The intent and purpose of this chapter is to establish regulations governing signs and other advertising media within the various zone classifications of the city and to expressly prohibit all signs and other advertising of any type whatsoever except as herein specifically permitted. This chapter shall not regulate the construction and/or structural phases of signs and other advertising, which are regulated by the city building laws.
It is also the intent and purpose of this chapter to alleviate signs and other advertising which are more detrimental to the community than the conveyance of their intended message. The environment, image, character, design and identity of the city must be effectively recognized through its application to all existing new development and redevelopment. The city's resources for attracting commerce, trade, industry and servicing the community constitutes one of its leading economic activities. Failure to recognize this significant fact would result in blinding the reality of the responsibility to provide the best possible environmental interests and welfare for the community.
The intent and purpose of this chapter is to also recognize and strongly subscribe to the right to advertise, and to keep such right within reasonable boundaries consistent with goals and objectives of the community by restraining its image, character, community design, and the economic advantages which rest largely on the quality of the city's appearance. Advertising must be balanced between the right to advertise and the right of the community to be protected against a visual and public trumpeting of overbearing commercialism. In order to protect the best interests of the community, the regulations contained in this chapter will prevent the invasion, abuse and intrusion of blatant commercialism that is not conducive to manmade and natural beauty and the environmental dignity of the city.
(Prior code § 9209.01)
The chart and text illustrated in this chapter, including Table 18.46.050 following Section 18.46.050, are hereby adopted and made a part of this chapter.
(Prior code § 9209.02)
The sign and advertising regulations chart set out in Table 18.46.050 following Section 18.46.050 is divided into basic categories of permitted signs and advertising for uses of land in the various zone classifications. In order to determine the zone in which permitted signs and advertising regulations apply, application and use of the chart is as follows:
Find the specific zone classification, as set forth in subsection A, B, C, D, E, F or G of Table 18.46.050.
Read down the chart under the "Permitted Signs and Advertising Regulations" column in which the type of sign sought appears. If a parenthetic number(s) appears with the specific type of sign, this means that the type of sign is subject to special conditions, requirements and/or limitations set forth in and corresponding with the numbered conditions of subsection B of Section 18.46.060.
When the specific type of sign sought is found, read across the chart under the "Regulations" column to determine the requirements governing the sign. If a specific regulation appears under the headings "Size," "Height," "Number" and/or "Location," this means that it is the specific requirement governing the specific type of sign.
If a parenthetic number(s) appears under the regulations headings "Size," "Height," "Number" and/or "Location," this means that the specific regulation for the particular requirements represented by the column in which the requirement and/or parenthetic number(s) appears is subject to compliance with the special conditions, requirements and limitations set forth in and corresponding with the numbered conditions of subsection B of Section 18.46.060.
If neither a specific requirement nor parenthetic numbers appear under the "Regulations" column heading, this means that the specific type of sign is not governed by size, height, number or location, but shall be governed by other conditions so specified.
(Prior code § 9209.03)
For the purpose of this chapter, all signs and other advertising shall be classified in the following categories:
Nameplates. This category shall include signage which displays only the business name and property address, hours of operation, credit card accepted (or equivalent) and employment advertisement relating to the business located on the subject premises.
Real Estate Signs. This category shall include signs or other advertising which relate only to the sale, lease or other disposition of the building, property or premises upon which such signs and other advertising are located, and shall only be temporary in nature, and shall be removed upon disposition of such property or building.
Construction Signs. This category shall include signs or nameplates which relate only to individuals, businesses or firms directly connected with construction or development projects of a building, property or premises upon which such signs or nameplates are located, and shall only be temporary in nature, and shall be removed upon completion of such projects.
Directional Signs. This category shall only include signs or sign structures only relating or pertaining to identifying and/or directing vehicular traffic to off-street parking facilities for a business or business complex located on the same property or premises with the business or business complex upon which such parking facilities and directional signs are intended to serve.
Business Signs. This category shall include all signs and/or sign structures only relating or pertaining to those services rendered or to the use conducted on the property or premises upon which such signs or sign structures are located.
Promotional Advertising. This category shall only include the display of banners, flags (except flags of the United States, state of California, or similar political subdivisions), pennants, or any other similar type attention-getting devices which are directly related to the promotion of grand openings, seasonal sales and/or special events for business establishments. Promotional advertising that does not consist of the use of banners, flags, pennants or similar type attention-getting devices shall be subject to review, approval and/or conditional approval by the zoning administrator. All such promotional advertising shall be subject to the specific regulations as set forth in Note 8 of subsection B of Section 18.46.060. The following definitions shall apply:
A promotional banner is a temporary display of professional quality, mounted flush against the façade of a building, constructed of cloth, canvas, fabric, nylon or other similar material, with or without a structural frame, and which does not require a building permit for its construction or installation.
Promotional pennants are a temporary display of a string of small, usually triangular flags, of professional quality, constructed of cloth, canvas, fabric, nylon or other similar material, usually strung from light poles within a parking lot or mounted flush against the façade of a building with the bottom ends flying freely.
