The district reserves the right to discontinue any water service to any consumer on a temporary basis, when, in the opinion of the district, any emergency, accident, necessary repair, alteration of district facilities or essential operating procedure, including the flushing and cleaning of district facilities, reasonably requires such discontinuance. The district assumes no responsibility or liability for such temporary interruption of water service or any damage occasioned thereby.
(Ord. 176 §1, 1978; Ord. 314 §2, 1990; Ord. 405 §1, 2006)
It is unlawful for any person to remove, replace, alter or damage any water meter or components thereof, including, but not limited to, the meter face, its dials or other water-usage indicators, and any flow-restricting device installed pursuant to this section or Section 11.32.060 or 11.32.090. If a consumer damages a meter, service pipe or other piece of property of the district, the consumer will be required to pay the following charges:
Material cost plus fifteen percent handling charge;
Labor cost plus applicable overheads.
This section also applies to internal meter damage caused by flows in excess of meter operation limits. Should such damage occur, the district may install a flow restrictor to reduce the flow rate to within safe meter operation limits. A fifty-dollar fee will be charged for the installation of a flow restrictor, or for its removal.
(Ord. 176 §1, 1978; Ord. 245 §9, 1984; Ord. 286 §10, 1989; Ord. 290 §5, 1989; Ord. 314 §2, 1990)
The district shall have the right of access to meters or other facilities located on consumer's premises for the purposes of meter reading, inspecting, testing, checking or performing any other service deemed necessary by the district to provide continued water service. Consumers shall not obstruct the district's right of access to meters or other district facilities located on consumer's premises, nor permit vegetation, vehicles or other materials to obstruct reasonable access. The district may charge the consumer to recover the actual costs incurred for removal of vegetation or other materials, as required, after appropriate notice to property owner, to assure continued reasonable access as defined in this section.
(Ord. 176 §1, 1978; Ord. 279 §1, 1989; Ord. 314 §2, 1990)
The district will not be liable in any case for damages occasioned by water running from open or faulty fixtures, or from broken or damaged pipes on the consumer side of the meter, or for the repair of such fixtures or pipes.
(Ord. 176 §1, 1978; Ord. 314 §2, 1990)
Consumers may not attach or permit to be attached to water pipes on their premises any plumbing fixture or other equipment which causes noises or pressure surges to be transmitted through said water pipes so as to cause annoyance to other consumers. Any such fixture or equipment must be removed from said water pipes within seven days after receipt from the district of written notice to so remove such fixture or equipment.
(Ord. 176 §1, 1978; Ord. 314 §2, 1990)
All persons are forbidden to attach electrically charged wire or make any connection intended for conducting electricity to any district facility or to any plumbing or pipe which is or may be electrically connected to any district service connection or main.
The district has no responsibility or obligation for the installation of water pipe grounding connections, or for the maintenance of the integrity or continuity of any grounding attachment or connection made to a water pipe system for the purpose of grounding electric current.
Piping materials in use by the district and consumers include such nonconductors as plastic, asbestos cement and dielectrically coated steel. Where bare metallic piping is used, there are often compression-type joints which act as electric insulators. Consequently, use of such grounding systems is hazardous to consumers, district personnel and others. Moreover, alternating current causes both interior and exterior corrosion of metal piping which results in failure of the piping as well as degradation of water quality.
The district will hold the owner of the premises liable for any damage to the property of the district, its personnel or any third party occasioned by such attachment or connection and may install suitable insulation devices in order to furnish protection from the hazards of water pipe grounding systems.
(Ord. 176 §1, 1978; Ord. 314 §2, 1990)
No person or persons, other than those designated by a duly organized fire department, and by the district, shall open any fire hydrant or attempt to draw water therefrom, except through a district-owned hydrant meter pursuant to a joint permit obtained from the district, approved by the fire department in control of such hydrant, and filed with the district. Any person or company representative drawing unauthorized water from the hydrant will be subject to the penalty for unauthorized water use contained in Section 6.01.080 of this code.
