"Parkways" means those areas located in that portion of dedicated roadways, streets or highways, whether located in divided islands in the center of street, roadways or highways, or located in divided parkway panels, between streets, roadways and highways and safety streets.
(Prior code § 4240.1)
It is unlawful for any person to do or commit, or for any person, firm or corporation to cause or permit to be done or committed, within or upon any such parkway, any of the following:
To pick, dig, remove, destroy, injure, mutilate or cut any tree, plant, shrub, bloom or flower, or any portion thereof growing therein;
To cut, break, injure, deface or destroy any equipment or property therein, or sign, bench or monument placed thereon, or to make or place thereon or any portion thereof any sign, card, mark, writing or printing, display or other similar device; provided, however, the provisions of this subsection shall not prohibit the placing of benches on such panels when approved by the city manager;
To throw, place or dispose of any garbage, refuse or can on or upon such area.
(Prior code § 4240.2)