All applications for a new water service shall be made on the forms furnished by the city and shall be signed by the applicant.
In addition to any other information required, such application shall show the true name of the applicant, the address of the property to be served, a true and accurate description of the area to be served, and the size of the service requested.
Each application shall be accompanied by an installation fee in the amount as estimated to be the approximate cost of such installation, together with any additional fees or charges provided for herein.
(Prior code § 5443.3(a)(part))
Except as otherwise specifically provided in Division I of this title, all water delivered by the city shall be delivered through approved meters installed by the city. Meters installed for new services shall be no smaller in size than three-fourths inch by three-fourths inch.
Service pipes will be installed from the main to a point inside the curbline where a meter and appurtenances will be installed. However, all service pipes from main located in easements will have meters and appurtenances located adjacent to the mains except where other arrangements are provided by the customer. Installation and maintenance of all pipes on the property on the customer side of the meter shall be the responsibility of the customer.
(Prior code § 5443.3(a)(part))
Charges collected for installation of services and meters shall constitute a service fee, and the service pipe, water meter and appurtenances installed shall remain at all times the property of the city. Such facilities shall be maintained, repaired and renewed by the city when rendered unserviceable through ordinary wear and tear; provided that, where replacements, repairs or adjustments are rendered necessary by an act, negligence or carelessness of the consumer or his or her representative, any expense caused to the city thereby shall be charged against and be collected from the consumer.
(Prior code § 5443.3(a)(part))
In all cases in which water is being served to premises occupied by two or more different and independent consumers of water, which premises are held under the same ownership, the owner of such premises shall provide independent service to the service connection for each such independent consumer; provided, however, if the owner of such premises so served with water shall agree in writing to be responsible for and pay all money due for water used upon such premises, such independent service shall not be required.
Should the owner fail or refuse to assume responsibility for money due for water used upon such premises, the city shall, after thirty days' notice to the consumer so served and to the owner of such premises or the person in charge thereof, cut off water from such premises until the independent services herein required are installed, or the agreement assuming responsibility for the money due for water served to the premises is made as herein provided.
(Prior code § 5443.8)
Any customer desiring to change the location or size of a service that has already been installed shall make application to the city, and upon payment in advance of the cost as determined by the city, the city may cause such change to be made. No such change shall be made if, in the opinion of the city, the same is not required or in the best interest of the city.
(Prior code § 5443.6)
Meters will be removed and service discontinued upon request of the owner of the property served, or, if any inactive service is unlikely to be used in the reasonably near future, as determined by the city, the meter may be removed.
Services one and one-half inches in diameter and smaller may be reactivated and the meter reinstalled upon proper application and payment of a reinstallation charge, as set forth by resolution, provided that the service pipe is at proper size and is good and in a usable condition. Services of two-inch diameter and larger may be reinstalled upon proper application and payment of a reinstallation charge, as determined by the city.
Service which has been discontinued as a result of a violation of any rule and regulation, or for delinquent payment of charges or penalties, shall not be reactivated until such violation has been remedied and all charges and penalties have been paid.
Any inactive or discontinued service which the city determines is unlikely to be used, or is found to interfere with the use of the public right-of-way or the facilities therein may, at the discretion of the city, be disconnected at the main and the service abandoned. Unusable and abandoned service lines shall not be reactivated, and upon any application for same, the full charges and conditions for a new installation shall apply.
(Prior code § 5443.5)
When the accuracy of a water meter is questioned by a customer, the city will, upon request, cause an official test to be made. A customer shall have the right to require the city to conduct the test in his or her presence or, if he or she so desires, in the presence of an expert or other representative appointed by him.
A customer requiring such a test shall first deposit with the city a sum based on the size of the meter, as stated in the resolution adopted by the city council. Should the meter be found by test to be more than two percent fast, the city shall refund the customer's deposit; otherwise, the deposit shall be forfeited to compensate for the cost of such testing.
(Prior code § 5443.10(part))
Fast Meters. When, as a result of any test, a meter is found to be more than two percent fast, the department will render a corrected bill for the current period, and the meter shall be adjusted or replaced.
Slow Meters. When, as a result of any test, a meter is found to be more than five percent slow, the city will render a corrected bill for the period in which the meter was in use, not exceeding four months, unless it can be shown that the error occurred on a date which can be fixed, in which case the billing may be corrected to that date.