A promotional flag is a temporary freestanding sign of professional quality constructed of cloth, canvas, fabric, nylon or other similar material with one side attached to a pole and the other end flying freely. Such advertising is not attached to nor a part of any building or structure. All such signs are securely fastened to resist displacement by wind or similar disturbances.
Nonconforming Signs. This category shall include all signs and/or other advertising of any type whatsoever which do not specifically conform to the provisions of this chapter.
Illegal Signs. Signs and/or other advertising which were illegal under the provisions of any other ordinance in effect prior to the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter shall still be deemed illegal, and shall be subject to the abatement of and/or compliance with the provisions of this chapter.
Window Signage. This category is established to allow professionally painted, attached, glued or otherwise affixed signs within fifteen feet of a window designed to be viewed by the public. Signage to include advertising relating to the business name, services rendered, sales and products subject to zoning consistency review and approval.
Freestanding Sign. Any sign supported by structures or supports that are placed on or anchored in the ground and that are independent from any building or other structure.
Monument Signage. A freestanding sign of low, solid design whose entire bottom is in contact with the ground.
Building Identification Signage.
Wall-Mounted. A sign attached parallel to a wall erected and confined within the limits of an outside wall of any building. The sign shall have only one display surface, oriented toward a public street or right-of-way. See following diagram:
Parallel-Projecting. A sign located parallel to a wall erected and confined within the limits of an outside wall of any building or structure; affixed to, supported by, or an integral part of a projecting architectural feature, such as a metal awning or canopy, that is permanent and not retractable. The sign shall have only one display surface. See following diagram:
Pedestrian-Oriented Signage. A double-faced nonilluminated identification sign installed perpendicular to a building's façade that is either directly attached to the façade or installed under a canopy so as to be suspended perpendicular above the nearest entrance. The sign shall contain only the name of the business. See following diagram:
Creative Signage. An accessory sign with a high quality of design that meets the creative design criteria within Section 18.46.060(B) Note 46.
Digital Billboard. This category shall include signs, signboards, or outdoor advertising displays utilizing digital message technology where the message, copy, or graphic on the sign changes more than once every two minutes, but no more than once every four seconds. Digital billboards may include on-site or off-site advertising.
(Prior code § 9209.04; Ord. 802 §§ 1—2, 1991; Ord. 849 §§ 3—5, 1994; Ord. 1070 § 5, 2012; Ord. 1073 § 5, 2012; Ord. 1142 § 2, 2021)
The basic signs and advertising regulations are categorized, enumerated and set forth in Table 18.46.050, the Signs and Advertising Regulations Chart, following this section.
Table 18.46.050
Permitted Signs and Advertising Regulations
Zone Regulations
O-S, Public Facilities and P Zones
CPD Zone
IPD Zone
Signs and advertising generally
R-E, S-F, R-I, and PUD Zones
Type Sign
1 sq. ft.
42 inches
2 per lot
Real estate
9 sq. ft.
6 feet
2 per lot
Subdivision (17)
150 sq. ft
12 feet
2 per tract
12 sq. ft.
6 feet
1 per lot
Building identification (36)
20 sq. ft.
6 feet
1 per lot (15)
Monument signage (36, 38)
40 sq. ft.
5 feet
1 per lot (37)
Other conditions
(1—5, 10, 14)
R-M Zone
Type Sign
1 sq. ft.
42 inches
1 per dwelling unit
Real estate
9 sq. ft.
6 feet
2 per lot
Subdivision (17)
150 sq. ft
12 feet
2 per tract
16 sq. ft.
6 feet
1 per lot
Building identification (18, 36)
20 sq. ft.
6 feet
1 per lot (15)
On the wall of a building fronting a dedicated public street
Monument signage (36, 38)
40 sq. ft.
5 feet
1 per lot (37)
Other conditions
(1—5, 10, 14)
P-A Zone
Type Sign
2 sq. ft.
1 per business
Above entrance doorway
Real estate
24 sq. ft.
6 feet
2 per lot
Subdivision (17)
150 sq. ft
12 feet
2 per tract
30 sq. ft.
6 feet
1 per lot
6 sq. ft.
42 inches
Next to each driveway entrance or exit from off-street parking facilities
Building identification; wall-mounted (21, 26)
2 sq. ft. for each front linear foot of building. 75 sq. ft. maximum
1 per business (2)
Exterior building wall fronting a public street (20)
Freestanding identification (23, 24)
1 sq. ft. for each front linear foot of building. May increase 3 sq. ft. for each 1 foot setback from nearest property line to a maximum of 150 sq. ft.
20 feet
1 per lot (19)
On same lot with business it is intended to serve (22)
Freestanding complex (24, 25)
1 sq. ft. for each front linear foot of building. May increase 3 sq. ft. for each 1 foot setback from nearest property line to a maximum of 150 sq. ft.
20 feet
1 per lot (19)
On same lot with business it is intended to serve (22)
Creative signage (46)
On same lot with business it is intended to serve
Other conditions
C-N Zone
Type Sign
2 sq. ft.
1 per business
Above entrance doorway
Real estate
24 sq. ft.
6 feet
2 per lot
Subdivision (17)
150 sq. ft
12 feet
2 per tract
30 sq. ft.
6 feet
1 per lot
6 sq. ft.
