The following license fees, set out in this chapter, are levied for the purpose of revenue and not for regulation. The fee for any license required by the Business License Law shall be as specified in Section 5.12.020 unless a different fee is otherwise specifically hereinafter required. The fee and the duration of the license shall be annual unless specifically designated otherwise.
(Prior code § 6600)
Businesses, professions, trades and occupations, as defined in Section 5.12.040 of the Business License Law unless specifically provided otherwise in this chapter, shall procure a business license and pay a fee annually as follows:
Base Rate
Gross Receipts Tax Rate
$25 Flat Rate per Business (first $25,000 in Gross)
0.002 X Gross
General Commerce/Retail
0.001 X Gross
Rental (Commercial & Residential)
0.003 X Gross
0.001 X Gross
0.003 X Gross
Business Type
Base Rate $25 per Business
Est. Industrial Business Square Feet
Rate per Square Foot
The words "gross receipts," as used in this section, mean gross receipts as defined in Section 5.04.280 of this title.
Where a business comes within the license provisions of this Section 5.12.020 and is not otherwise specifically provided for, the business license fee hereinbefore set forth shall apply to each separate and independent business location or situs within the city. "Independent," as used in this section, means an independent operating business, although branch businesses or businesses under the same management and ownership may have overlapping services, management or personnel or equipment.
(Prior code § 6601; Ord. 1164 § 2, 2022)
Notwithstanding the foregoing or any other provision of this title, the director of finance or an authorized deputy may issue a principal solicitor's license to every person either employing or contracting with one or more individuals for solicitors' services, as defined in this title. If a principal solicitor should elect to use the provisions of this section, no principal solicitor's license shall be issued until the applicant has a contract, and unless the applicant executes an agreement that he or she will, within five days thereafter, notify the director of finance in writing of every change in personnel of those so soliciting for him or her. In addition, no principal solicitor's license shall be issued until all regulatory provisions of the Business License Law have been complied with. In such an event, the application fee for a solicitor's permit shall be included within the principal solicitor's license fee, but each individual solicitor must obtain a permit in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Business License Law.
Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to grant to a principal solicitor the privilege of soliciting unless there is maintained in full force and effect for each individual solicitor a permit in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Business License Law.
The license fee for a principal solicitor's license shall be two hundred fifty dollars annually, plus five dollars for each solicitor to whom a permit is issued.
(Prior code § 6601.1)
The following businesses, professions, trades and/or occupations, set out in Sections 5.12.050 through 5.12.210 of this chapter, because of their nature and circumstances, shall have a different license fee than that set forth in Section 5.12.020, which shall be in the amount hereinafter set forth in this chapter.
(Prior code § 6602)
The fee for amusement games, rides and booths shall be fifty dollars per game or booth, and fifteen dollars per ride.
(Prior code § 6602.1a)
The fees for antique dealers, stamp dealers and coin dealers shall be as follows:
Antique Dealers. Fifty dollars, plus fifty cents per one thousand dollars on the first five hundred thousand dollars of gross receipts. Gross receipts over five hundred thousand dollars will be taxed at the rates specified in Section 5.12.020.
Stamp Dealers. Fifty dollars, plus fifty cents per one thousand dollars on the first five hundred thousand dollars of gross receipts. Gross receipts over five hundred thousand dollars will be taxed at the rates specified in Section 5.12.020.
Coin Dealers. Fifty dollars, plus fifty cents per one thousand dollars on the first five hundred thousand dollars of gross receipts. Gross receipts over five hundred thousand dollars will be taxed at the rates specified in Section 5.12.020.
(Prior code § 6602.13)
The fee for billiard or pool halls shall be one hundred dollars for the first table and five dollars for each additional table.
(Prior code § 6602.1)
The fee for organizations authorized to conduct bingo games shall be fifty dollars. If an application for a license is denied, one-half of any license fee paid shall be refunded to the applicant.
