Note: For statutory provisions authorizing a district to provide by ordinance for the pensioning of officers or employees, see Cal. Water C., §71593
The payroll fund shall be established, maintained and administered and employees paid therefrom upon the following bases;
The sum of three thousand dollars to cover incidental payroll expenses for each month shall be maintained in the payroll fund by monthly appropriations and in addition, there shall be deposited, thereto, on each payroll date, an amount equal to the semimonthly net payroll.
From this fund there shall be paid only the earned wages or salaries of officers and employees of the district, including those on an hourly or daily basis and those on a regular salary. Payment therefrom shall be made only upon the basis specified in this chapter.
An account and complete statement of withdrawals from this fund during the preceding month shall be presented to the board at the first meeting of each month.
The general manager and the treasurers and the auditor of the district, or any two of the officers, shall be and they are authorized and directed to determine from time to time the hours and periods of service which have been performed and served by the officers and employees of this district and, based thereon, to pay from the payroll fund of this district the wages and salaries to which the officers and employees of the district shall be entitled; provided, however, that compensation shall at all times be based upon the schedule of wages and salaries set forth in the payroll of this district as the same may be approved and established by the board of directors from time to time.
All checks of the district drawn on the payroll fund must be signed and shall be honored only if signed by two of the following named officers of this district: general manager, the secretary and the president of the board of directors.
(Ord. 300 §1, 1989)
Officers and employees of the district shall be paid from the payroll fund upon the wage or salary scale set forth in the established payroll list of this district; provided, however, that the board reserves and shall have the right to amend and to change the payroll from time to time and this chapter shall not be construed as giving to any person a contract or vested right in such wage or salary scale.
(Ord. 300 §1, 1989)
Each person now or hereafter placed upon the payroll shall be paid in accordance with the last memorandum of understanding in effect between the district and the formally recognized employee organization representing a majority of the employees in the unit in which the person is a member except that unrepresented employees shall be paid in accordance with resolutions hereinafter passed by the district's board and employees who are paid on an hourly basis are classified as "part-time" and shall not be entitled to sick leave, vacation, holiday, military leave or pension benefits.
(Ord. 300 §1, 1989)
The overtime provisions of this chapter do not apply to those employees who are exempt under the Fair Labor Standards Act.
(Ord. 300 §1, 1989)