42 inches
Next to each driveway entrance or exit from off-street parking facilities
Building identification; wall-mounted (21, 26)
2 sq. ft. for each front linear foot of building. 75 sq. ft. maximum
1 per business (19)
Exterior building wall fronting a public street (20)
Creative signage (46)
On same lot with business it is intended to serve
Other conditions
C-C, C-G and C-M Zones
Type Sign
10 sq. ft. (27)
1 per business
Store front window and front and/or rear doors (29)
Real estate
36 sq. ft.
6 feet
2 per lot
Subdivision (17)
150 sq. ft
12 feet
2 per tract
49 sq. ft.
6 feet
1 per lot
6 sq. ft.
42 inches
Next to each driveway entrance or exit from off-street parking facilities
Pedestrian-oriented (41)
4 sq. ft. (sign copy area 3 sq. ft. maximum)
1 per public entrance of business (19)
Within 5 feet horizontal of public entrance sign is intended to serve. Shall not be closer than 15 feet from any other pedestrian-oriented sign (43, 44)
Building identification, wall-mounted or parallel-projecting (21, 26, 41)
3 sq. ft. for each front linear foot of building. 175 sq. ft. maximum
1 per business (16, 19, 31, 39, 42)
Exterior building wall fronting a public street (20, 43, 45)
Freestanding identification (23, 25)
2 sq. ft. for each 25 feet front linear foot of building. May increase 3 sq. ft. for each 1 foot setback from nearest property line to a maximum of 175 sq. ft. (32)
25 feet
1 per lot (19)
On same lot with business it is intended to serve (22)
Freestanding complex (24, 25)
2 sq. ft. for each 25 feet front linear foot of building. May increase 3 sq. ft. for each 1 foot setback from nearest property line to a maximum of 200 sq. ft.
25 feet
1 per lot (19)
On same lot with business it is intended to serve (22)
Creative signage (46)
On same lot with business it is intended to serve
Window signage
Not to exceed 25% of any window area of each building side fronting a public street or off-street parking facility
Within fifteen feet of window(s) fronting a public street or off-street parking facility (34)
Other conditions
(1—11, 33, 35)
I-L, I-G, and IPD Zones
Type Sign
2 sq. ft.
1 per business
Above entrance doorway
Real estate
54 sq. ft.
6 feet
2 per lot
Subdivision (17)
150 sq. ft.
12 feet
2 per tract
54 sq. ft.
6 feet
1 per lot
6 sq. ft.
42 inches
Next to each driveway entrance or exit from off-street parking facilities
Pedestrian-oriented (41)
4 sq. ft. (sign copy area 3 sq. ft. maximum)
1 per public entrance of business (19)
Within 5 ft. horizontal of public entrance sign is intended to serve. Shall not be closer than 15 ft. from any other pedestrian oriented sign (42, 43)
Building identification, wall-mounted or parallel-projecting (21, 26, 41)
3 sq. ft. for each front linear foot of building to a maximum of 300 sq. ft.
1 per business (19, 42)
Exterior building wall fronting a public street (20, 43, 45)
Freestanding identification (23, 24)
1 sq. ft. for each front linear foot of building. May increase 1 sq. ft. for each 1 foot setback from nearest property line to a maximum of 250 sq. ft.
25 feet
1 per lot (19)
On same lot with business it is intended to serve (22)
Freestanding complex (24, 25)
1 sq. ft. for each front linear foot of building. May increase 1 sq. ft. for each 1 foot setback from nearest property line to a maximum of 250 sq. ft.
25 feet
1 per lot (19)
On same lot with business it is intended to serve (22)
Creative signage (46)
On same lot with business it is intended to serve
Digital billboard (47)
Maximum of 1,200 total sq. ft. per sign face
75 feet as measured from the bottom of the electronic billboard supports to the highest point of the sign face
1 digital billboard structure consisting of up to 2 faces
In any area within 60 feet of the 605 Freeway rights-of-way boundary
Other conditions
(Prior code § 9209.05; Ord. 765 §§ 42, 43, 1989; Ord. 849 § 6, 1994; Ord. 857 § 15, 1994; Ord. 922 § 14, 1999; Ord. 959 § 4, 2000; Ord. 1032 § 5, 2007; Ord. 1073 § 6, 2012; Ord. 1142 § 4, 2021)
The regulations governing signs and other advertising requirements set forth in the charts in Table 18.46.050, as may be applicable, shall be subject to the provisions of this section, as follows:
Relationship to Chart. Special conditions, requirements and limitations governing signs and other advertising regulations indicated by parenthetic numbers appearing in the "Regulations" columns of the charts correspond to the specific numbered conditions, requirements and limitations set forth in subsection B of this section.
Conditions, Requirements and Limitations Enumerated. Special conditions, requirements or limitations governing signs and other advertising set forth in the charts found in Table 18.46.050 are as follows:
Note 1. 
All signs and/or other advertising shall conform to the provisions of this chapter.
Note 2. 
No signs and/or other advertising, except nameplates permitted in the R-E, S-F, PUD and R-M zones, real estate signs, and construction signs, shall be installed, placed, erected, constructed, attached to and/or painted on any building, structure, lot or parcel of land unless such signs and other advertising are first reviewed, approved and/or conditionally approved by the zoning administrator or other pertinent reviewing body.
