For the purpose of this chapter, certain words and phrases shall be construed herein as set forth in this section, unless it is apparent from the context that a different meaning is intended.
Any person who, for pecuniary compensation:
Escorts, accompanies or consorts with other persons to, from or about social affairs, entertainments, places of public assembly or places of amusement located or situated within the City of Santa Barbara; or
Escorts, accompanies or consorts with other persons in or about any place or public or private resort or within any private quarters located or situated within the City of Santa Barbara; or
Escorts, accompanies or consorts with other persons in or about any business or commercial establishment, or part or portion thereof, located or situated within the City of Santa Barbara.
Escort Bureau.
Any business, agency or self-employed or independent escort who, for pecuniary compensation, furnishes or offers to furnish escorts.
Introductory Service.
A service offered or performed by any person for pecuniary compensation, the principal purpose of which is to aid persons to become socially acquainted or to otherwise assist persons to meet for social purposes, or which service is generally known or should be known by the offering or performing party to be used by the recipients thereof for the purpose of obtaining information about other persons to be used for social purposes.
Pecuniary Compensation.
A any commission, fee, gratuity, hire, profit, reward, or any other form of consideration.
Profit Interest.
Any interest or share in the present or prospective profit of an escort bureau or introductory service.
(Ord. 4127, 1981)
It is unlawful for any person to engage in, conduct or carry on, in or upon any premises or real property located or situated within the City of Santa Barbara, the activities of an escort bureau or introductory service, unless there has been granted to such person a valid permit, pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. A separate permit shall be required for each location within the City of Santa Barbara at which an escort bureau or introductory service is to be established.
(Ord. 4127, 1981)
The term of an Escort Bureau, Introductory Service or Escort Permit, unless sooner suspended or revoked, shall be for a period of one year.
(Ord. 4127, 1981)
An Escort Bureau, Introductory Service or Escort Permit, issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, which has not been suspended or revoked, may be renewed for a period of not to exceed one year on written application to the Police Chief made at least 90 days prior to the expiration date of the current valid permit.
(Ord. 4127, 1981)
The requirements of this chapter shall have no application and no effect upon and shall not be construed as applying to a person in the lawful business of an employment agency licensed under the laws of the State of California.
(Ord. 4127, 1981)
Any person desiring to obtain a permit, or renew an existing permit, to operate an escort bureau or an introductory service, shall make application to the Police Chief or his or her designated representative. Prior to submitting such application for a permit or renewal of a permit, a nonrefundable fee shall be paid to the Finance Department. The Finance Department shall issue a receipt showing that such application or renewal fee has been paid. The receipt, or a copy thereof, shall be supplied to the Police Chief at the time such application is filed. Permit issuance or renewal fees required under this chapter shall be in addition to any license, permit or fee required under any other chapter of this code.
Neither the filing of an application for a permit or renewal thereof, nor payment of an application or renewal fee, shall authorize the operation of an escort bureau or introductory service until such permit has been issued by the Police Chief.
Each applicant for an Escort Bureau or Introductory Service Permit, or renewal thereof, shall furnish the following information:
The present or proposed address where the business is to be conducted;
The name under which the business will be conducted;
Any other names used by the applicant;
The present residence and business addresses and telephone numbers of the applicant;
Each residence and business address of the applicant for the five year period immediately preceding the date of filing of the application and the inclusive dates of each such address;
California driver's license or identification number and social security number of the applicant;
Acceptable written proof that the applicant is at least 18 years of age;
The applicant's height, weight, color of eyes and hair and date of birth;
Two photographs of the applicant, at least two inches by two inches in size, taken within the six month period immediately preceding the date of the filing of the application;
The business, occupation or employment history of the applicant for the three year period immediately preceding the date of the filing of the application;
The permit history of the applicant, for the five year period immediately preceding the date of the filing of the application, including whether such applicant, in previously operating in this or any other city, county, state, or territory, has ever had any similar license or permit issued by such entity revoked or suspended, or has had any professional or vocational license or permit revoked or suspended, and the reason or reasons therefor;
All criminal convictions of the applicant, including ordinance violations but excepting minor traffic offenses, stating the date, place, nature and sentence of each such conviction;
If the applicant is a corporation, the name of the corporation shall be set forth exactly as shown in its articles of incorporation or charter, together with the state and date of incorporation, and the names, residence addresses, and dates of birth of each of its current officers and directors, and each stockholder holding more than five percent of the stock in the corporation. If the applicant is a partnership, the applicant shall set forth the name, residence address and date of birth of each of the partners, including limited partners and profit interest holders. If the applicant is a limited partnership, the applicant shall furnish a copy of the certificate of limited partnership as filed with the County Clerk. If one or more of the partners is a corporation, the provisions of this subsection pertaining to corporations shall also apply. The corporation or partnership applicant shall designate one of its officers or general partners to act as its responsible managing officer. Such designated person shall complete and sign all application forms required of an individual applicant under this chapter, but only one application fee will be charged;
In the event the applicant is not the owner of record of the real property upon which the escort bureau or introductory service is or is to be located, the application must be accompanied by a notarized statement from the owner of record of the property acknowledging that an escort bureau or introductory service is or will be located on the property. In addition to furnishing such notarized statement, the applicant shall furnish the name and address of the owner of record of the property, as well as a copy of the lease or rental agreement pertaining to the premises in which the escort bureau or introductory service is or will be located;
A description of the service to be provided;
The true name and residential address of all persons employed or intended to be employed as escorts;
Such other identification and information as the Police Chief may reasonably require.