(Prior code § 6602.14)
Every person conducting an apartment house, as defined in Section 15003 of the Health and Safety Code, a hotel as defined in Section 15020 of the Health and Safety Code, a bungalow court, a boardinghouse, or any other building or group of contiguous buildings containing three or more rental units shall pay a license fee as follows: Three to ten rental units, seventy-five dollars, plus five dollars for each rental unit over ten.
(Prior code § 6602.2)
The fee for bowling alleys shall be fifty dollars for the first alley, plus twelve dollars for each additional alley.
(Prior code § 6602.3)
The fee for carnivals, circuses and rodeos shall be one hundred fifty dollars per day.
(Prior code § 6602.4)
Any person conducting an adult business, as defined in this title, shall pay a single license fee of five hundred dollars per year.
Any person employed, hired, engaged, or otherwise retained in an adult business to participate in or give any live performance displaying "specified anatomical areas" or "specified sexual activities," as defined in this title, shall pay a single license fee of five hundred dollars per year.
(Prior code § 6602.5; Ord. 980 § 2, 2002; Ord. 1104 § 5, 2017)
The fee for deliveries and limousines shall be forty-five dollars per vehicle, for all types of deliveries, including pickup and delivery, whether wholesale or retail, of goods, liquids, materials, edibles, personal property of any nature, petroleum products, and all other kinds and types of property where there is no fixed place of business.
"Limousines," for the purpose of this section, means and includes large, luxurious sedans, vans, buses and every motor vehicle for hire used in the business of carrying passengers from one location to another. The destination and route of the vehicle for hire is under the control of the passengers being carried therein. "Limousines" do not include taxis or ambulances.
(Prior code § 6602.6)
The fee for drive-in restaurants, take-out restaurants and beer bars shall be one hundred dollars for the first twenty-four thousand dollars of gross receipts, plus fifty cents for each one thousand dollars of gross receipts exceeding twenty-four thousand dollars.
(Prior code § 6602.12)
Every person engaged in the business of fortunetelling shall pay an annual license tax of five hundred dollars.
(Prior code § 6602.6a; Ord. 703 § 4, 1985)
The fee for handbill distribution is five dollars per applicant that is issued a business license pursuant to this chapter.
(Prior code § 6602.15)
The fee for rubbish, waste or garbage collection or transportation shall be four hundred dollars, plus fifty dollars per vehicle.
(Prior code § 6602.7)
Secondhand businesses include:
Auto wreckers;
Secondhand dealers;
Junk dealers.
The license fee for the above-named businesses shall be as follows: Minimum fee, three hundred dollars for the first five hundred thousand dollars of gross receipts, plus additional taxes as computed in Section 5.12.020 for all gross receipts over five hundred thousand dollars.
Junk Collectors. The fee for junk collectors shall be one hundred dollars, plus seventy-five dollars per vehicle.
(Prior code § 6602.8)
The fee for street vendors and solicitors (other than principal solicitors and mobile vendors) shall be as follows:
Daily fee, twenty dollars per vendor;
Yearly fee, one hundred sixty dollars per vendor.
(Prior code § 6602.16)
The fees for theaters shall be as follows:
Walk-in, five hundred dollars;
Drive-in, seven hundred dollars.
This fee shall apply to any place displaying moving, motion or still film and coming within the definition of Section 5.04.100 of this title, and shall be in addition to any other fee imposed upon such business by this chapter.
(Prior code § 6602.9)
The fee for trailer parks shall be seventy-five dollars for the first five spaces, plus eight dollars for each additional space.
(Prior code § 6602.17)
Every person engaged in the business of operating, maintaining or letting the use of any mechanical device within the city which dispenses or vends an article of value, the operation of which depends upon the insertion of a coin or other thing representative of value, shall pay an annual license fee in the following amounts:
One dollar per year per machine, for each machine located within the city which is operated by the insertion of a coin or thing of value in the denomination of four cents or less;
An amount based on one percent of gross receipts derived within the city directly attributable to the vending machines located within the city, which machines are operated by the insertion of a coin or thing of value in the denomination of five cents or more.
(Prior code § 6602.11)