Specific Plans in the County of Sacramento shall be initiated, reviewed, prepared, approved and amended pursuant to the requirements of this chapter, Title 21, and the County of Sacramento Zoning Ordinance.
(SCC 0908 § 1, 1993)
Specific Plans are authorized by California Government Code which specifies minimum contents and provides for collection of fees and an additional environmental review procedure. California law mandates:
A Specific Plan shall include a text and a diagram or diagrams which specify all of the following in detail:
The distribution, location and extent of the uses of land including open space, within the area covered by the plan.
The proposed distribution, location and extent and intensity of major components of public and private transportation, sewage, water, drainage, solid waste disposal, energy and other essential facilities proposed to be located within the area covered by the plan.
Standards and criteria by which development will proceed, and standards for the conservation and utilization of natural resources, where applicable.
A program of implementation measures including regulations, programs, public works projects, and financing measures necessary to carry out paragraph (1), (2), and (3).
The Specific Plan shall include a statement of relationship of the Specific Plan with the General Plan.
California law also provides that a Specific Plan may include optional contents to "address any other subjects which in the judgment of the planning agency are necessary or desirable for the implementation of the General Plan."
(SCC 0908 § 1, 1993)
The purpose of the Specific Plan process is to provide an application tool for use in implementing the County's General Plan on an area-specific basis. A Specific Plan prepared in accordance with the requirements set forth herein is intended to serve as a policy and/or regulatory document, with policy direction and project development concepts consistent with the County's General Plan, and the development standards and zoning included to address the unique situations within the Specific Plan area to provide regulatory controls.
In the event there is a discrepancy between standards adopted within a Specific Plan and comparable regulations of the County of Sacramento's Zoning Code or development standards, the standards and regulations made part of the Specific Plan shall prevail.
(SCC 0908 § 1, 1993)
Pursuant to State law, after the legislative body has adopted a General Plan, the Planning Agency may, or if so directed by the legislative body, shall prepare Specific Plans for the systematic implementation of the General Plan for all or part of the area covered by the General Plan. Specific Plans shall be utilized to implement the policy and intent of the County of Sacramento General Plan and shall not be used to circumvent the General Plan process in which general development policy is determined. California law provides that a Specific Plan may include optional contents to implement the General Plan. Each Specific Plan shall describe measures that are being proposed to meet air quality mandates, address traffic congestion and present land use designs responsive to travel by pedestrians, automobile traffic and public transit.
The preparation and processing of Specific Plans shall be a collaborative effort between the applicant and County staff. Input shall be obtained from community members. Based on this input, the County and applicant shall strive to create a plan that conforms to Community-wide planning goals.
(SCC 0908 § 1, 1993)
Application fees for the review and preparation of Specific Plans shall be set by a resolution of the Board of Supervisors as provided by Section 65456 of the California Government Code which allows fees to be charged to recover the costs incurred to provide staff time to review the applications, prepare, review, and comment on the Specific Plan proposal and corresponding documents, and the costs associated with the public hearing process. The applicant and County shall enter into an agreement that specifies how fees are to be charged to cover these costs.
(SCC 0908 § 1, 1993; SCC 1508 § 1, 2012)
A Specific Plan shall be initiated by the Board of Supervisors by a resolution of intention.
Criteria for Specific Plan Initiation.
Specific Plans may be initiated either: (a) within the Urban Policy Area (UPA) as identified in the adopted General Plan; (b) within any area inside the Urban Services Boundary where a formal Community Plan update has been initiated by the Board of Supervisors; or (c) within any other area provided the Board of Supervisors determines that a Specific Plan would be consistent with concurrent or pending amendments to the General Plan.
Request for Specific Plan Process. Request for preparation of a Specific Plan may be initiated by either private parties or by the County.
Private parties wishing to use a Specific Plan to implement General Plan policy shall petition the County requesting permission to prepare a Specific Plan for their project. The petitioner shall file a "Request to Prepare a Specific Plan" with the County of Sacramento Community Planning and Development Department, and shall pay appropriate fees for staff time to review the request. The petitioner is not required to own or otherwise control the majority of the property requested to be included within the Specific Plan area.
Said petition shall include:
A description of the proposed project;
A brief justification for the use of the Specific Plan process;
A vicinity map drawn to scale showing the proposed Specific Plan area and areas within one mile of the property;
A location map drawn to scale showing the property and exterior property lines within 500 feet of the subject property;
Mailing labels with the names and addresses of property owners, and assessor's parcel numbers for the properties shown on the location map, listed from the latest assessor's roll;
The existing land use (i.e., General Plan, Community Plan and Zoning) designations for the properties shown on the map;
An outreach plan that describes how the project proponent plans to inform and engage neighbors and members of the general public about the proposed project;
If located outside of the UPA, an explanation of how the proposed project meets the criteria specified in subsection D of this section; and
Any additional information required by the Planning Director to show the need or desirability to utilize the Specific Plan process.
The initiation of a Specific Plan by the County shall require preparation of a staff report to the Board of Supervisors addressing subsections (B)(1) through (B)(9).
