The office of the County Executive is hereby created, and the person holding such office shall be chief executive officer of the County. The County Executive shall be a person of demonstrated administrative ability, having had experience in responsible, important executive capacity, and shall be selected and appointed on the basis of his executive and administrative qualifications. No member of the Board of Supervisors, or of the Board of Freeholders who prepared this Charter, and no person who has held an elective county office in this County during the preceding year, shall be eligible to hold such office as the first appointee thereto. Thereafter, no member of the Board of Supervisors shall be eligible for appointment to the office of County Executive during the term of office of such Supervisor, nor within one year after his retirement therefrom.
The County Executive, subject to the approval of the Board of Supervisors, may appoint a qualified member of his staff to act in his place and stead during his absence. Such appointment may be terminated at any time by the Board of Supervisors, in which event the Board of Supervisors shall appoint one of the County Officers, to be by them designated, as acting County Executive.
The County Executive may be removed by the Board of Supervisors, four-fifths of the members thereof voting in favor of such removal. It shall be necessary for the Board of Supervisors in the Resolution of Removal, to set forth the reasons therefor; said Resolution shall not become effective until ten days after its adoption, but said officer may be suspended in the meantime; provided, however, that the Board of Supervisors may by unanimous vote remove said County Executive without giving any reason for such removal, in which case said Resolution of Removal may be made effective immediately.
The County Executive shall serve at the will of the appointing power, provided, however, that the County Executive first appointed under this Charter, may not be removed within two years from the date on which he assumes his duties, except for incompetency, malfeasance, misfeasance, or neglect of duties, nor shall any County Executive subsequently appointed be removed within twelve months from the date on which he assumes his duties, except for the same causes.
The County Executive shall receive a salary which shall be fixed by the Board of Supervisors prior to his appointment, and annually thereafter. Such salary shall be payable in twelve equal monthly installments.