Application for a permit shall be made in writing to the city engineer, on the forms provided by the city engineer.
(Prior code § 7104.01)
An applicant for a permit shall state in his or her application: Name and address, such other information as is required by Division I of this title, and such other information as the city engineer may require.
(Prior code § 7104.02)
Each permit shall specify the time the permit shall become null and void, and the permit shall become null and void on the date so specified unless the city engineer extends the time. The city engineer may extend the time if in his or her opinion the work for which the permit was issued was delayed in completion because of inclement weather, strikes, an act of God, or other causes not within the control of the permittee.
(Prior code § 7104.06)
Blanket permits, renewable annually, may be issued subject to the compliance with all applicable provisions of Division I and Chapters 12.36 and 12.40 of this title. The city engineer may revoke any such blanket permit if the permittee fails to comply with any of the provisions of Division I and Chapters 12.36 and 12.40. The issuance of a blanket permit does not relieve the permittee from making such reports of activity under the blanket permit as may be required by the city engineer and for paying for inspection, repairs and other costs incurred by the city engineer due to the permittee's activity.
(Prior code § 7104.07)
On each application, the applicant or his or her agent shall sign a statement that he or she agrees to preserve and save harmless the city, and each officer and employee thereof, from any liability or responsibility for any accident, loss or damage to persons or property happening or occurring as a proximate result of his or her activities pursuant to the permit applied for.
(Prior code § 7104.03)
The city engineer may make such changes or additions in any application for a permit as, in his or her opinion, are necessary:
For the protection of the streets;
For the prevention of undue interference with traffic;
For the safety of persons using such streets;
As to the route over which to move any over-height, width, length or weight load;
As to the location, depth, dimensions, character and number of excavations;
As to encroachments made or placed; and
As to other permits issued pursuant to Division I and Chapters 12.36 and 12.40 of this title.
(Prior code § 7104.04)
The city engineer may establish additional requirements for the work to be done under the permit, including equipment to be used, type of backfill, compaction, paving, traffic regulations, hours of work, flagmen, lights, inspection, and other similar requirements. He or she also may require whatever advance notice he or she deems proper for requests for inspection. The city engineer may add these requirements and conditions by rubber stamp or attachments to the permit, or both, and they shall be an integral part thereof. If any of the requirements of the permit are violated, the city engineer may revoke the permit and require that a new permit be secured before further work is done.
(Prior code § 7104.05)
The city engineer may require that evidence be submitted with the application to satisfy him or her that the proposed overhead structure or encroachment will not, insofar as he or she can foresee, create a hazard of any kind.
(Prior code § 7104.13)
The city engineer may require the permittee to make proper arrangements for, and bear the cost of the relocation of any structure, publicly owned facility, tree or shrub, where such relocation is made necessary by the proposed work for which a permit is issued. The city engineer may elect to do the necessary relocation at the permittee's expense.
(Prior code § 7104.08)
If the applicant complies with every applicable provision of Division I and Chapters 12.36 and 12.40 of this title and all applicable provisions of all other ordinances and statutes, the city engineer may issue to the applicant a written permit to perform the work set forth in the application. The city engineer may refuse to issue a permit if he or she finds that it is not in the best interest of the general public to do so.
(Prior code § 7104.09)
The city engineer may refuse to issue permits or may revoke any outstanding permit heretofore or hereafter issued, or any portion thereof, when the work has not been started, when the work authorized by the permits or such portions thereof is included in the work to be done by any proposed assessment district for which proceedings have been instituted by the city council.
(Prior code § 7104.11)
Permits issued under the authority of Division I and Chapters 12.36 and 12.40 of this title are nontransferable.
(Prior code § 7104.12)
The city engineer, or his or her representative, for cause may cancel the privilege granted by the permit and may remove the permit from the job location. If removed or cancelled by other means by anyone other than the city engineer, it shall be delivered to the office of the city engineer within twenty-four hours, accompanied by a written report regarding the incident.
(Prior code § 7104.10)