The final tract and/or parcel map shall conform to the approved tentative map and to the requirements and conditions contained in the report or resolution approving the tentative map. No final tract map shall be accepted by the city engineer unless a tentative tract map has been approved by the city council, and no final parcel shall be accepted by the city engineer unless a tentative parcel map has been approved by the planning commission.
(Prior code § 9109.03; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
Prior to expiration of a tentative tract or parcel map, a subdivider shall cause the proposed division of land to be accurately surveyed and a final tract or parcel map prepared for final approval by the city council for recordation in the office of the county recorder.
(Prior code § 9109.01; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
Final tract maps and/or parcel maps shall be submitted for checking to the city engineer, accompanied by the appropriate fees. Sufficient number of copies of the final tract map and/or parcel map shall be provided by the subdivider to permit review by city officers and departments and other public agencies which may have an interest in said maps.
(Prior code § 9109.04; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
The following general requirements shall apply:
Final tract maps and parcel maps shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements of this chapter and Article 2, Chapter 2 of the Subdivision Map Act, commencing with Section 66434.
Final tract maps and parcel maps shall be prepared by or under the direction of a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor.
The division of parcels which are not abutting shall be shown on separate tract maps, unless such parcels are separated because of the interposition of a highway, street, alley, or railroad, public utility or flood control right-of-way.
Only an approved final tract or parcel map may be filed for record in the office of the county recorder.
(Prior code § 9109.14; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
The title sheet of each map shall contain a title, consisting of the words "Tract No." and the map number of a parcel map. The title shall also contain the words "In the City of Pico Rivera" or "partly in the City of Pico Rivera and partly in (here insert the name of the political division involved.)"
The title sheet shall also contain a subtitle, consisting of a description of all of the property being divided by reference to maps previously filed or recorded in the office of the county recorder, or previously filed with the county clerk pursuant to a final judgment in any action in partition or by reference to the plat of a United States Survey. Upon the title sheet of each map filed for the purpose of reverting subdivided land to acreage, the subtitle shall consist of the words "Being a Reversion to Acreage of. . ." (insert a legal description of the land being reverted.) Each reference in these subtitles must be spelled out and worded identically to the original record thereof. A complete reference to the book and page of the cited record must be included.
The title sheet for a parcel map shall contain the certificate or statement of the surveyor or engineer referred to in Section 66449, Article 3, Chapter 2 of the Subdivision Map Act. The title sheet for a final tract map shall contain the certificate or statement of the survey or engineer referred to in Section 66441, Article 2, Chapter 2 of the Subdivision Map Act. The title sheet or at least one map sheet shall contain a basis of bearings, making reference to a filed tract map, county surveyor's map, or other record acceptable to the city engineer.
Required certificates, affidavits and acknowledgements, as required in the Subdivision Map Act, may be legibly stamped or printed on the title sheet of a final or parcel map with opaque ink. All required signatures shall be written with opaque ink. All such entries shall be readily reproducible by any normal method of reproduction.
(Prior code § 9109.15; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
If a parcel map is compiled from record data, the source of information used shall be contained in a note on the title sheet of the map.
(Prior code § 9109.30; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
Each map sheet of a final tract map or a parcel map shall conform to the following format:
Each map sheet and the lettering thereon shall be oriented with the north point directed away from the reader and the map sheet number to be read most conveniently from the lower righthand corner of the sheet.
Each map sheet shall bear the main title of the map, the scale, north point and sheet number, and designation of the relation, if any, between the sheet and each other sheet comprising the final tract map or parcel map.
(Prior code § 9109.16; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
The exterior boundary of a final tract map or parcel map shall be indicated by a border having a distinctive symbol acceptable to the city engineer, applied on the front side of the tracing and inside the exterior boundary line.
(Prior code § 9109.20; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
Final tract and parcel maps shall show each city boundary line crossing or adjoining a division or reversion. Each such line shall be clearly designated and tied.
(Prior code § 9109.27; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
Each final tract map and each parcel map for which a survey is required shall show evidence found on the grounds of sufficient corners of prior surveys or such other evidence as may be suitable to precisely locate the boundaries of the division or reversion shown on the map. Each stake, monument or other object found shall be fully described and referenced. The method used to establish each point or line shall be clearly shown and explained on the map.
(Prior code § 9109.31; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
The evidence of title required for final tract maps by the provisions of Article 2, Chapter 2 of the Subdivision Map Act shall be by a policy of title insurance issued by a title company authorized by the laws of the state of California to write the same, showing the names of all persons having any record title interest in the land to be subdivided, together with the nature of their respective interests therein. In the event that land in the city is to be dedicated, the policy shall be dated and delivered upon request by the city engineer when the final tract map is ready for filing.
