The city reserves the right to change the grade, to change the width or to alter or change the location of any highway over which the franchise is granted, if any of the pipelines, facilities or appurtenances heretofore or hereafter constructed, installed or maintained by the franchisee pursuant to the franchise on, along, under, over, in, upon or across any highway are located in a manner which prevents or interferes with the change of grade, traffic needs, operation, maintenance, improvement, repair, construction, reconstruction, widening, alteration or relocation of the highway, or any work or improvement upon the highway, the franchisee shall relocate permanently or temporarily any such facility at no expense to the city upon receipt of a written request from the city to do so, and shall commence such work on or before the date specified in such written request, which date shall be not less than thirty days from receipt of such written request. The franchisee shall thereafter diligently prosecute such work to completion; provided, however, if such highway is subsequently constituted as state highway, thereafter and so long as such highway remains a state highway, no such change of location shall be required for a temporary purpose.
The city reserves the right for itself to lay, construct, repair, alter, relocate and maintain subsurface or other facilities or improvements of any type or description, in a governmental but not proprietary capacity, within the highways over which the franchise is granted. If the city finds that the location or relocation of such facilities or improvements conflicts with the facilities laid, constructed or maintained under the franchise, whether such facilities were laid before or after the facilities of the city, the franchisee of such franchise shall, at no expense to the city, on or before the date specified in a written request from the city, which date shall be not less than thirty days after the receipt of such notice and request to do so, commence work to change the location either permanently or temporarily of all facilities so conflicting with such improvements to a permanent or temporary location in such highways, to be approved by the city, and thereafter diligently prosecute such work to completion. If such highway is subsequently constituted a state highway, while it remains a state highway, the rights of the state shall be as provided in Section 680 of the Streets and Highways Code of the state.
(Prior code § 10304)
At all times during the term of the franchise, the franchisee shall maintain or arrange for, on a twenty-four-hour-a-day basis, adequate emergency equipment and a properly trained emergency crew within a reasonable distance from any facilities installed or maintained pursuant thereto for the purpose of shutting off the pressure and the flow of contents of such facilities in the event of an emergency resulting from an earthquake, act of war, civil disturbance, fire, flood, or any other cause or nature whatsoever.
(Prior code § 10305)