These regulations shall be known as the "Physical Contact Dance Ordinance."
(SCC 1419 § 1, 2009)
This chapter is adopted pursuant to Sections 318.5 and 318.6 of the Penal Code. All words used in this chapter, which also are used in Sections 318.5 and 318.6, are used in the same sense and mean the same as the same respective words used in Sections 318.5 and 318.6 of the Penal Code.
In adopting this chapter the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors relies upon those studies and court cases identified in Section 325-50 of the Sacramento County Zoning Code, its own studies, declarations and reports, as well as the studies and experiences of the City of La Habra in that jurisdiction's adoption of its Municipal Ordinance 1626.
(SCC 1419 § 1, 2009)
An entertainment business having on its premises entertainers dancing or performing other related forms of entertainment wherein performances are being offered by entertainers for the viewing of patrons of the establishment must satisfy the following requirements at all times:
A stage area for the entertainers with a minimum size of 100 square feet.
A minimum distance of six feet between the stage area and the nearest area occupied by patrons of the establishment shall be maintained.
No patron shall be permitted within six feet of the stage while the stage is occupied by entertainer(s).
No entertainer shall perform within six feet of a patron or customer.
Separate dressing room facilities shall be provided for entertainers, where patrons are not permitted entry, and such dressing rooms shall be separated by the gender of the entertainers.
No entertainer shall have physical contact with any patron or customer and no patron or customer shall have physical contact with any entertainer, while the entertainer and patron or customer are on the premises, including contact with or between the specified anatomical areas of the entertainers and patrons respectively, whether clothed or unclothed. This prohibition does not extend to incidental touching. Patrons shall be advised of the separation and no touching requirements by obvious and visible signs placed at the entertainment establishment and, if necessary, by the employees and entertainers of the establishment.
If patrons wish to tip entertainers, tips shall be placed in receptacles which shall be located at least six feet from the entertainer and performing areas. Patrons shall not be permitted to throw tips at the entertainers, hand tips directly to entertainers, or place tips in the entertainer's costumes.
The entertainment business shall provide an entrance/exit to the premises for entertainers which is separate from the entrance/exit used by patrons and shall ensure that each respective entrance/exit is only utilized by the respective person for whom the entrance/exit is designated.
There shall be no physical contact between patrons which contact involves the touching of specified anatomical areas, whether clothed or unclothed. This prohibition does not extend to incidental touching. Patrons shall be advised of the no-touching requirements by signs at the entertainment business and, if necessary, by employees and the entertainers of the establishment.
At no time are an entertainer and customer/patron to be alone together in any room, vestibule, restroom, or private area, separate from the main floor of the entertainment establishment.
(SCC 1419 § 1, 2009)
Every person who violates any provision of this chapter, including customers and patrons, entertainers, and operators of the establishments, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
(SCC 1419 § 1, 2009)
Every person is guilty of a misdemeanor who permits, counsels, or assists any person to violate any provision of this chapter. Or who employs, either directly or as an independent contractor any person who violates any provision of this chapter.
Compliance with this chapter is hereby expressly required as a condition in the General Business License issued pursuant to Chapter 4.06 of this Code for any business providing certain live entertainment as described in Section 9.49.020. Violation of any provision of this chapter, by any patron/customer, employee or entertainer is grounds for revocation of the General Business License for that business.
(SCC 1419 § 1, 2009)
This chapter does not apply to:
Live entertainment conducted in a business establishment possessing a valid, current, unrevoked, unexpired and unsuspended Sacramento County issued General Business License to operate as an adult live theater, as described in Section 130-03.7 of the Sacramento County Zoning Code, which is operating according to and in compliance with all provisions of the Sacramento County Zoning Code relating to the operation and location of a Sexually Oriented business, or pursuant to a stipulated judgment with the County.
Those providing or participating in live entertainment performed in a private residence or hotel or motel room to which the public is not invited.
(SCC 1419 § 1, 2009)