The provisions of this chapter apply to the use of the street by a vehicle or load, or to any combination.
(Prior code § 7107.01)
The city engineer is authorized to issue or withhold the permit, at his or her discretion; or, if the permit is issued, to limit the number of trips, or to establish seasonal or other time limitations within which the vehicle or vehicles described may be operated on the streets indicated, or otherwise to limit or prescribe conditions of operation of the vehicle, when necessary to assure against undue interference with traffic or damage to the road foundations, surface or structures, and may require the undertaking of other security measures as may be deemed necessary to protect the streets and bridges from injury, or to provide indemnity for any injury resulting from the operation of the vehicle.
(Prior code § 7107.07)
In all cases where this code requires the owner of any premises to which it is proposed to move any building or structure to obtain a relocation permit, the city engineer shall not grant a permit to move such building or structure until the applicant furnishes to the city engineer evidence that such owner has such relocation permit.
(Prior code § 7107.03)
The city engineer shall not issue a permit to move any load when the weight of the load, plus the weight of the vehicle or other equipment, exceeds the weight permitted by the Vehicle Code; except that, if it appears to the city engineer that the size, shape or physical characteristics of the load or portion thereof to be moved make it impossible or impracticable to keep within such weight limits, the city engineer may issue a permit to move a load on a vehicle every wheel of which is equipped with pneumatic tires, where the city engineer has determined that such movement will not cause injury to the streets, bridges, and appurtenances installed therein or thereunder.
(Prior code § 7107.04)
When so required by the city engineer, a moving contractor shall place under each dolly or wheel used in moving a building or structure, or under each wheel of a vehicle, boards or planks of adequate width and strength to carry the load without being broken, to serve as a runway for such dolly or wheel during such moving along or across any portion of any street which has a surface other than natural soil. The moving contractor shall prevent such dolly or wheel from ever revolving on or resting on such surface except upon such board, plank or runway.
(Prior code § 7107.02)
If a building or structure is moved in more than one section, and more than one of such sections is moved at the same time, the moving contractor shall affix and maintain at all times, in conspicuous places on each section on which the original permit is not affixed, true copies of such permit.
(Prior code § 7107.05)
Any person lawfully operating or maintaining overhead facilities across any highway in the city who desires information pertaining to any moving permits issued for the moving of a building of eighteen feet or more in height shall file a written request with the city engineer. The city engineer shall not allow the moving of a building for a period of forty-eight hours after the filing of a permit application in order to allow such person time to inspect the route the permittee intends to take. In the event the permittee needs to make any change in the route set forth on the permit, the permit shall be void until the moving contractor has obtained an approved change in the route.
(Prior code § 7107.08)
The city engineer may require that the moving of any load or vehicle be under the supervision of an inspector to be appointed by the city engineer.
(Prior code § 7107.06)