The elective county officers, other than members of the Board of Supervisors shall be:
District Attorney
A Board of Education which shall be elected as required by State Law.
Appointive county officers, boards and commissions shall be those enumerated in Section 26 and 27 of this Article, and those provided for by general law, together with such other officers, boards and commissions as may hereafter be made appointive by the Board of Supervisors, pursuant to the provisions of this Charter.
The Board of Supervisors shall, subject to the provisions of this Charter, appoint a County Executive, a Board of Law Library Trustees, and a Civil Service Commission.
Notwithstanding any provisions of this Charter to the contrary or inconsistent therewith, the Board of Supervisors may appoint a County Counsel and fix his compensation. The County Counsel shall be duly qualified and licensed attorney admitted to practice in all of the Courts of the State of California. He shall act as legal advisory and counsel for the various county officers, boards and commissions, as prescribed by general laws. He shall also act as attorney for the Public Administrator in the matter of all the estates under the jurisdiction of the Public Administrator, and in every such matter collect the attorney fees allowed by law and pay same into the County Treasury. The first appointment shall be made from the Civil Division of the District Attorney's Office. If the person appointed has permanent Civil Service status, he shall have the same status as County Counsel. All employees of the Civil Division of the District Attorney's Office shall become employees of the Office of County Counsel and shall retain their civil service status in the same grade and class.
The County Executive shall, subject to confirmation by the Board of Supervisors, appoint a:
County Engineer
Tax Collector
License Collector
County Clerk
Public Administrator
Director of Finance
Agricultural Commissioner and Sealer of Weights and Measures
County Librarian
Purchasing Agent
and such other officers as are not mentioned in the foregoing Section 26. The Tax Collector shall be exofficio License Collector. The offices of the Coroner and Public Administrator are hereby consolidated. The offices of Surveyor and County Engineer are hereby consolidated, and the duties required by law to be performed by the Surveyor shall be performed by the Engineer. The former offices of Auditor and Treasurer are hereby consolidated and their duties shall be performed by the Director of Finance.
If the Board of Supervisors shall, within thirty days after submission by the County Executive of a nominee for confirmation by said Board, fail to take action upon same, said failure so to act shall be conclusively deemed to be, and shall operate as, a confirmation by the said Board.
The Board of Education shall appoint a Superintendent of Schools.
All county officers holding offices which were elective immediately prior to the time this Charter takes effect shall continue to hold their respective offices until the expiration of their present terms, unless sooner removed in the manner provided by law. The terms of all other county officers shall expire upon the taking effect of this Charter, provided, however, that each shall continue to hold office until his successor has been appointed and has qualified.
Terms of all officers, employees, boards and commissions, unless otherwise herein or by law provided, shall be at the pleasure of the appointing power.
The manner and method of appointment and removal of the probation officer and assistants and the members of the probation committee, shall be as is now or as hereafter may be provided by general law.
Whenever a vacancy shall occur in any elective county or township office, other than in the Board of Supervisors, the Board of Supervisors shall fill the same in the manner, and the appointee shall hold office for the time, provided by general law.
Whenever a vacancy shall occur in any appointive county or township office such vacancy shall be filled, subject to the manner and method herein provided with respect to the original appointment, by the person, board or commission, as the case may be, empowered herein to make such original appointment.
Every appointive officer appointed by the Board of Supervisors may be suspended or removed by the Board of Supervisors. Every appointive officer appointed by the County Executive may be suspended or removed by him, except that any suspension or removal of such officer must first be confirmed by the Board of Supervisors. If the officer is a part of the classified service, the suspension or removal shall be in accordance with Section 45-A and the rules of the Civil Service Commission which are applicable to the classified service.
The annual compensation of elective officers of the County of Sacramento shall be fixed by Ordinance of the Board of Supervisors.
The annual compensation of the appointive officers of the County of Sacramento shall be fixed by Ordinance of the Board of Supervisors.
The Board of Supervisors shall by ordinance fix and regulate the appointment and number of assistants, deputies, clerks, attaches and other persons to be employed, from time to time, in the several offices of the County, and they shall, in like manner, prescribe and regulate the powers, duties, qualifications and compensation of such persons, the times at which and the terms for which they shall be appointed, and the manner of their appointment and removal, as in this Charter provided; provided, however, that such ordinance shall authorize elective officers to appoint their deputies and such subordinates as shall be designated and provided by said ordinance, and that appointive officers may appoint their deputies and subordinates, subject to the approval of the County Executive.
NOTE: The provisions of this Section insofar as it relates to the removal and appointment of employees in civil service positions are abrogated by the provisions of Article XVI. Section 37A provides that the Board may establish or eliminate positions by resolution, as well as by ordinance.
The Board of Supervisors shall establish a uniform rate of compensation for chief deputies, deputies, assistants, clerks, secretaries, stenographers, typists, copyists, and others, in the employ of the County of Sacramento, not including professionally educated persons so employed, which rate of compensation shall be as recommended by the County Executive.
Except as otherwise required by state law, the Board of Supervisors may provide for the compensation of officers and employees by resolution or contract with recognized employee organizations, as well as by ordinance and may establish or eliminate positions by resolution, as well as by ordinance.
The Judges of the Superior Court may appoint the phonographic reporters, subject to the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure of the State of California, but the Board of Supervisors shall by ordinance determine the fees to be charged by such phonographic reporters.
Every county or township officer, board or commission, authorized to collect fees or money must pay into the county treasury all such fees or moneys collected by him or them, as the case may be, not later than seven days following receipt thereof, except that the Tax Collector shall deposit his collection with the County Treasurer daily. Said officer, board or commission shall also file therewith a detailed statement of same in writing, a duplicate copy of which shall at the same time be filed with the Auditor, in such form as the Auditor may require.