For the purpose of this chapter, the following words and phrases are defined, and shall be construed as set out in this section unless it is apparent from the context that a different meaning is intended:
means salary, fee, gift, payment, benefit, subscription, loan, advance, stock, stock option, partnership, interest, reimbursement, or deposit of money or anything of value; or a contract, promise or agreement to make compensation.
means promoting, supporting, influencing, modifying, opposing or delaying by any means, including, but not limited to, the provision or use of information, statistics, studies or analyses.
"Legislative or administrative action"
means the proposal, drafting, development, analysis, introduction, consideration, amendment, enactment or defeat of any resolution, rate, ordinance, motion, contract, agreement, franchise, license, permit, rule or regulation of the city.
Communicating in the presence of a city official or employee, with the intent to influence any legislative or administrative action of that official or employee, which action is directly or indirectly related to cable television; or
Engaging in activities having the express purpose of soliciting others to communicate with a city official or employee, with the intent to influence legislative or administrative action directly or indirectly related to cable television.
means any person who is employed or receives compensation for lobbying legislative or administrative action directly or indirectly related to cable television. Any person who engages in lobbying and within twelve months prior to the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter, or at any time thereafter, receives or is promised stock or any ownership interest in any business entity undertaking activities designed or intended to effect ownership or operation of a cable television system in the city at the time of the receipt or the promise shall be considered a lobbyist.
"Lobbyist employer"
means any person who employs or contracts for the services of one or more lobbyists, whether independently or jointly with others.
"Official or employee"
means any person elected to, appointed to or employed by the city, or any city agency, board, commission or committee, whether or not paid in whole or in part with city funds.
means any individual, proprietorship, corporation, firm, partnership, trust, association, joint venture, syndicate, company, committee, or any other organization or group of persons acting in concert.
(Prior code § 10816.1)
Any lobbyist shall file with the city clerk a registration statement disclosing the following:
The person's name, occupation, business address, telephone number;
The name and business address of each person, if any, employing and/or compensating the registrant to lobby legislative or administrative action relating to cable television and, where the employing or compensating person is a corporation, a list of all stockholders or owners holding five percent or more of the stock or other ownership interest thereof, and all subsidiary corporations or companies, and where the employing or compensating person is a partnership or joint venture, a list of all general partners, joint ventures or partners holding five percent or more of ownership interest therein;
A brief description of the legislative or administrative action such person is seeking to influence.
Within thirty days after a change in any information contained in said statement, an amendment to the statement shall be made to reflect the change, including termination of lobbyist status.
Each statement shall be valid until December 31st of each odd-numbered year.
No registration fee shall be charged.
(Prior code § 10816.2)
The following acts do not require a person to register as a lobbyist:
Professional services in drafting bills or in advising and rendering opinions to clients as to the construction and effect of proposed or pending actions, where these services do not otherwise constitute lobbying activities;
Appearance before the council or any city committee, board or commission, upon its specific invitation or request, but only if the person engages in no further or other activities which would constitute lobbying;
Appearance as part of the official duties of a duly elected or appointed official or employee of the state or a governmental entity of the state, or of the United States, and not in behalf of any other entity;
Actions of a publisher or working member of the press, radio or television, in the ordinary course of the business of disseminating news or making editorial comment to the general public, who does not, however, engage in further or other lobbying that would directly and specifically benefit the economic, business or professional interests of himself or his or her employer;
The representation of a bona fide religious organization solely for the purpose of protecting the right of its own members to practice the doctrine of the organization.
(Prior code § 10816.3)
Every lobbyist required to register under Section 2.56.020 shall file quarterly reports containing:
The amount of each expenditure made by the person filing a statement to influence legislative or administrative action directly or indirectly related to cable television, and the specific purpose of that expenditure, along with the total amount of all such expenditures;
In the case of expenditures which benefit in whole or in part any councilmember, city officer or employee, local organized business group, fraternal group, local club, business entity, civic group, service organization or other local group or person, the date and amount of the expenditure, together with the full name and address of the payee, and the full name and official position, if any, of each beneficiary, if the beneficiary is other than the payee or lobbyist, and the exact legislative or administrative action sought to be influenced;
The monetary value of all payments, including, but not limited to, salaries, fees, and reimbursement of expenses received or earned, even though the payment date is not yet due, received in consideration for, or directly or indirectly in support of or in connection with influencing legislative or administrative action relating to cable television, and the full name and address of each person from whom accounts or things of value have been received, and the total monetary value received from each person;
A listing of all communications or contracts relating to cable television, not made at a public hearing or meeting of the city, with individual council members, or city officers or employees who have duties and responsibilities with respect to cable television, together with the names of the participants in the discussion, and any written material provided.
Reports required by this section shall be filed with the city clerk on or before the fifteenth day of the month following each calendar quarter, and shall cover only the preceding calendar quarter, except that the first such report hereunder shall be filed within thirty days of the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter.
(Prior code § 10816.4)
No lobbyist or lobbyist employer shall make a campaign contribution to a candidate for city council or other controlled committee within the period commencing thirty days prior to a municipal election for a seat on the city council.
All lobbyists or lobbyist employers shall file a report with the city clerk listing campaign contributions made to city council candidates or their controlled committees, and the amounts and recipients, on the fifteenth day prior to any municipal election for a seat on the city council.
(Prior code § 10816.5)
Violation of any provision of this chapter shall be a misdemeanor, punishable as provided by Chapter 1.20 of this code.
(Prior code § 10816.6)