Note 3. 
All signs and/or other advertising shall only be located on the same lot, parcel of land, property or premises with the building structure or use for which such signs or other advertising are intended to serve.
Note 4. 
All signs and/or other advertising shall not project or be located in any portion of public rights-of-way.
Note 5. 
No signs and/or other advertising shall be designed to flash and/or blink on and off, or be designed to rotate or revolve in such a manner so as to create the illusion of flashing or blinking on and off.
Note 6. 
Animated signs are prohibited.
Note 7. 
Any electrical service and facilities provided for signs and/or other advertising shall be installed and located underground, and shall be completely concealed from exterior exposure.
Note 8. 
Promotional advertising, as specified in Section 18.46.040, may only be permitted in the C-C, C-G, C-M and CPD zones; provided, however, that a promotional advertising permit shall be obtained from the zoning administrator, for which there shall be a permit issuance fee and cash bond in amounts established by a resolution of the city council posted with the city to guarantee the removal of such promotional advertising upon termination of the permit time period, and executed right-of-entry to the city by the owner. The cumulative display days issued to the same business, permittee, or location during any one calendar year shall not exceed one hundred fifty days. The applicant has the option of one annual application with a cash bond covering all events for that calendar year. A promotional advertising permit shall not be issued until a minimum of seven days has expired from the ending date of the last promotional advertising permit approval. During the Christmas holiday, businesses are allowed to display holiday greetings in windows without a permit provided that such window signage does not exceed twenty-one consecutive days. The application fee for new businesses shall be waived for the initial promotional advertising banner and pennant permit and/or promotional advertising flag permit within the first thirty days of business operations, all other regulations shall remain in effect and a cash bond is required for each application submitted.
Unless otherwise specified, the number, size, location and consecutive display days of promotional advertising shall be at the discretion of the zoning administrator subject to the condition that all promotional advertising is orderly, legible and kept in pristine conditions and constructed of durable material that will not deteriorate during the time period in which it is displayed.
Banner and Pennants. No promotional advertising permit shall be issued for a period of time exceeding thirty consecutive days or sixty consecutive days.
Flags. No promotional advertising permit shall be issued for a period of time exceeding seven consecutive days and are only to be posted within a period encompassing a federal or state holiday or Valentine's Day, Easter, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Halloween, grand opening or graduation day. Promotional flags shall require a separate promotional advertising permit and the display days shall be deducted from the cumulative display days permitted within any one calendar year, even when posted concurrently with banners and pennants. Maximum one flag per business or permittee to be located a minimum of five feet from any right-of-way or sidewalk and ten feet from any driveway with a minimum distance of fifty feet to a maximum of one hundred feet, to be determined at the discretion of the zoning administrator, to be maintained between any other promotional flag(s).
Note 9. 
No signs and/or other advertising shall be installed, placed, erected, constructed, painted, attached to or project above the roof of any building, or be located in any portion of the public rights-of-way. Such signs and/or other advertising, when determined to be an integral part of a building or which possess such architectural values and characteristics as to make or be impractical their being subject to the provisions of this chapter, shall be subject to the review, approval or conditional approval of the zoning administrator or other pertinent reviewing body.
Note 10. 
Any nonconforming sign and/or other advertising, or any portion thereof, which is removed or structurally altered, shall only be replaced or altered structurally with signs or other advertising which conform to the regulations as specified in this chapter.
Note 11. 
Rotating or revolving signs, all roof-mounted signs, any type of balloon signs, air dancers, and any blow-up advertising are prohibited.
Note 12. 
In the O-S, public facilities and P zones, all signs and other advertising of any type or kind whatsoever are hereby expressly prohibited, except those specifically approved by the zoning administrator or other pertinent reviewing body.
Note 13. 
Proposed signage for occupancy of existing commercial buildings to comply with sign regulations of C-C, C-G and C-M zoned properties set forth in Table 18.46.050F.
Note 14. 
For special uses which may be permitted in residential zones, as provided elsewhere in this code, all signs or other advertising are hereby expressly prohibited, except that signs or other advertising may be permitted as specifically provided for by the zone classification in which such uses may be located, or as may be provided elsewhere in this chapter.
Note 15. 
For corner lots, one sign shall be allowed for each street frontage located on an exterior building wall, facing a public street or right-of-way or located on the side of the building facing off-street parking facilities or vehicular entrance. Church/school combinations may be allowed to have one building identification sign for each use.
Note 16. 
Where there is more than one building used for the same business, under the same control or ownership, such building may have one building identification sign pertaining and relating to such business.
Note 17. 
Subdivision signs shall be located within the boundaries of the recorded tract map. A building permit shall be obtained for the installation, placement, erection and maintenance of such subdivision signs, and such signs shall be removed within eighteen months from the date of issuance of the building permit. A cash bond plus twenty percent, in an amount determined by the building official, shall be posted with the city, accompanied by an executed agreement to guarantee the removal of the subdivision sign upon termination of the building permit.
Note 18. 
