solid waste facilities permit for that real property, whether public or private, or in any river, stream or other waterway, or in any sanitary sewer or storm drainage system.
No C&D debris, including any from sources other than covered projects, shall be burned.
(SCC 1413 § 1, 2009; SCC 1672 § 6, 2021; SCC 1720 § 1, 2023)
Projects covered by this article include all projects covered by Sections 101 and 301 of Part 11 of Title 24 of the CCR. Projects covered by this article also include all full-structure demolitions.
(SCC 1413 § 1, 2009; SCC 1654 § 28, 2019; SCC 1672 § 6, 2021; SCC 1720 § 1, 2023)
Each C&D generator from a covered project shall be responsible for ensuring and demonstrating their compliance with this chapter and shall recycle all recyclable C&D material by any of the following methods:
Source separating recyclable C&D material and recycling it; and/or
Self-hauling mixed C&D debris containing recyclable C&D material to a County-certified C&D sorting facility; and/or
Depositing mixed C&D debris containing recyclable C&D material in a container provided by a County franchisee, who shall deliver that load of mixed C&D to a County-certified C&D sorting facility; and/or
Any other method described in detail on the Waste Management Plan (WMP) and approved by the Director that achieves the diversion requirements contained in Sections 4.408 and 5.408 of Part 11 of Title 24 of the CCR.
Each C&D generator from a covered project shall notify and instruct all employees and subcontractors of the recycling requirement and the methods, described in subsection A, to be employed in meeting that requirement.
The approved WMP and other waste management documents shall be available for inspection by the Director, at the permitted jobsite.
Each C&D generator from a covered project shall keep record of all bills, receipts, and/or scale-house tickets, for hauling or disposal or recycling services, including that of any subcontractors, on file for a period of one year from the date of final inspection by the County or the issuance of the certificate of occupancy, whichever is later.
Nothing in this chapter shall abridge the right of any C&D generator to sell or exchange at fair market value its own recyclable materials which are source separated for reuse and recycling.
(SCC 1413 § 1, 2009; SCC 1654 § 28, 2019; SCC 1672 § 6, 2021; SCC 1720 § 1, 2023)
C&D debris lawfully deposited in bins, drop-boxes or other containers used by a franchisee for collection for either disposal or recyclable materials shall become the property of the franchisee upon its deposit in any such container.
(SCC 1413 § 1, 2009; SCC 1672 § 6, 2021; SCC 1720 § 1, 2023)
The Director is authorized to waive the requirements of this article for projects with special circumstances.
(SCC 1413 § 1, 2009; SCC 1654 § 29, 2019; SCC 1672 § 6, 2021; SCC 1720 § 1, 2023)
Any person applying for a permit for a covered project shall submit a completed WMP, on a form provided by the Director.
The WMP shall provide the following:
The types of waste materials to be generated from the project;
The manner in which C&D debris will be managed on site, for example in dumpsters, bins or corrals;
The manner in which recyclable C&D debris will be diverted, for example by source separation of recyclable C&D debris or by delivery to a certified C&D sorting facility, or both;
The person or persons who will transport C&D material, for example identification of a franchised hauler, independent reusers or recyclers, and indication of any self-hauling activity to be employed; and
Identification of all disposal and recycling facilities, including County-certified C&D sorting facilities, where C&D debris will be delivered.
All WMPs submitted shall be accompanied by a processing fee. The fee shall be set by Board resolution, which may be amended from time to time.
WMPs deemed complete according to the requirements of this article shall be approved by the Director.
A copy of the WMP as well as any signed customer service agreement with a franchisee shall be kept readily available on the project site in the jobsite permit folder.
(SCC 1413 § 1, 2009; SCC 1654 § 29, 2019; SCC 1672 § 6, 2021; SCC 1720 § 1, 2023)
Building Permittee (Permittee). Any permittee deemed in compliance with Sections 4.408.5 and 5.408.5 of Part 11 of Title 24 of the CCR, as applicable to residential or commercial construction permit types, shall be deemed in compliance with this section.
(SCC 1413 § 1, 2009; SCC 1654 § 30, 2019; SCC 1672 § 6, 2021; SCC 1720 § 1, 2023)
Each person issued a building permit for a covered project by the County (permittee) shall at all times maintain accurate and complete records of all C&D debris generated, transported recycled and/or disposed of; the hauler of such C&D debris; and the final destination of such C&D debris. The permittee's books, accounts and records reasonably necessary for the enforcement of this chapter shall be made available for inspection, examination and audit during normal business hours by authorized officers, employees and agents of the County. The Director shall give written notice at least 10 days prior to any inspection, audit or examination of these records.
Accurate and complete records must be maintained by the permittee for a minimum period of 12 months immediately following the date of the issuance of the certificate of occupancy or the project final inspection, whichever is later.
Where the Director determines that an audit is necessary, the permittee shall be responsible for reimbursement of costs incurred by the County, including any consultant services, to perform audits of accounts of all C&D debris generated, transported recycled and/or disposed of; the hauler of such C&D debris; and the final destination of such C&D debris.
(SCC 1413 § 1, 2009; SCC 1654 § 30, 2019; SCC 1672 § 6, 2021; SCC 1720 § 1, 2023)
No person other than a waste generator who has contracted for service with a franchisee, or a person with such generator's consent, shall deposit waste materials into a C&D debris bin, drop box, pen, compactor or any other container placed in the County by a franchised hauler for the purpose of receiving C&D debris.
(SCC 1413 § 1, 2009; SCC 1672 § 6, 2021; SCC 1720 § 1, 2023)