Initial Notification of Request to Initiate a Specific Plan. Upon scheduling of the petition at a hearing of the Board of Supervisors, the Community Planning and Development Department shall conduct an initial notification of this hearing. Notice shall be given as described in Section 65091 of the California Government Code. The applicant shall provide any necessary mailing labels as part of the petition submittal. In addition, the Department shall provide the appropriate local Community Planning Advisory Council (CPAC) with a copy of the petition request and invite comment of the CPAC prior to consideration of the petition by the Board of Supervisors.
Criteria for Specific Plan Initiation When Located Outside the UPA. The County shall only accept applications to expand the UPA or initiate an expansion of the UPA if the Board finds that the proposal meets the following criteria:
Parallel Processes to Expand UPA and Prepare Specific Plans. Proposed expansions of the UPA will only be considered when accompanied by a request to initiate a Specific Plan process for all land encompassed by the proposed UPA expansion boundary;
Project Justification Statement and Outreach Plan. Proposed projects to expand the UPA must be accompanied by both a justification statement and an outreach plan. The justification statement shall be a comprehensive explanation of the proposed request and the development it would allow. It must include background information, reasoning, and the goal(s) and benefits of the proposed project;
Proximity to Existing Urbanized Areas. Proposed UPA expansions must have significant borders that are adjacent to the existing UPA or a city boundary; and
Logical, Comprehensive, and Cohesive Planning Boundaries. Proposed projects to expand the UPA must consist of a contiguous set of parcels that have a regular outside boundary consistent with logical planning boundaries. All parcels within this boundary must be included in both the proposed UPA expansion and the proposed Specific Plan.
Consideration by Board of Supervisors. The petition and the planning staff report shall be forwarded to the Clerk of the Board and scheduled as an item on the agenda for a regularly scheduled Board of Supervisors meeting. The Board of Supervisors may act to deny said petition or accept the petition directing that the petitioner and County prepare a Specific Plan for the area as proposed by the petitioner, or as recommended in the staff report prepared by the County Community Planning and Development Department. If the Board of Supervisors accepts said petition, the Board shall adopt a resolution initiating the Specific Plan process and may direct the formation of a technical advisory committee, and may direct that a letter introducing the project be circulated to key agencies and other interested parties.
(SCC 0908 § 1, 1993; SCC 1446 § 1, 2010; SCC 1508 § 2, 2012)
If the Board of Supervisors adopts a resolution initiating a Specific Plan pursuant to Section 21.14.065 of this chapter, no private applications for General Plan amendments, Community Plan amendments, rezones or tentative maps relating to property included within the area for which a Specific Plan has been initiated shall be accepted unless one of the following conditions is met.
The Board of Supervisors has previously amended its resolution initiating a Specific Plan to delete the property for which a General Plan amendment, Community Plan amendment, rezone or tentative map is sought;
The applicant desires to pursue such General Plan amendment, Community Plan amendment, rezone or tentative map concurrently with the Specific Plan and has entered into an agreement with the County to financially participate in the preparation of the Specific Plan; or
The Specific Plan relative to the property for which a General Plan amendment, Community Plan amendment, rezone or tentative map is sought has been approved, denied or withdrawn.
(SCC 0930 § 1, 1993; SCC 1508 § 3, 2012)
Application. The application for a Specific Plan shall include a formal application form with accompanying diagrams and other pertinent information regarding proposed amendments to appropriate plans (e.g., General Plan, Community Plan) or proposals to amend zoning provisions. These diagrams and other information may consist of conceptual land use diagrams or, in the event specific land uses have not been determined, objectives describing the intent of urbanization. Due to the significant role an adopted Specific Plan plays in the implementation of the General Plan, project applicants should seek guidance from the Community Planning and Development Department prior to submitting an application for a Specific Plan. Such guidance regarding relevant General Plan goals, policies, land use, and implementation programs may be provided through pre-application conferences, written material, study sessions or other appropriate means. Submission of this application will not begin the County's formal 30 day application review process.
Initial Environmental Review. The County's Office of Planning and Environmental Review (PER) shall review the initial Specific Plan application and may identify information and technical studies ultimately required by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). To the extent possible, PER staff will review and validate reports submitted during the initial review period describing base-line information and existing conditions, from which assumptions on preparation of the Plan will be made. Validation of these reports shall not preclude staff from requiring additional information during the formal CEQA review process.
Community Outreach. The application for a Specific Plan shall specify a community outreach element that describes how the applicant intends to inform the neighbors and/or surrounding community, and non-participating property owners about the project and address community concerns. The outreach plan may include neighborhood meetings, mailings, or the formation of a Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC).
Technical Advisory Committee. As directed by the Board of Supervisors pursuant to Section 21.14.060(F), the County may assemble and convene a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) comprised of select representatives from key County departments and other agencies. The TAC shall meet with the project applicant as necessary to discuss key project issues and shall review technical matters as appropriate. The Technical Advisory Committee shall provide the project applicant with information regarding County policy, standards and guidelines in response to the proposed project. The TAC is advisory; the County will have the authority to determine adequacy of documents pursuant to Section 21.14.070(E).