Building identification signs shall be permitted except when there are less than three dwelling units on any separate lot or parcel of land.
Note 19. 
Such signs shall only indicate the name of the tenant for which the sign is intended to serve; any and all proposals to include signage relating to services rendered or to the use conducted in the building shall be approved for façades with lengths over fifty feet at the discretion of the zoning administrator.
Note 20. 
A building identification sign shall utilize any existing building fascia and the sign or wall shall not project above the roofline except as provided in Note 9 of this subsection.
Note 21. 
Building identification signs, designed to be uniform in nature, and serving a group or complex of businesses within a single building, may be permitted subject to Note 9 of this subsection.
Note 22. 
Such signs shall be located in a landscaped planting area equal in size to the total area of the sign, and such landscaped area shall be exclusive of any landscaped planting areas required for off-street parking facilities.
Note 23. 
Freestanding identification signs are only permitted when there is no more than one business in a building on a separate lot or parcel of land.
Note 24. 
Each freestanding identification sign shall either have an attached interior lighted sign indicating the street address of the property, business or use conducted upon the premises where such freestanding identification sign is located, or such address sign shall be incorporated as a part of the advertising portion of the freestanding identification sign. The numerals of such address sign shall not be less than eight inches in height.
Note 25. 
Freestanding complex signs are only permitted when there is more than one business in a building on a separate lot or parcel of land. Such sign is for the advertising of all the businesses within the complex. Individual businesses are not permitted on individual freestanding signs.
Note 26. 
There shall be not more than one building identification sign for each separate business in a building, located on the rear of such building and/or where an entrance therein opens onto improved off-street parking facilities or onto a public alley; provided, however, such sign shall not be more than thirty-five square feet in area for the C-N, C-M and P-A zones, or more than one hundred square feet for the C-C and C-G zones, or more than one hundred fifty square feet for the I-L and I-G zones.
Note 27. 
Proposed signage or occupancy of existing industrial buildings or uses to comply with sign regulations of I-L and I-G zoned properties set forth in Table 18.46.050G.
Note 28. 
Business name and address not to exceed four inches in height. Credit card accepted (or equivalent) not to exceed four inches in height. Hours of operation limited to two inches in height.
Note 29. 
Professionally prepared nameplate signage allowed on window(s), and front and/or rear doors fronting off-street parking facilities.
Note 30. 
An unlimited number of professional window signs are allowed provided that the signs are consolidated within one area.
Note 31. 
Secondary signage limited to allowable commercial uses for end tenants of a commercial center and the sides of a free-standing commercial building, provided that signage fronts on a public street.
Note 32. 
Maximum sign area to include the combined total of each sign face.
Note 33. 
All signs, together with all supports, braces, guys, and anchors, shall be kept in good repair, including replacement of defective parts, repainting, cleaning, and otherwise maintained in a presentable and undamaged condition at all times.
Note 34. 
Merchandise display located within five feet of the face of the window is limited to fifty percent. If a combination of window signs and merchandise is displayed, the combined display shall not exceed twenty-five percent.
Note 35. 
New developments and existing developments conducting site renovations, with more than three nonresidential tenants require submittal of a master sign program establishing criteria of uniform letter style, color, dimensions, area and placement.
Note 36. 
Signage permitted for the following uses only: churches and related facilities, educational institutions, hospitals, mobile home parks, rest homes, private recreation and PUD Associations.
Note 37. 
Church/school combinations, where the school is accredited for primary or secondary education by a state of California recognized accrediting agency, may have one of the following freestanding signage options:
A maximum of two monument signs, one for each use, separated by a minimum distance of fifty feet; or
A pylon type sign instead of a monument sign for the school portion of the site, consisting of a maximum height of fifteen feet, with a two-sided sign face not exceeding eight feet in width and five feet in height. Pylon base to be a minimum of twenty percent of sign width and designed to conceal structural support of a sign. Internal illumination acceptable. Sign to be located in a planter area consisting of a minimum two feet in depth around sign perimeter. Building identification signage would be limited to school name only.
Note 38. 
Monument structure to be a maximum of five feet in height and eight feet in length. Allowable sign area within monument structure limited to twenty-four square feet, resting on monument base or surrounded in part or whole, by monument structure. Structure to be centered in landscape planter of equal or greater size than total monument structure face area (total of largest two surfaces). The landscape planter must consist of a minimum two feet in depth around perimeter of monument structure. Monument to maintain a minimum of five feet from any right-of-way or sidewalk, and ten feet from any driveway. Internal illumination permitted, provided no light spill-over occurs off-site. A graffiti resistant finish is required for the monument base.
Note 39. 
The primary tenant occupying a single user building with street facing frontage of at least one hundred fifty feet and building size of twenty-five thousand square feet or more will be considered an anchor tenant. Such an anchor tenant will be allowed up to two additional secondary signs located on primary frontage. Such signage must relate to the existing business located within the structure, (such as "Bakery" associated with a grocery store), or related to a separate subtenant located within the primary business (such as "XYZ Savings" with a grocery store) which has an approved office located within. Each such sign is restricted in size to fifty percent of height and width of anchor tenant building identification sign, up to a maximum of one hundred square feet. Such signage must consist of single channel letter. Location will be subject to zoning administrator approval. Registered trademarks are included as permitted signage. Sign cans prohibited.