A true copy of the permit must, at all times, be in the possession of any person taking water from such hydrant. If any such person fails to display the permit copy upon demand, or if the person does not have a district permit, then the district may discontinue the illegal service and take possession of the meter and/or any appurtenances thereto until such time as the person pays the district a five-hundred-dollar fine and makes restitution for the illegal water usage pursuant to Section 6.01.080.
Water drawn from a fire hydrant with district approval will be furnished under the rules set forth in Section 11.56.030, and charges for such water will be made in accordance with the current rate schedule.
(Ord. 176 §1, 1978; Ord. 245 §10, 1984; Ord. 314 §2, 1990; Ord. 333 §2, 1992; Ord. 384 §2, 1998)
No water service will be given, installed or continued to any property, structure or facility where the water passing such service is or will be redistributed and resold outside of said property, structure or facility to one or more consumers other than the applicant unless the pipelines intended to distribute such water for resale on the consumer's side of the district's service meter are installed under specifications provided by the district and the district grants express written approval therefor.
(Ord. 176 §1, 1978; Ord. 314 §2, 1990)
No consumer shall cause or permit any water furnished to his property by the district to run to waste in any gutter or otherwise. The district may, after one warning, terminate the service of any consumer pursuant to Chapter 11.28 for failure to comply with the foregoing rule. Restoration of service may be conditioned upon installation of a flow restrictor on the consumer's service. Fees will be charged for the flow restrictor and installation or removal in addition to the turn-on charge provided for in Section 11.08.150.
(Ord. 314 §2, 1990)
All tank lots, pump lots, tanks, pumps, pipelines, meters and other facilities installed under this title shall be the sole property of the district immediately upon installation; except, that fire hydrant bodies shall belong to and be maintained by local fire authorities, subject to district control of the flow of water therethrough.
(Ord. 195 §4, 1979; Ord. 207 §1, 1980; Ord. 314 §2, 1990)
The district shall charge administrative fees for preparation, execution and recording of documents as follows:
Where documents are required as part of a project agreement under which the applicant has posted funds with the district, district shall charge any cost of preparing documents against such funds under its standard cost accounting and billing procedures.
For other documents the district shall charge for preparation, execution and recording of the documents based on the rate as published in the most current Schedule of Rates, Fees and Charges for each hour of staff time or portion thereof, expended in their preparation. Upon request for preparation of any such document, staff shall estimate the amount of time required and the applicant shall make a deposit based on staff's estimate of cost. Documents to which the district may apply administrative fees include:
Quitclaim deeds,
Grants of easements,
Encroachment agreements,
Watershed protection agreements, and
Limited land use agreements, such as revocable licenses;
Development of billing history reports of more than the proceeding year will cost as published in the most current Schedule of Rates, Fees and Charges per hour of staff time.
(Ord. 245 §12, 1984; Ord. 314 §2, 1990; Ord. 402 §2, 2004; Ord. 409 §1, 2007; Ord. 434 §2, 2016; Ord. 438 §2, 2017)
All existing customers of the district and any new applicants for water service whose properties may be served by recycled water provided by the district shall connect their property to such recycled water service for those uses for which the use of potable domestic water would be deemed a waste or unreasonable use of water as specified in Division 7, Chapter 7, of the California Water Code and the state and local regulations promulgated pursuant thereto. Failure of an existing district customer to accept service of recycled water when it is made available by the district where use of potable water would otherwise be deemed a waste or unreasonable use of water as specified above shall be grounds for termination of the customer's potable water service. Failure of a customer for recycled water to comply with the conditions specified for its use set out in this code and in the application for water service shall be grounds for termination of recycled water service and curtailment and/or termination of any potable water service provided to the extent the customer attempts to apply potable water to the uses specified for recycled water. No connection fee shall be assessed where recycled water replaces potable water to which a customer already had a water entitlement; however, the customer shall be liable for the cost of connecting his plumbing at the point of connection as determined by the district and any costs of making his private plumbing and irrigation system conform to state health standards.
(Ord. 281 §6, 1989; Ord. 314 §2, 1990; Ord. 352 §1, 1994)