(Prior code § 9109.34; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
Separate instruments of dedication shall be prepared by a title company or by the city engineer. When dedicating by separate instrument, the subdivider shall submit a title report, prepared in favor of the city which indicates who is required to sign the separate instrument to pass clear title to the city. This title report shall be kept up to date and the city shall be notified of any change until such time as the separate instrument is recorded.
(Prior code § 9109.37; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
The procedure and practice for all survey work done for preparation of a final tract or parcel map shall conform to the standards and details set forth in Chapter 15, Division 3, of the Business and Professions Code (the Land Surveyor's Act). The allowable error of closure on any portion of a final tract or parcel map shall be 1/10,000.
In the event that the county engineer, county road commissioner, the State Highway Engineer or city engineer shall have established the center line of any highway, street or alley shown on a final tract or parcel map, the map shall show such center line and the monuments which determine its position. If determined by ties, the fact shall be stated upon the final tract or parcel map.
(Prior code § 9109.32; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
The following requirements shall apply:
Unless modified by the city engineer and subject to the provisions of Article 9, Chapter 4 of the Subdivision Map Act, each final tract map and each parcel map for which a survey is required shall show durable monuments found or set at or near each boundary corner and at intermediate points, approximately one thousand feet apart, or at much lesser distances as may be made necessary by topography or culture to insure accuracy in the reestablishment of any point or line without unreasonable difficulty. The precise position and character of each such monument shall be not less substantial than an iron pipe of a two-inch outside diameter, not less than two and one-half feet in length, with plug and tack, and set at least two feet into the ground, or of such other character and stability as may be approved by the city engineer. For the purposes of this chapter, a lead and tack set in permanent concrete or masonry shall be considered as a durable monument. The approximate elevation of the top of each such monument with respect to the surface of the ground shall be shown on the map.
Whenever necessary, in the opinion of the city engineer, center line monuments shall be set to mark intersections of streets or intersections of streets with the map boundary, or to mark either the beginning and end of curves or the points of intersection of tangents thereof or other intermediate points. Each such monument shall be not less durable and substantial than:
In asphaltic concrete or cement pavements, a lead and tack;
In unsurfaced graveled or oiled surfaces a two-inch iron pipe set not less than twelve inches below the surface, or at such depth as may be approved by the city engineer;
In bituminous macadam pavements, a spike not less than six inches long.
All monuments set as required herein shall be permanently and visibly marked or tagged with the registration or license number of the engineer or surveyor under whose supervision the survey was made.
For each center line monument set, the engineer or surveyor under whose supervision the survey has been made shall furnish to the city engineer a set of notes, clearly showing the ties between the monument and a sufficient number (normally four) of durable, distinctive reference points or monuments.
Such reference points or monuments may be leads and tacks in sidewalks, or two-inch by two-inch stakes set back of the curbline and below the surface of the ground or a substitute therefor which appears to be less likely to be disturbed.
Each set of notes submitted shall conform in all respects to the standardized office records of the city engineer. All such notes shall be indexed and filed by the city engineer as a part of the permanent public records of his or her office.
All boundary monuments shall be set prior to filing the final tract or parcel map unless grading operations or improvement work makes it impractical to set monuments. The city engineer shall determine the validity of all requests to defer the setting of permanent monuments until after the final tract or parcel map is filed. If the setting of boundary monuments is deferred, field notes showing the boundary survey may be required by the city engineer at the time the final tract or parcel map is submitted for checking. Interior street center line monuments may be set subsequent to filing of the final tract or parcel map. The final tract or parcel map shall show which monuments are in place and which are to be set. Prior to certification of the final tract or parcel map by the city engineer, the subdivider shall submit a written agreement in which he or she agrees that monuments deferred will be set within a specified time and that all notes required herein will be furnished within specified time.
All monuments shall be subject to inspection and approval of the city engineer.
The city council may require that all lot corners be perpetuated on the ground by a monument satisfactory to the city engineer.
(Prior code § 9109.33; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
The following requirements shall apply:
The bearing and length of each lot, block and boundary line shall be shown on a final tract or parcel map, except that, when bearings and lengths of lot lines in a series of lots are the same, the bearings or lengths may be omitted from each interior, parallel lot line of the series. Each required bearing or length shall be shown in full and no ditto mark or other designation or repetition shall be used.
