The city will endeavor to deliver a dependable supply of potable water from available sources, in quantities adequate to meet the reasonable needs of its customers. The delivery of such supply will be at the service connection. The city may suspend temporarily the delivery of water, for the purpose of making repairs or improvements to its system. Such repairs or improvements will be made as rapidly as practicable. Customers dependent on a continuous water supply should provide adequate storage for emergencies. During any emergency, the city may apportion the available water supply among its customers in the manner that appears most equitable under the circumstances prevailing, and with due consideration for public health and safety.
(Prior code § 5441.1)
Service provided by the city shall at all times be subject to the regulations promulgated by the city council. All persons applying for or receiving water service shall be required to accept and shall be deemed to have consented to accept water service subject to such regulations, conditions or pressure, and service as may be provided from time to time by the distribution system at the location served, and to hold the city harmless from any damages arising from low pressure or high pressure, fluctuations of pressure, interruptions of service, shortage, insufficiency of supply, or conditions not within the city's control.
(Prior code § 5441.2)
Where the use of water is unusually intermittent or is subject to violent fluctuations of a character that may impair service to other customers, the city may require that the customer provide, at his or her own expense, suitable equipment to reasonably limit fluctuations in use and pressure caused by the customer's equipment or operations.
(Prior code § 5441.3)
The city will endeavor to maintain such pressure as recommended by the National Board of Fire Underwriters.
In the event any consumer deems that pressures are inadequate, the consumer shall furnish at his or her own expense whatever devices are necessary to boost the pressure for his or her own premises. In the event water pressures are in excess of any consumer's normal requirements, it shall be the responsibility of such water consumer to install such devices on his or her own premises to protect his or her plumbing and/or to reduce the pressure for his or her normal needs.
The consumer shall obtain approval of any devices installed to insure protection of the public water supply.
(Prior code § 5441.4)
Service connections will be installed by the city subject to the provisions of Sections 13.12.050 through 13.12.070, and 13.12.200, except as otherwise provided in Sections 13.12.170, 13.12.180, 13.12.190 and Chapter 13.26 on distribution system extensions.
(Prior code § 5442.1(a))
The city may determine the size and number of the service connections and their locations in relation to boundaries of the premises to be served and the point of connection to the customer's facilities. The city shall determine in all cases the adequacy of the then-existing water system to supply any proposed service. Should the city determine that the system is inadequate for such service, application shall not be approved until the applicant has provided additional facilities, at his or her cost, in accordance with the regulations for distribution system extensions. The customer's piping to the service connection location should not be laid until the service connection is installed; in the event the customer's pipe is installed and its location does not correspond to that of the service connection, the customer must provide for connecting to the service connection.
(Prior code § 5442.1(b))
All service connections, meters, valves and housings installed by the city or conveyed to the city, however provided for, shall be the sole property of the city, under the control of the city, and will be maintained at the city's expense except as otherwise provided in these regulations. No rent or charge will be paid by the city where such facilities are located on a customer's premises. The city may relocate its facilities as required by operating conditions and may remove any and all of its facilities from the customer's premises at the termination of service. In the event property is vacant or the city's equipment installed is not longer needed, such equipment may be removed at any time upon order of the manager.
(Prior code § 5442.1(c))
Each house, building, condominium, townhouse, and commercial or industrial business shall be supplied through a separate service connection or service connections. Two or more houses or buildings under one ownership and on the same lot or parcel of land may be supplied through one service connection, or a separate service connection may be installed for each building.
The city may limit the number of houses or buildings or the area of the land under one ownership to be supplied by one service connection.
The city may limit the number of service connections to any residential or other structure, whether under separate or multiple ownership.
When property provided with a service connection is subdivided, the service connection shall be considered as supplying the lot or parcel of land which it directly enters.
A service connection to a premises shall not be used to supply the premises of the same owner for which proper application for service connection was not made.
Whenever any service connection is authorized to be abandoned or removed, any reestablishment of service shall be considered a new service connection.
Extension of Service Through Basement Wall. Where conditions require that the service connection be extended through a basement wall, the applicant shall, at his or her own expense, provide and seal the entranceway for such pipe, and shall assume all responsibility for damage by leakage through such entranceway or by leaking pipes, fittings or meters.
