Every applicant for a permit, unless exempt by law, other than the United States, this state, this county, municipalities and special districts, shall be required to provide a cash deposit or other adequate security, as determined by the city engineer, to guarantee payment of charges due under Division I and Chapters 12.36 and 12.40 of this title. The amount of the deposit or security shall be sufficient to recover all costs of any nature which the city engineer estimates he or she will incur if the permittee does not fulfill his or her permit requirements.
A cash deposit or other adequate security is not required in the case of construction under contract with the city, where a faithful performance bond is posted or other surety is deposited and assigned to the city which guarantees to the city the repair of the street, including construction financed in whole or in part by special assessments.
(Prior code § 7104.31)
A cash deposit may be in the form of a special deposit for each permit or in the form of a general deposit to be maintained as security for all the permits issued to an applicant. If an applicant maintains a general cash deposit, it shall be with the understanding that he or she will pay all bills sent him or her by the city engineer for work covered by Division I and Chapters 12.36 and 12.40 of this title.
(Prior code § 7104.32)
In lieu of a general cash deposit, the city engineer may accept from an applicant other types of security, as specified below:
Surety Bond. The city engineer may accept a surety bond in a sum of not less than one thousand dollars on a form supplied by the city engineer and executed by a corporation incorporated for the purpose of making, guaranteeing or becoming a surety upon bonds complying with Section 1056 of the Code of Civil Procedure. It shall guarantee the payment of all fees and other charges required by Division I and Chapters 12.36 and 12.40 of this title which may become due because of any permits issued during the life of the surety bond.
Savings and Loan Association Shares. The city engineer may accept the assignment of savings and loan certificates or shares.
Insurance. As security on moving permits only, the city engineer may accept a certificate of insurance and endorsement on the standard forms provided by the city engineer. Such certificate and endorsement shall show that an insurance policy of not less than ten thousand dollars has been issued to the applicant and is in full force and effect, and in which policy the insurer directly agrees to reimburse the city for all sums due it from the permittee for damage to street facilities.
Additional Securities. The city engineer may require any type of security that has, in his or her opinion, become insufficient for protection of the public interest, to be increased to such an amount as he or she has determined will be sufficient to protect the public interest. He or she may require special deposits or other security.
(Prior code § 7104.33)