Where these regulations provide that the charge to be made by the city is the cost to the city, such charge may be an average determined by the city manager from time to time, based on cost experienced by the city for the size and type of facility to be installed or changed, and according to conditions of installation or change.
(Prior code § 5443.14)
Applicability. Applicable to domestic, commercial and industrial water service and to water service for any other purpose.
Territory. All areas to which water is served by the city.
Water Rates. As established by adopted resolution.
Minimum Charge. Rate established by adopted resolution of city council for:
Domestic service;
Commercial and/or industrial service;
Quantitative Charge. The quantitative rate for all water delivered shall be as established by adopted resolution.
(Prior code § 5443.11(a))
Applicability. Applicable to water service solely for private fire-protection purposes.
Territory. All areas to which water is served by the city.
Monthly Rates.
Minimum Charge. Rate established by adopted resolution of city council.
Discontinuance. Service under this schedule shall be discontinued by the department if water supplied under this schedule is used for any purpose other than fire extinguishing and for filling or refilling the facilities of the customer which have been drained in connection with tests and repairs. Service shall thereafter be restored only after a meter satisfactory to the city has been installed, and thereafter service shall be supplied at rates applicable to such service as metered.
(Prior code § 5443.11(b))
Applicability. Applicable to public fire hydrant service.
Territory. All areas to which water is served by the city.
Rates. Amount per hydrant per month, as established by resolution.
(Prior code § 5443.11(c))
Any person, firm, agency or corporation, public or private, requesting or otherwise necessitating adjustments to any water system facilities or any other service, shall pay the city the costs of making such changes or adjustments.
(Prior code § 5443.12))
The customer shall, at his or her own risk and expense, furnish, install and keep in good and safe condition all apparatus and appliances which may be required for receiving, controlling, applying and utilizing such water, and the city shall not be responsible for any loss or damage caused by the improper installation of such apparatus and appliances, negligence, want of proper care, or wrongful act of the customer or any of his or her agents, employees or licensees in the installation, maintenance, use or operation of such apparatus or appliance.
A customer making any material change in the size, character or extent of the equipment or operations for which the department's service is utilized shall immediately give the department written notice of the extent and nature of the change.
Each customer shall at all times maintain in good repair all water pipes, faucets, plumbing fixtures and other water appliances, to prevent the waste of water. Where any customer wilfully wastes water in any manner, the water may be shut off until wasteful practices have been discontinued, or until repairs have been made to the satisfaction of the city.
(Prior code § 5443.15)
Payments may be deferred when required installations, adjustments, replacements or enlargements of water facilities are to be performed at a future time. Such deferred payment shall be secured by a corporate surety bond. The city's charges for these facilities shall be paid prior to any investment by the city for any such installation, adjustment, replacement or enlargement.
The form of all bonds, contracts and notes shall be subject to the approval of the city attorney. All bonds shall be executed by the applicant as principal and a surety company, acceptable to the city, authorized to write surety bonds in the state of California as surety, and shall provide for full force and effect to continue until the terms are performed.
(Prior code § 5443.13)
In accordance with the provisions of Sections 5435 and 5437 of the Government Code, the city's rights hereunder are cumulative, and the city may, in addition to discontinuing services and imposing the other penalties provided in Division I of this title, bring action in any court of competent jurisdiction against the person or persons who occupy the property when the service was rendered or the deposit became due, or against the person guaranteeing payment of the bill, or against any or all of such persons for the collection of the amount of the deposit or the collection of the delinquent charges and penalties thereon.
(Prior code § 5443.16)
Customers of the city's water system who pay any water bill with a check which is returned to the city for any reason will be charged a fee for each returned check. Such fee will be established by resolution of the city council. The fee will be added to the customer's water bill.
(Prior code § 5443.18)
Water service which has been shut off for failure to comply with any of the rules and regulations, or to pay any rates, charges or penalties as herein provided, shall not be restored until such rules and regulations and penalties have been complied with to the satisfaction of the city, and payment is made of the amount due, if any, and in addition thereto, a charge shall be assessed for the expense of turning the water off and on in accordance with resolution of the city council.
(Prior code § 5443.17)