(Prior code § 5443.10(a))
A customer may have service discontinued by giving not less than forty-eight hours' advance notice thereof to the city. Charges for service may be required to be paid until the requested date of discontinuance, or such later date as will provide not less than the required two-day advance notice.
When such notice is not given, the customer will be required to pay for service until one day after the city has knowledge that the customer has vacated the premises or otherwise had discontinued water service.
(Prior code § 5443.4(a))
A customer's water service may be discontinued for the nonpayment of a bill for water service rendered, if the bill has not been paid within the time prescribed herein, or as may be modified by resolution.
Water charges shall be due and payable upon presentation and shall become delinquent if not paid before the twentieth day after the date of mailing. If any account becomes delinquent, the city may shut off the water to the premises concerned. There shall be, as set forth by resolution, a charge for turning on any water service after shutoff by reason of delinquency.
If any fire service account becomes delinquent, the city may shut off and discontinue the domestic water service to the premises. Water service shall not be restored until all provisions have been complied with.
(Prior code § 5443.4(b)(1); Ord. 896 § 1, 1997)
In case any premises become vacant, the regular minimum rates shall be charged, and no refund or discount shall be made unless the water has been shut off by the city upon the written request of the one in whose name the water service is rendered, or the written request of the owner.
(Prior code § 5443.4(b)(2))
Regular bills shall be rendered at intervals of one month or multiples thereof, as may be established from time to time by the council. Except as provided in the water rate schedule, the quantitative charge for water will be based upon delivery as indicated upon the meter register.
Combined meter readings shall not be used for billing purposes in those cases where a customer is served by more than one meter.
Insofar as practicable, meters will be read as nearly as possible at regular intervals for the preparation of regular bills, and meters will be read as required for the preparation of opening, closing, and special bills.
If for any reason service is unmetered, except as provided in the water rate schedule, or if the meter is inaccessible and cannot be read, or if the meter fails to register correctly, the water consumption will be estimated by the city as follows:
Previous consumption by metered service to the premises, for a like period of time; or
The average consumption of similar metered services of the area during the period in question; or
By giving consideration to the nature of the use, volume of business, seasonal demand, and any other factors that may assist in determining such consumption.
(Prior code § 5443.7(a))
Rate schedules stated on a monthly basis are related to a thirty-day consumption interval as a standard month. Whenever actual meter-read intervals differ from the standard thirty-day period, bills related thereto computed from monthly schedules are subject to proration on a thirty-day basis. However, at the discretion of the city, in computing and rendering regular bills, minor variances between actual read intervals and any established regular-read interval need not be considered, in accordance with the following:
Where bills are regularly rendered monthly, computation from monthly rate schedules may be made directly whenever actual read intervals do not vary by more than three days (lesser or greater) from the standard thirty-day interval;
Where bills are regularly rendered for multiples of a month, computation from monthly rate schedules may be made on the basis of similar multiples of the stated rate schedules whenever actual read intervals do not vary by more than six days (greater or lesser) from the established regular-read interval.
(Prior code § 5443.7(b))
All bills for water service hereunder are due and payable upon presentation; bills shall become delinquent twenty days after date of presentation. If bills are not paid upon becoming delinquent, the water service may be discontinued as provided in the Pico Rivera Municipal Code. Payment shall be made in person, or by mail at the office of the finance department, or, at the option of the city, to its authorized collectors.
(Prior code § 5443.7(c))
Whenever the correctness of any bill for water service is questioned, the city will cause an investigation to be made.
Inaccurate recording of water use or clerical or meter errors shall be adjusted to a correct basis as determined by the city's investigation, and in the case of a slow or fast meter in accordance with this chapter.
In cases where the amount of water used, dates, or other factors required for application of rate schedules or other provisions are not subject to exact determination or are in question, or in case of dispute relative to service rate application, the city shall establish such factors by tests, analyses and investigations to determine the proper basis for making an adjustment, if any. Adjustments in the billing shall then be authorized by the city, as shown to be proper. When requested by the customer, such adjustments shall be subject to review by the city manager.
Each customer shall have the right of appeal to the city council, as provided in the Pico Rivera Municipal Code.
(Prior code § 5443.9)
Except for emergencies, notices from the city to a customer shall be given in writing, either delivered to him or her or mailed to him or her at his or her last known address, in the manner prescribed by this code.
Notice from any customer to the city pursuant to adopted regulations may be given in person or by his or her authorized agent, at the city office or by written notice enclosed in a sealed envelope and addressed to the city, deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid.
(Prior code § 5443.7(d))