Access to a design unit or to any lesser unit thereof, if more than one parcel map or final map is to be filed on a design unit, shall be by means of an improved public or private street or highway, approved by the director of public works.
(Prior code § 9107.01; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
If the circulation element of the general plan shows a highway so located that any portion thereof lies within a design unit, that portion of the highway which is within the design unit shall be included in the design of the division of land unless the city council determines at the hearing on the tentative map or appeal that there is a reasonable probability that the general plan will be amended to remove or relocate the highway so that it is no longer within the design unit. If the city council determines that the present acceptance and construction of a highway or portion thereof is not warranted, the highway or portion thereof shall be included in the design of the division of land as a future street.
(Prior code § 9107.02; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
If a center line has been established for a highway, the alignment of the highway shall conform to the established center line. If no center line has been established, the alignment shall conform to the following requirements:
The alignment shall be substantially as shown on the circulation element of the general plan;
The center line curve radius of a major highway shall be not less than one thousand five hundred feet;
The center line curve radius of a secondary highway shall be not less than one thousand feet;
In no case shall the length of the center line curve be less than one hundred feet;
Highways shall intersect with streets and other highways as nearly at right angles as is practical.
(Prior code § 9107.03; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
Major highways shall have a minimum width of one hundred feet and secondary highways shall have a minimum width of eighty feet unless a greater width is indicated in the circulation element of the general plan.
(Prior code § 9107.04; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
All streets shall have a minimum right-of-way width of fifty-eight feet, and have a minimum roadway width improved to not less than thirty-six feet, except that such right-of-way and roadway widths may be modified by the city planner, the planning commission or the city council in the same manner as set forth in Section 17.16.060 of this title. All alleys shall have a minimum right-of-way of twenty feet improved to full width. Dead-end alleys shall have a minimum turn-around radius of twenty-six feet improved to full width.
(Prior code § 9107.06; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
The city council may require that future streets and alleys be provided for the future division of lots shown on a tentative map and for the development of adjoining property.
(Prior code § 9107.07; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
The alignment of streets shall be such so as to provide the minimum amount of frontage for each lot specified for the zone classification in which a lot or parcel is located, as set forth in Title 18 of this code. Lots which abut major or secondary highways, to which access rights are to be relinquished or dedicated, shall be provided with frontage on a service road or other local street.
Alignment of streets shall be subject to the following requirements:
Center line offsets of one hundred fifty feet or less shall be avoided whenever practical;
On any street, no center line curve radius of less than two hundred feet shall be permitted. A center line having an arc length of less than one hundred feet shall not be permitted unless the center line radius is greater than three thousand feet;
Streets shall intersect with other streets and highways as nearly at right angles as practical.
(Prior code § 9107.05; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
Cul-de-sacs shall be designed for not more than seven hundred feet in length when serving land zoned for industrial or commercial use or when serving land zoned for residential uses having a dwelling unit density of more than four dwelling units per net acre of land, unless the director of public works recommends that a greater length would be acceptable.
This section shall not be construed to prohibit the approval of a division of land utilizing frontage on an existing cul-de-sac of more than the maximum permitted length nor shall it be construed to prohibit the division of land committee or planning commission, as the case may be, from reducing the length of a proposed cul-de-sac to less than the maximum length permitted by this section, or requiring the elimination of a proposed cul-de-sac in order to provide for the efficient circulation of traffic, the future development of the neighborhood street system, or the deployment of emergency services.
(Prior code § 9107.09; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
Intersections of road right-of-way lines, where one or both streets are local residential, shall be rounded with a curve having a radius of fifteen feet. Intersections of road right-of-way lines, where both streets are highways or one of the streets serves a commercial or industrial development, shall be rounded with a curve having a radius of twenty-five feet.
(Prior code § 9107.10; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
The city council may require that an alley be provided at the rear of all lots in any division of land, subject to the prior review and recommendation of the division of land committee and planning commission.
(Prior code § 9107.08; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
Whenever two alleys are proposed to intersect or whenever an alley or street are proposed to intersect, there shall be a corner cutoff provided at the intersection of the intersecting rights-of-way. Such corner cutoff shall be not less than an angular ten feet, measured from the point of right-of-way intersection.
(Prior code § 9107.11; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
No lot shall be divided by a city boundary line, and such boundary line shall be made a lot line.
(Prior code § 9107.13; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
The design of all lots shall be subject to the following requirements:
Each lot in a division of land shall have the lot width and lot area of not less than is required for the zone classification in which the lot is located, as set forth in Title 18 of this code. Strips of land for the use only as vehicular access shall not be included in calculating the width or area. The required width and area shall be the same as those terms as are used and defined in the zoning code.
If a lot is in more than one zone classification, the property development regulations required for the most restrictive zone shall be required for the entire lot.
This section does not apply to any lot which the subdivider offers to deed or dedicate to the public.
In all cases where practical, the side lot lines of lots shall be at an approximate right angle to the street upon which such lots front. Where lot lines front on curved portions of streets, lot lines shall be radial where practical.
Divisions of property abutting rights-of-way for freeways, railroads, electrical transmission easements and flood control channels shall be designed so as to create lots which back up to such rights-of-way.
The minimum length of the front lot line of a lot fronting onto a cul-de-sac or knuckle shall be not less than forty feet or as provided in the zoning code or adopted specific plan.
(Prior code § 9107.12; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
In addition to the information required to be shown on the tentative and final tract maps relative to the division of lots or parcels, where such lots or parcels are to be sold or separated in ownership from other property in a planned residential unit development, or applicable phase thereof, the respective maps shall also designate the boundaries of lots or parcels of land to be sold or separated in ownership. In no case shall the subdivision of land create any lot or parcel having less than the minimum required area as set forth in Chapter 18.42 of this code.
(Prior code § 9107.14; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
The design of a subdivision shall provide, to the extent feasible, for the future passive or natural heating or cooling opportunities in the subdivision.
(Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)