Whenever rules and regulations in addition to the provisions of the Pico Rivera Municipal Code (and where not in conflict with the same) are deemed necessary by the superintendent or manager of any park or recreation area, such rules and regulations may be adopted by the superintendent and posted in accordance with Section 8.44.050 of this chapter, and shall thereafter be in full force and effect, provided that such rules and regulations have been submitted to and approved by the city council.
(Prior code § 4240(l))
No person, other than authorized personnel of the city, shall enter on, remain in or visit any part or portion of any park or recreation area under the jurisdiction of the city between the hours of ten p.m. and one-half hour before sunrise of any day, unless an attendant or supervisor is present.
No person shall remain on the premises of any park and recreation area within the jurisdiction of the city when asked to leave by a law enforcement officer or authorized personnel of the city.
Any person going on, remaining on, entering or visiting the aforementioned premises in violation of the foregoing, or any person refusing to leave the aforementioned premises after being so asked to do so is guilty of a misdemeanor.
(Prior code § 4240(m))
Within the limits of any park or recreation area within the city, it is unlawful for any person to do or commit, or for any person, firm or corporation to cause or permit to be done or committed any of the following:
To throw upon, along or across any public highway, street, roadway or driveway any missile capable of causing personal injury or damage to personal property, or to throw such missile at or toward, or in the vicinity of any vehicle standing or moving along, upon or across any section, highway, street, roadway or driveway;
To take or otherwise transport, or have in possession therein, or to fire or discharge therein, any firearm, firecracker, rocket, torpedo, fireworks, gun or slingshot;
To pick, dig, move, destroy, injure, mutilate or cut any tree, plant, shrub or bloom, flower, or any portion thereof, growing therein;
To cut, break, injure, deface or destroy any structure, apparatus, equipment or property therein, building, monument, sign, fence or bench, or any portion thereof, or to make or place thereon, or any portion thereof, any mark, writing or printing, or to attach thereto any sign, card, display or other similar device;
To throw, place or dispose of any garbage, refuse or can in any place therein other than into a garbage can or other receptacle maintained therein for that purpose, or to throw, place or dispose of any waste paper or refuse in any place other than into an incinerator, or into some can or receptacle maintained therein for that purpose;
To bring or maintain therein any dog or cat, unless such dog or cat is kept at all times under a leash under full control of its owner or custodian;
To disturb the peace or quiet therein by any undue loud or unusual noise, or by tooting, blowing or sounding any automobile siren, horn or signal, or any noisemaking device, or any tumultuous conduct, or to use any vulgar, profane or indecent language therein;
To solicit in any manner or for any purpose therein, or to sell or offer for sale any goods, wares or merchandise therein, or to distribute, or pass out any handbill, advertising matter or literature therein, unless such act is done pursuant to concession granted by the city;
To enter any swimming pool, plunge, park or other recreation area when refused admission by the person or persons in charge thereon, when the person seeking to enter or who has entered has any contagious disease, infectious condition such as colds, ringworm, or fever, or is infected with foot infections, skin lesions, carbuncles, pimples, inflamed eyes, ear discharges, excessive sunburn, abrasions which have not healed, or a person who is wearing corn plasters, bunion pads, adhesive tape, rubber bandages or other type of bandage, or who is afflicted with any conditions which have the appearance of being infectious or dangerous to the other persons using such pool, plunge or park or recreation area. In addition, no person shall enter any pool, plunge, park or recreation area when refused admission for other reasons by the person or persons in charge thereof because of a condition on said person who seeks to enter or who has entered, which may endanger the public health and safety.
(Prior code § 4240, (a) — (i))
It is unlawful for any person to chew, drink, swallow or use food, drink, gum or tobacco in the pool area, or to unnecessarily expectorate, spout water or engage in roughness or rowdiness within the pool area of any pool, plunge or park or recreation area within the city.
(Prior code § 4240(j))
It is unlawful for any person to violate any rules or regulations of the city for the pool, park, or any recreation area operated or maintained by the city where the rules or regulations have been posted. The city-designated representative shall have the authority to evict any person from the pool, park or recreation area for violation of any provisions of this chapter, or other provisions of the Pico Rivera Municipal Code, or of any rules and regulations adopted by the city, or the director of parks and recreation.
(Prior code § 4240(k); Ord. 694 § 12, 1985)