(Prior code § 5442.2(b))
An application for a service connection shall be made on a form furnished or approved by the city. This application shall specify the size of the service connection desired, the property to be served, and the purpose for which the water is to be used. The information supplied by the applicant shall be considered as authoritative and final. The city shall install the service connection at such location as the applicant requests, subject to approval by the manager. The service shall be installed from the nearest water distribution main to a point as close to the property line as is reasonable, depending upon all applicable conditions, whether such nearest water distribution main is located in a public street, utility right-of-way, or easement. If any error in the application shall cause the installation of a service connection that is improper either in type, size or location, the cost of all charges required shall be paid by the applicant.
The applicant shall make proper application for service in accordance with subsection A of this section, and make payment of fees or deposits as set forth in resolution of the city council before water service connection will be provided. If the application has been made and the applicant requests the water turned on, the billing for water service shall begin when the service connection is installed and the meter is set.
The rates set forth by resolution are for normal connections where there is a main adjacent to the property. For all extensions required between the nearest distribution main and the curbline or property line for installations over two inches, or, on long runs, where the actual cost is charged, a deposit in the amount of the estimated cost shall be made with the city prior to any installation.
(Prior code § 5442.2(a))
The city may require a prospective customer to sign, as applicant, or his or her agent to sign as such, an application for the service desired and also to establish his or her credit. Application may be made at the business office of the department or to a duly authorized employee.
The city's requirements for the type of service desired must be met before an application will be approved. If main, service connection and meter required for service to the premises have not been installed, the applicant will be informed of the terms and conditions which must be met before an application for service will be approved.
When an application for service is made by a former customer who has failed to pay charges owed by him or her to the city, service may be refused until such charges are paid.
(Prior code § 5443.1(a))
Each new user, owner or tenant of any premises served by the city shall make a written application for water service on forms furnished by the city, in the collections office of the city; provided, however, if an existing service user seeks a change of service address within the city system, such application may be made by telephone with the applicable fees deposited by mail or transferred on the accounts of the city.
The application shall include the name and address of the applicant, the legal description or street number of the property, and an agreement by the applicant to pay the stipulated rate at the time and in the manner provided by any applicable resolution or provision of this chapter, and to abide by all the service rules and regulations of the city.
Concurrently with the filing of the application, there shall be deposited with the city a "new service fee" in the amount set forth in resolution adopted by the city council. At the termination of any service, such fee shall be returned after there has been deducted therefrom any amount due the city for water services. The council may adopt by resolution rules and procedures for the refund of such fees prior to the termination of services.
(Prior code § 5443.1(c))
The consumer shall notify the city of any change in the status of or the information shown on the application for service, and shall be responsible for the water service furnished until the city is notified to discontinue service.
The city shall make no adjustments or waive any charges or penalties resulting from the consumer's failure to provide current information.
All conditions of service contained herein, together with the current water rates and charges, shall apply to each and every service, regardless of whether the premises served is occupied or vacant, excepting if the water has been turned off by the city upon request of the consumer or the owner of the property, any fixed or minimum charge shall not apply.
(Prior code § 5443.1(d))
Where the applicant is required to make a deposit or guaranty, either for guaranteeing payment of charges for service or for reestablishment of credit, the amount thereof shall be as set forth in resolution of the city council for new service fee.
When the city holds a deposit guaranteeing payment for water service that has been discontinued, such deposit will be refunded without interest, with the following exceptions: Any unpaid final charges or any other indebtedness to the department shall be deducted from the deposit and any remaining portion of the deposit returned.
Deposits or guarantees made pursuant to this section may be refunded without interest to the customer when credit satisfactory to the department has been established.
(Prior code § 5443.2)
Any person who takes possession of a premises where water supply has been shut off by the city and uses water without making application for water service shall be responsible for all charges for the water service. The amount of such charges shall be at a rate to be determined by the city, whether by meter readings or on the basis of the estimated consumption for the time water was used. When water is being used without application for service, the service may be disconnected without notice.
(Prior code § 5443.1(b))
Whenever a service is installed for private fire protection, a charge shall be made for installation of a fire-detector check valve and meter and appurtenances. Such service may be used only in case of fire or other purposes expressly provided in Division I of this title. Use of fire-protection service for any other purpose than set out in this division shall be prohibited.
Should it be necessary to use water through a fire-detector check meter for the purpose of testing or maintaining a private fire-suppression system or fire department apparatus, the city shall authorize such use, upon the receipt of a written request stating:
Date and time of use;
Estimated quantity of water to be used;
Estimated maximum flow.