Note 40. 
Large, multi-screen theatre buildings, of a minimum of fifty thousand square feet in building area with building identification signage, secondary signage and other necessary signage deemed to be an integral part of the building or which posses architectural value and characteristics as to make or be impractical their being subject to the provisions of this chapter shall be subject to the review, approval or conditional approval of the zoning administrator or other applicable reviewing body.
Note 41. 
Pedestrian-oriented and parallel-projecting signs are permitted within all commercial and industrial developments. Centers with more than three nonresidential tenants must first obtain approval of a master sign program.
Note 42. 
Stand-alone businesses or centers with two or more nonresidential tenants may install one parallel-projecting sign and one wall-mounted sign on the same building façade(s) only when such stipulations are included within the approval of a master sign program. Signs shall be massed and spaced so as not to create an area encumbered by signage. The sum area of the two signs shall not exceed total allowed per zone.
Note 43. 
Pedestrian-oriented and parallel-projecting signs shall maintain minimum of eight feet vertical height clearance from the bottom of the sign to the level of pedestrian walkway and no portion of the sign shall project into any driveway, off-street parking area, public right-of-way, roadway, or alley.
Note 44. 
Pedestrian-oriented signs shall be double-faced and limited to ground floor tenants, all portions of the sign shall project out a maximum of five feet, sign support and brackets shall be compatible and architecturally integrated, and in cases where the minimum fifteen-foot distance requirement between pedestrian-oriented signs cannot be accommodated approval may be granted at the discretion of the zoning administrator.
Note 45. 
Parallel-projecting signs shall be attached to, or an integral part of a projecting architectural feature, installed parallel to and confined within the limits of the façade of the business the subject sign is intended to serve with only one display surface. Cabinet signs are not permitted as parallel-projecting signs.
Note 46. 
Creative Signage. The intent of a creative sign is to encourage signs of unique design that exhibit a high degree of imagination, inventiveness, and spirit and provide a process that will allow creatively designed signs that make a positive visual contribution to the overall image of the city, while mitigating the impacts of large or unusually designed signs.
Design Criteria. When approving a creative sign, the approving authority shall ensure that a proposed sign meets the following:
Design Quality. The sign shall constitute a substantial aesthetic improvement to the site and shall have a positive visual impact on the surrounding area, be of unique design and exhibit a high degree of imagination, inventiveness, and spirit, and provide a strong graphic character through the imaginative use of color, graphics, proportion, quality materials, scale, and texture.
Contextual Criteria. The sign shall contain at least one of the following elements classic historic design style, demonstrated trademark or logo is integral to the business, creative image reflecting current or historic character of the city, or inventive representation of the use, name, or logo of the structure or business.
Architectural Criteria. The sign shall utilize the architectural elements of the building, be placed in a logical location in relation to the overall composition of the building's façade and not cover any key architectural features or details of the façade.
Impact to Surrounding Uses. The sign shall be located and designed not to cause light and glare impacts nor a public nuisance on surrounding uses, especially residential uses, nor threaten the health, safety, and welfare of the public. Any and all impacts shall be mitigated to eliminate any possible public nuisance to surrounding uses.
Approval Authority. Subject to zoning consistency review approved by zoning administrator when the maximum development limitations per zone are not exceeded. In all other cases approval of a conditional use permit shall be required per Chapter 18.56, with the findings per Section 18.56.090 as herein modified:
The proposed signage is consistent with the purpose of creative signage and meets all design criteria within Note 46(a) of this section;
The proposed project can be adequately conditioned so as not to endanger, jeopardize, or otherwise constitute a menace to the public convenience, health, interest, safety, or general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use;
The new structure is compatible with the scale, bulk and mass of existing structures in the vicinity of the subject property, and does not impair the integrity and character of the zoning district in which it is to be located;
That the creative design is not close to other design features, signage that causes an overbearing visual nuisance;
That adequate consideration for the protection of the environment has been satisfactorily demonstrated; and
The granting of such creative sign approval will be consistent with the provisions and objectives of the general plan.
Note 47. 
Digital Billboards.
Purpose and Intent. Digital billboards are recognized as a legitimate form of commercial advertising in the city; however, the size, number, location, and illumination of digital billboards can have significant influence on the city's visual character and quality of life and can, without appropriate controls, create or contribute to visual blight conditions. The purpose and intent of this section are to allow for development of digital billboards in a planned manner in accordance with the regulations and standards established herein.
General Requirements.
The requirements of this chapter shall apply to the development and construction of any new digital billboard permitted under this code, the expansion, and the modification of an existing digital billboard, including the construction of additional face(s) and/or the digital conversion of an existing billboard.
Digital billboards shall be permitted within the identified areas along the California Interstate 605 Freeway only after a development agreement has been negotiated and executed between the digital billboard operator and city ("Agreement") in accordance with the terms of this note. The Agreement shall include specific public benefits to be provided to the city.