Preparation. Prior to the actual preparation of the Plan or other technical studies, the applicant shall meet with appropriate County staff and/or the TAC to review assumptions, methodology, data and information resources, timeframe and scope of work. These items shall be prepared to the satisfaction of the Community Planning and Development Department Director. The Specific Plan and accompanying technical documents and studies may be prepared by the project applicant or applicant's representative. The Specific Plan and related technical documents are, however, subject to the review and approval of the County of Sacramento. The Planning Director has the authority to require revisions to technical information deemed inadequate. In the event that consensus between the project applicant and the County is not reached, the Planning Director may require that alternatives to the Plan be prepared and submitted for review. These alternatives may be required in order to meet policies of the General Plan and applicable Community Plan.
County Staff Review of Draft Documents. In order to initiate the County's formal application review process, the applicant shall indicate in writing the submittal of a formal "request to initiate staff review" along with all appropriate draft documents, such as Draft Technical Studies or the Draft Specific Plan. The "request to initiate staff review" shall begin the County's 30 day review period consistent with the State Permit Streamlining Act (Section 65920 et seq.). The formal request and draft documents shall be marked with a date received stamp. During the 30 day review period, County staff may find the documents incomplete and may request additional information. The project shall not proceed forward until all additional information is received and the application is deemed adequate and complete.
CEQA Environmental Review. Following acceptance by the Office of Planning and Environmental Review, staff, the Specific Plan shall be forwarded processed for the preparation of the appropriate environmental documentation pursuant to CEQA and the County's Procedures for Preparation and Processing of Environmental Documents pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) ("Procedures"). A fee for the preparation of the CEQA Environmental Document shall be estimated by the Environmental Coordinator. The applicant shall be responsible for all costs associated with preparation of the environmental document and shall pay such fees as set forth in the County's Procedures.
Public Review and Comment. Following publication of the CEQA Environmental Document, the Specific Plan and Environmental Document shall be circulated for public review and comment as provided for by State law and the County's Procedures, and shall be scheduled for public hearing before the County Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors.
(SCC 0908 § 1, 1993; SCC 1400 § 36, 2008; SCC 1508 § 4, 2012; SCC 1606 § 69, 2017)
Specific Plan documents shall be in substantial conformance with the form and content outline as discussed by the County of Sacramento's Specific Plan Procedures and Preparation Guide.
(SCC 0908 § 1, 1993)
The County Planning Commission is the appropriate authority to review the Specific Plan application and may recommend denial or approval of the Specific Plan. After review of the Specific Plan by the Commission, the Plan and the Commission's recommendation shall be referred to the Board of Supervisors for a final decision. If the Planning Commission's recommendation is for denial, the Plan and the justification for the Commission's recommendation shall proceed to the Board of Supervisors without the necessity to file an appeal. If the Commission's recommendation is for modification of the Specific Plan, additional environmental review pursuant to CEQA and the CEQA guidelines may be required.
The Board of Supervisors may approve or deny the proposed project. If approval is granted, the Specific Plan shall be adopted in its entirety by ordinance and referenced by Title and section in the Zoning Ordinance.
(SCC 0908 § 1, 1993; SCC 1400 § 37, 2008)
Upon approval of the Specific Plan document by the Board of Supervisors, the Community Plan and Zoning Map will delineate Specific Plans in a manner similar to that of any other zoning district except that each SP-zoned area shall be clearly outlined on the Community Plan and Zoning Grid Map and bear a number which distinguishes it from other Specific Plan areas. The assignment of the SP designation and number services to provide a reference to the document. Upon approval, in most cases an adopted Specific Plan will create zoning categories unique to that Plan; these zoning regulations and standards will be described within the Plan itself rather than within the Community Plan, or in the Zoning Ordinance.
(SCC 0908 § 1, 1993)
Each Specific Plan shall specify the revision procedures and define what types of modifications qualify as a revision. The approval of the Planning Director will be required to incorporate revisions requested of a Specific Plan. Revisions may consist of such items as typographical errors, measurement errors or boundary adjustments as allowed by the Specific Plan. Said revisions shall comply with the requirements and intent of the Specific Plan and shall not change the basic configuration or intent of the plan. An Initial Study shall be prepared by the County's Environmental Coordinator for all applications for revision to the Specific Plan to determine the appropriate environmental document for processing the revision pursuant to CEQA and the County procedures for preparation and processing of environmental documents.
(SCC 0908 § 1, 1993; SCC 1508 § 5, 2012; SCC 1606 § 70, 2017)
Proposals to amend a Specific Plan which necessitates a General Plan Amendment to maintain consistency shall be subject to the limitations General Plans have under the California Government Code with regards to the number of times amendments that may be considered in a year, unless said amendment is deemed unnecessary due to criteria identified in the Zoning Consistency matrix of the General Plan.
(SCC 0908 § 1, 1993)