The length, radius and total central angle or bearings of terminal radii of each curve and the bearing of each radial line to each lot corner on each curve, or the central angle of each segment within each lot, shall be shown.
(Prior code § 9109.19; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
The following requirements shall apply:
All lots shall be numbered. Lot numbers shall begin with the number "1" and continue consecutively without omission or duplication throughout the entire map. No prefix or suffix or combination of letter and number shall be used. Each lot shall be shown entirely on one sheet.
Upon each lot containing an area of three-fourths of an acre or more shall be designated by the acreage of the lot to the nearest one-hundredth of an acre.
(Prior code § 9109.18; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
The following requirements shall apply:
Each final tract or parcel map shall show the center line, the total width, and the width on each side of the center line of each street, highway, alley or other way appearing on the map. The bearing and length of each tangent and the radius, central angle and length of each curve shall be shown on each center line.
Final maps shall also show the width of right-of-way to be dedicated on the map when only a portion of a street, highway, alley or way is within the map boundary.
(Prior code § 9109.21; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
The following requirements shall apply:
Final tract and parcel maps shall show the name of each highway or street, other than a future street, appearing on the map. Street and highway names shall be shown in or arrowed to the right-of-way.
If only a portion of a street or highway is to be dedicated on the final map, the street or highway name shall be shown or arrowed into both the portion to be dedicated and the existing portion of the street or highway.
Street and highway names shall be subject to the approval of the director of public works.
The word "Avenue," "Street," "Place" or other street or highway designation shall be spelled out in full.
(Prior code § 9109.23; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
The following requirements shall apply:
Final tract and parcel maps shall show sufficient mathematical data to clearly indicate the portion of each lot which is within private or future streets or alleys in addition to the width and center line detail required by Section 17.20.170 of this chapter.
Right-of-way lines for private or future streets or alleys shall be dashed.
Each private or future street or alley shall be clearly identified as such.
(Prior code § 9109.22; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
If sewers or drains or both are required for the general use of lot owners in a division of land and such sewers or drains are not to be installed within public highways, streets or alleys, all necessary easements shall be granted.
(Prior code § 9109.12; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
Unless otherwise waived by the city council, all final tract and parcel maps shall show all easements which are a burden upon lots in the division or reversion or which are required as a condition precedent to filing the final map.
(Prior code § 9109.25; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
Easements appearing on a final tract map or parcel map shall conform to the following requirements:
The sidelines of each easement shall be shown. Widths, center lines, center line or sideline data, and ties shall be shown as necessary to definitely locate each easement.
Easement sidelines shall be shown as fine dashed lines.
Distances and bearings on the sidelines of lots which are cut by easements shall be arrowed or otherwise shown so as to clearly indicate the actual length of each lot line.
Each easement shall be clearly labeled and identified and, if of record, the record reference shall be shown thereon. If an easement is to be granted by separate instrument, the record reference shall be shown on the map prior to the time of filing.
Notes or figures pertaining to easements shall be subordinated in form and appearance to other notes or figures on the map.
(Prior code § 9109.26; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
Final tract maps on which easements are offered for public use shall have written thereon, in addition to or as a part of any other certificate or statement required, a certificate or statement signed by all persons claiming an interest in the lands included within the division or reversion shown on the map, other than an interest which cannot ripen into a fee, in substantially the following form:
(Prior code § 9109.36; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
Dedications or grants of easements required as a condition precedent to filing a final tract or parcel map pursuant to the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act and this title, shall be made on such final maps. All such dedications shall be subject to the specific provisions set forth in Article 3, Chapter 4 of said Subdivision Map Act.
(Prior code § 9109.06; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
Except as otherwise provided by this section, streets, highways, alleys and other vehicular and pedestrian rights-of-way, or portions thereof, which are required as a condition precedent to filing a final tract or parcel map, shall be offered for public use, and shall be subject to the specific provisions set forth in Article 3, Chapter 4 of the Subdivision Map Act.
(Prior code § 9109.08; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
Future streets and alleys shall be offered for public use, which offer shall remain open for an indeterminate period of time until the city council determines that the opening of the street or alley is warranted. The owners of the underlying fee to any portion of a future street or alley shall retain the right of any and all ordinary uses of such land, except the erection or construction thereon of any structure not originally placed in public streets or alleys, until such time as the city council opens the street or alley for public use.
(Prior code § 9109.09; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
Access rights to major and secondary highways and to one street for double frontage lots and corner lots, shall be dedicated unless those lots are to be used for commercial or industrial development or unless otherwise approved by the city council.