A billboard or digital billboard in existence on the effective date of the ordinance enacting this provision pursuant to a prior agreement (including any amendments or extensions thereof) may be relocated and rebuilt as a digital billboard within the area permitted under Section 18.46.050 of this code. All digital billboards shall comply with this chapter and all applicable requirements of the California Business & Professions Code and the California Code of Regulations. Pursuant to Section 5412 of the California Business & Professions Code, the Agreement may include provisions related to the relocation or removal of billboards in areas inside or outside the boundaries of the City of Pico Rivera.
In accordance with the California Business and Professions Code Section 5440, digital billboards not associated with relocation as described in subsection 3 above shall only be allowed in those areas not designated as "landscaped freeways" as defined under California Business and professions Code Section 5216, unless otherwise permitted by state law within Areas 1 and 2 as listed below.
Area 1
Area 2
In the event of any conflict between any provision contained in this chapter and any other provisions contained elsewhere in this code, the provisions of this chapter shall govern.
No new digital billboard shall be approved and no existing billboard shall be relocated, converted, or modified without the applicant first providing proof of legal or equitable interest in the site proposed for new construction, relocation or modification, including, but not limited to, a fee interest, lease, easement or other entitlement, demonstrating the right to install and operate the billboard on the subject property. Information to be provided shall include the written consent of the property owner.
No digital billboard shall be approved for construction, modification, or expansion, and no digital billboard may be maintained, unless the applicant provides evidence that a designated maintenance service is available by telephone and able to respond to a repair call "24/7"in the event a digital billboard becomes damaged or is malfunctioning.
All digital billboard agreements shall include requirements that applicants obtain all additional federal and/or state permits for installation. Nothing contained in this chapter shall require the city to negotiate and/or approve an Agreement on terms that are unacceptable to the city.
The owner and operator of the digital billboard shall comply with all applicable federal, state, or local laws when constructing, operating, improving, maintaining, repairing, and removing the digital billboard, including the Highway Beautification Act of 1965 (23 U.S.C. Section 131), the Outdoor Advertising Act (California Business and Professions Code, Section 5200 et seq.), the regulations promulgated to implement the Outdoor Advertising Act (4 Cal. Code Regulations. Section 2242(c) et seq.).
Physical Requirements.
The minimum distance between digital billboards, static billboards, or digital billboards to static billboards shall be the same as the minimum distance and separation criteria established by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). All distances shall be measured along the nearest edge of the pavement between points directly opposite the signs along each side of the highway.
All utilities for a digital billboard shall be underground.
No digital billboard shall have more than one digital face (display surface) oriented in the same vertical plane.
The maximum total digital billboard face area on any vertical plane for any digital billboard shall be a maximum of one thousand two hundred square feet per sign face;
The maximum height of any digital billboard including non-digital sign faces shall be seventy-five feet as measured from the bottom of the billboard supports to the highest point of the sign face.
Digital billboards shall plainly display, and be visible from no less than one hundred feet, the name of the person or company owning or maintaining digital billboard and the digital billboard identification number.
Digital billboards projecting over a driveway or driving aisle shall have a minimum clearance of thirty feet between the lowest point of the sign and the finished driveway grade. Digital billboards shall comply with any California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) requirements for placement and operation. No part of any Digital Billboard shall cross onto an adjacent private or public property.
Digital billboards projecting over a pedestrian walkway shall have a minimum clearance of thirty feet between the lowest point of the sign and the walkway grade.
Digital billboards not projecting over drive areas shall have a minimum clearance of thirty feet between the lowest point of the digital billboard and finish grade level.
Digital billboard structures shall be free of any visible bracing, angle iron, guy wires, cable, and/or similar supporting elements. All exposed portions of a digital billboard, including backs, sides, structural support members and support poles, shall be screened to the satisfaction of the director of community development.
Digital billboards shall be placed at least two hundred fifty feet from any residential zone or residential use, unless it is determined by the zoning code administrator that based on the photometric study required under Section (F)(1)(h) of this note that there is no significant additional light intrusion than if the digital billboards are placed at least two hundred fifty feet away. The measurement shall be from the closest edge of the billboard to the closest edge of the residential zone or closest property line on which a residential use is located.
Operational Requirements.
No digital billboard shall display any statement or words of an obscene, indecent, or immoral character, as that phrase is used in Business and Professions Code Section 5402 and judicial decisions interpreting the same.
Each digital billboard shall be connected to the National Emergency Network and provide emergency information, including child abduction alerts (i.e., "Amber Alerts"), in accordance with local and regional first responder protocols.
Digital billboard operating requirements:
Each static message shall not include flashing lights or the varying of light intensity.
Minimum display time. Each message shall be displayed for a minimum of four seconds.
Digital billboards shall not operate at brightness levels of more than 0.3 foot candles above ambient light, as measured using a foot candle meter, at a pre-set distance as set forth under this section.
Pre-set distances to measure the foot candles impact vary with the expected viewing distances of each size sign and shall comply with the following:
Face Size
Distance to point of measurement
12' x 25'
10'6" x 36'
14' x 48'
20' x 60'
Each digital billboard shall have a light sensing device that will automatically adjust the brightness as ambient light conditions change.
Each digital billboard shall be designed and operated with systems and monitoring in place to either turn the display off or show full black screen in the event of a malfunction.
