Meters will be read bimonthly every fifty-eight to sixty-two days, except that the district may in its discretion read meters monthly in the case of consumers whose average bimonthly bill exceeds one thousand dollars or who have incurred a late charge within the prior two years or where such action will result in more accurate meter readings or otherwise be in the best interest of the district.
(Ord. 176 §1, 1978; Ord. 228 §1, 1982; Ord. 248 §2, 1984; Ord. 314 §2, 1990; Ord. 341 §2, 1992)
Meters will be read and readings recorded only to the next lower one hundred cubic feet for both the beginning and end of each reading period; provided, however, that for closing bills and in all cases where the district deems it advisable to make a special investigation, meters may be read and readings recorded and computations made to the nearest cubic foot of water delivered or consumed up to the end of the reading period.
(Ord. 176 §1, 1978; Ord. 314 §2, 1990)