(Prior code § 9109.10; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
Subject to the provisions set forth in Article 4, Chapter 4 of the Subdivision Map Act, the city may require that areas of real property within a division of land be reserved for parks recreational facilities, fire stations, libraries or other public uses.
(Prior code § 9109.39; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
In the event that dedication of right-of-way for storm drainage purposes is not required, the appropriate advisory agency may require that a final tract map or parcel map show the location of any natural watercourse, stream, channel, swale or creek which traverses the map.
(Prior code § 9109.29; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
In the event that a division of land is traversed by a major watercourse, channel, stream, swale or creek, the city council may require that an adequate right-of-way be dedicated for storm drainage purposes.
(Prior code § 9109.13; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
If any portion of a lot shown on a final tract or parcel map is subject to flood hazard, inundation or geological hazard, and the hazard is not to be removed as a condition precedent to filing the map, the hazard area and a prominent note identifying the hazard shall be shown on the map.
(Prior code § 9109.28; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
Final tract maps and parcel maps shall show the width and location of each railroad or transmission line right-of-way, flood control channel, or other similar rights-of-way appearing on the map. Rights-of-way which appear on a map as a lot or a series of lots shall be shown as provided in Sections 17.20.050 and 17.20.150.
(Prior code § 9109.24; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
The right to restrict the erection of buildings or other structures within those portions of lots which are shown as being subject to flood hazard, inundation or geological hazard on a final tract map or parcel map shall be dedicated.
(Prior code § 9109.11; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
The city council may require dedications as a condition precedent to filing a final tract map for the purpose of reverting to acreage land previously subdivided, and subject to the provisions of this title and Article I, Chapter 6 of the Subdivision Map Act.
(Prior code § 9109.07; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
In addition to the requirements set forth in this chapter, the following shall also apply to planned residential unit developments:
Building Permit Conditions. No building permit shall be issued for any lot within the boundaries of a planned residential unit development unless and until a final subdivision tract map has been recorded.
Approval Conditions. Any final map which deviates from the conditions imposed by the conditional use permit and/or conditional approval of a tentative tract map shall not be approved for recordation. For requirements pertaining to the division, sale or separation of lots or parcels of land, the regulations set forth in Chapters 17.04 and 17.28 of this title shall apply.
Title Page Statement. The title page of the final tract map or maps, as the case may be, shall contain the following statement pertaining to the sale or separation of lots upon which single-family dwelling units are to be developed:
(Prior code § 9109.38; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
No final tract or parcel map shall be filed for final approval and/or recordation without the written consent of all parties having any record title interest in the real property contained in such final tract or parcel map, except as set forth in Section 17.20.370 of this chapter.
(Prior code § 9109.02; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
If the owner of an easement in a right-of-way offered for public use on a final tract map, parcel map or boundary line adjustment, other than one held by a public utility or public entity, who has no other interest whatever in any part of the lands included within the division of land, refuses to make his or her easements subject to the right-of-way offered to the public, but the final tract map, parcel map or boundary line adjustment in all other respects complied with this chapter, with the Subdivision Map Act, and with other applicable statutes and ordinances, and the city council division of land committee or city planner, as the case may be, finds that the subdivider has in good faith attempted to obtain the necessary signature from the owner and has been unable to do so and that a refusal to accept the final tract map, parcel map or boundary line adjustment for filing would work an undue hardship on the subdivider, then by a majority vote of all its members, the city council, division of land committee or city planner, as the case may be, may accept the final map.
When easements held by public utilities or entities exist within the boundaries of the final tract map, parcel map or boundary line adjustment, the subdivider must provide the city council, division of land committee or city planner, as the case may be, with evidence from the affected public utility or entity that the division of land will not unreasonably interfere with the free and complete exercise of their easement, and shall consent to the waiver of signatures at the discretion of the applicable approving body.
(Prior code § 9109.35; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
Each officer or department shall report in writing to the city engineer as to the compliance or noncompliance of the map with the approved or conditionally approved tentative map. Such report shall be complete within fifteen days after receipt of a print of a final tract or parcel map.
(Prior code § 9109.05; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
The legislative body shall, at the meeting at which it receives the map, or at its next regular meeting after the meeting at which it receives the map, approve or disapprove the map for recordation subject to the provisions set forth in Sections 66458 and 66462, Article 4, Chapter 3 of the Subdivision Map Act.
(Prior code § 9109.40; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
After a final tract or parcel map has been filed in the office of the county recorder, such maps may be corrected and amended only as set forth in Article 7, Chapter 3 of the Subdivision Map Act.
(Prior code § 9109.17; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)