Walls or screens at the base of the digital billboard or other support structures shall not create a hazard to public safety or provide an attractive nuisance and shall be continually maintained free from graffiti.
Digital billboards shall not be operated in such a fashion as to constitute a hazard to safe and efficient operation of vehicles on streets or freeways and shall comply with all applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations. Digital billboards operating in accordance with the operating criteria in subsection (D)(3) above shall be deemed to be in compliance with this subsection.
Digital billboards shall not simulate or imitate any directional, warning, danger, or information sign, or any other display likely to be mistaken for any permitted sign intended or likely to be construed as giving warning to traffic, for example using such words or phrases as "stop" or "slow down."
Digital billboards shall not incorporate or involve any red or blinking or intermittent lighting that may be mistaken for warning or danger signals nor shall its illumination impair the vision of travelers on the adjacent freeway and for roadways.
Digital billboards shall be operated and maintained in compliance with Business and Professions Code Section 5403.
The requirements set forth under subsections B, C, and D of Section 18.40.065 shall be in addition to any other conditions and requirements contained in the Agreement provided they are not in conflict. If any condition or requirement imposed in an Agreement conflicts with the general requirements set forth in these subsections B, C, and D, the general requirements of subsections B, C, and D shall control. For purposes of this subsection, conditions or requirements contained in an Agreement that are more restrictive than those contained in the general requirements of subsections B, C, and D shall not be deemed in conflict.
Application Requirements—Review Procedures.
Application requirements. An entity wishing to erect a new digital billboard, relocate an existing nonconforming or conforming billboard or modify and convert an existing billboard into a digital billboard shall submit a request in writing for approval of an Agreement as described under subsection B of this section that includes the following:
The name, address phone number and other contact information of the person or entity proposing the Agreement.
The location of the proposed digital billboard.
Information that establishes that the entity proposing the Agreement has legal or equitable interest in the proposed new or relocated billboard along with proof of legal or equitable interest in the site proposed for the above said purpose(s), including, but not limited to, a fee interest, lease, license, easement, or other entitlement demonstrating the right to install and operate the billboard on the subject property. Information to be provided shall include the written consent of the property owner if not readily ascertainable from the foregoing documents.
Conceptual design drawings of the digital billboard that includes technical specifications to determine the digital billboard's compliance with this note.
An explanation of the compensation to be paid or public benefits to be provided to the city.
Photos of all existing signage, architectural renderings, and elevations of the proposed digital billboard and a scaled site plan and elevations showing the locations of all existing structures and improvements on the property, and the proposed digital billboard and related structures and improvements.
Photo simulations shall be provided of the before and after physical site appearance from views as specified by the director of community and economic development.
A photometric study prepared by a certified lighting engineer demonstrating the proposed digital billboard's compliance with the operational requirements of this note.
The applicant shall pay a filing fee as set by resolution of the city council. This fee shall be in addition to any other required fees for permits relative to the development of the property and shall be for the purpose of defraying the costs associated with city's review of the application.
The applicant shall pay the cost of any environmental studies and reports necessary for the completion of the environmental review of the proposal pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act.
Such other documents, materials, or information deemed reasonably necessary by the director of community and economic development.
Review and Approval Process.
An Agreement shall be reviewed by the planning commission at a duly noticed public hearing. The public hearing shall be noticed in accordance with Section 18.56.080(C)(2) of the Pico Rivera Municipal Code. The planning commission shall review the Agreement and make a recommendation to city council whether the proposed digital billboard meets the required findings set forth in subsection (c) below.
The city council shall conduct a duly noticed public hearing following the planning commission recommendation to consider approval of the Agreement by ordinance. The hearing before the city council shall be noticed in accordance with Section 18.56.080(C)(2) of the Pico Rivera Municipal Code and may be continued from time to time. In order to approve a digital billboard Agreement, the city council shall make all of the findings contained in subsection (c) below.
Findings for Approval of an Agreement. The city council shall find that the proposed digital billboard identified in the Agreement satisfies all of the following findings:
The proposed Agreement is consistent with the goals, objectives, purposes and provisions of the General Plan, the Pico Rivera Municipal Code, and any applicable specific plans;
The proposed installation site is compatible with the uses and structures on the site and in the surrounding area;
The proposed digital billboard would not create a traffic or safety problem, including problems associated with on-site access circulation or visibility;
The proposed digital billboard would not interfere with on-site parking or landscaping required by city ordinance or permit;
The proposed digital billboard would not otherwise result in a threat to the general health, safety and welfare of city residents; and
The proposed digital billboard, in addition to its aesthetic treatment, provides substantial public benefits that would not otherwise accrue to the public in the absence of its installation.
(Prior code § 9209.06; Ord. 765 § 44, 1989; Ord. 799 §§ 7, 8, 1991; Ord. 802 § 5, 1991; Ord. 849 §§ 7—10, 1994; Ord. 852 §§ 46—48, 1994; Ord. 857 § 16, 1994; Ord. 959 § 5, 2000; Ord. 1032 § 4, 2007; Ord. 1070 §§ 6, 7, 2012; Ord. 1073 § 7, 2012; Ord. 1142 § 5, 2021)