The city may restrict such nonemergency flows which may be detrimental to or tend to dewater the system.
(Prior code § 5442.2(c))
The fire chief having jurisdiction shall designate the size and location of all public fire hydrants to be installed. The cost of all public fire hydrant installations or changes shall be paid by the applicant.
(Prior code § 5442.2(d))
Temporary supply of water for purposes other than extinguishing fires may be secured from existing fire hydrants on application in accordance with the provisions of this section. The applicant shall designate the period of time and purpose for which water is to be used. The city may discontinue the supply and remove its equipment at the expiration of the period so designated or if the supply is used for any purpose other than designated by the applicant.
The supply is subject to limitations as to rate of flow of water and on time of use. The city may require that a meter be installed and charge the applicable rate for the service provided, as set forth by resolution of city council.
The city will install all equipment necessary to furnish a temporary water supply, and no water shall be used until such equipment is installed and arrangements have been made for payment of water to be used. A backflow-prevention device may be required.
If equipment furnished by the city is damaged through carelessness or abuse of an applicant, the cost of repairing it shall be charged to the applicant. If any such equipment is removed from the fire hydrant by others and not recovered by the city, the value thereof shall be charged to the applicant.
The applicant shall establish credit, as provided by Sections 13.12.090 and 13.12.100, to secure payment of the city's charges for furnishing, installation, removal, inspection and rental of the equipment installed on a fire hydrant for such securing of water and charges for the water used. If credit is established by making a deposit, the amount thereof shall be sufficient to secure payment for water used and the other charges by the city.
No permit for temporary supply from fire hydrants shall be issued to any person who has violated any of the provisions of Division I of this title, or whose indebtedness to the city for water used or damage to hydrants is delinquent.
Only approved spanner wrenches may be used when operating fire hydrants. The applicant shall not operate the main fire hydrant valve except in an emergency.
(Prior code § 5443.1(f))
Establishment of Temporary Service.
The city shall, if no hardship will result to its existing customers, furnish temporary service for construction and miscellaneous uses when the applicant has requested service on this basis, or where the city reasonably expects the service to be temporary.
A temporary service may be disconnected at any time after expiration of the period for which the applicant stated it was required, or when, in the opinion of the manager, the service is no longer temporary in nature, or when the use of such temporary service is detrimental. Applicants shall make in advance the payments provided in this section and Sections 13.12.080 and 13.12.090.
Temporary Service From Existing Connections. An existing inactive connection which is not being used may be used for temporary service, but if it is required at any time to service the property which it enters, its use for temporary service shall be discontinued. A charge, as set forth by resolution of the city council, will be made for arranging such temporary use.
Installation of Temporary Service Connections. Where installation of a temporary service connection is required, the applicant shall pay the estimated cost to the city.
Meter May Be Required. The city may require that a meter be installed on any temporary service connection, and charge the applicable rate for the service provided. The charge for a meter shall be provided in Chapter 13.20 of this division.
Service Connection Installation Charges. The charges for installation of the several kinds and sizes of service connections shall be as set forth in resolution of the city council.
(Prior code § 5442.2(e))
Water for construction and miscellaneous uses normally shall be furnished through a temporary service connection. The applicant shall designate the period of time and purpose for which the water is to be used. The city may discontinue the supply and remove its equipment at the expiration of the period so designated. Water supply shall be subject to limitations as to the rate of flow and time of use.
The city initially will install all the equipment necessary to furnish a temporary water supply and, upon payment of the charges provided for in this chapter, will move equipment for any subsequent changes in location as requested by the applicant, except when the applicant is being furnished water on a flat-rate basis and is supplying his or her own eddy valve.
(Prior code § 5443.1(e))
The customer will be held responsible for loss or damage to the city's meters or other facilities resulting from the use or operation of appliances and facilities on the customer's premises, including, but not limited to, damage caused by steam, hot water, or chemicals. The city's control and responsibility end at its shutoff valve or meter, and the city will in no case be liable for loss or damage on the premises served, or elsewhere, caused by or in any way arising out of the running or escape of water from open faucets, burst pipes, or faulty fixtures or appliances on the premises.
Each customer shall be responsible for the cost of any water lost through leaks or defective lines between the meter and the point of use. Shutoff valves on the inlet side of the meter shall be operated only by the city. For convenience and safety, the consumer shall install a valve between the meter and the building or first outlet. Damages resulting from violations of this rule shall be charged to the customer.
(Prior code § 5442.1(d))