The applicant, if an individual, or a designated responsible managing officer if the applicant is a partnership or corporation, shall personally appear at the Police Department of the City of Santa Barbara and produce proof that the required application or renewal fee has been paid and shall present the application containing the information and supporting documentation required by the Police Chief.
The Police Chief may require the applicant, if an individual, or the designated responsible managing officer if the applicant is a partnership or corporation, to appear in person at the Police Department in order to be photographed and fingerprinted.
When any change occurs regarding the written information submitted to the Police Chief pursuant to Section 9.39.060, the applicant or permit holder, as the case may be, shall give written notification of such change to the Police Chief within 24 hours after such change.
The Police Chief, or his or her representative, shall, within 60 days after the date of the filing of the application, render a written decision, as to approval or denial of the application for the permit or renewal thereof.
The Police Chief shall grant the permit, or renewal thereof, only if he or she finds that all of the following requirements have been met:
The required fees have been paid;
The application conforms in all respects to the provisions of this chapter;
The applicant has not knowingly made a material misrepresentation of fact in the application;
The applicant, if an individual; or any of the directors, officers, or stockholders holding more than five percent of the stock of the corporation; or any of the partners, including limited partners, the holder of any lien of any nature or profit interest holder, manager or other person principally in charge of the operation of the existing or proposed escort bureau or introductory service; or an individual employed or contracted with to be an escort or to provide escort services; has not been convicted or found guilty in a court of competent jurisdiction by final judgment within the last five years of an offense involving:
Prostitution, pimping or pandering;
The presentation, exhibition or performance of an obscene production, motion picture or play;
Lewd conduct;
Larceny or extortion; or
The use of force and violence upon another person.
The escort bureau or introductory service, as proposed by the applicant, would comply with all applicable City of Santa Barbara, county and state laws, including, but not limited to, health, zoning, fire and safety requirements and standards; and
The applicant, manager or other person principally in charge of the operation of the business is at least 18 years of age.
If the Police Chief does not find that all of the requirements set forth in subsection H of this section have been met, he or she shall deny application for the permit or renewal thereof. In the event the application for the permit or renewal thereof is denied by the Police Chief, written notice of such denial shall be given to the applicant, specifying the ground or grounds of such denial. Notice of denial of the application for the permit, or renewal thereof, shall be deemed to have been served if in fact it is personally served on the applicant or when deposited in the United States mail with the postage prepaid and addressed to the applicant at an address set forth in the application for the permit or renewal thereof. Any applicant whose application for an Escort Bureau or Introductory Service Permit, or renewal thereof, has been denied by the Police Chief, may appeal such denial to the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners.
(Ord. 4127, 1981)
No holder of an Escort Bureau or Introductory Service Permit shall employ as an escort any person under 18 years of age.
No holder of an Escort Bureau or Introductory Service Permit shall furnish any escort or introductory service to, or accept employment from any patron, customer or person to be escorted, who is under 18 years of age, except at the special instance and request of a parent, guardian or other person in lawful custody of the person upon whose behalf the escort or introductory service is engaged.
(Ord. 4127, 1981)
It is unlawful for any person to act as an escort unless there has been provided to such person a valid permit, pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. Such permit shall be issued to the address of the employer of the escort, who must in turn also hold a valid Escort Bureau or Introductory Service Permit issued by the City of Santa Barbara pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 4127, 1981)
Each escort permit holder shall be issued an identification card which will also serve as an Escort Permit. The permit holder shall carry such card upon his or her person when acting as an escort and produce the same for inspection upon request. Each permit holder shall immediately surrender, to the Police Chief, any Escort Permit issued by the City of Santa Barbara upon the suspension, revocation, or expiration of such permit, or upon leaving employment as an escort.
(Ord. 4127, 1981)
Any person desiring to obtain a permit, or renewal of an existing permit, to act as an escort, shall make application to the Police Chief or his or her designated representative. Prior to submitting such application for a permit or renewal of a permit, a nonrefundable fee shall be paid to the Finance Department. The Finance Department shall issue a receipt showing that such permit application or renewal fee has been paid. The receipt, or a copy thereof, shall be supplied to the Police Chief at the time such application is filed. Permit fees required under this chapter shall be in addition to any license, permit or fee required under any other section of this code.
Neither the filing of an application for a permit, or renewal thereof, nor the payment of an application or renewal fee, shall authorize a person to act as an escort until such permit has been granted or renewed.
Each applicant for an Escort Permit, or renewal thereof, shall furnish the information required by paragraphs C.1 through 12 of Section 9.39.060 and shall, in addition, furnish the following information:
Satisfactory evidence that the applicant is employed, or has been offered employment, by an escort bureau or introductory service holding a valid permit issued by the City of Santa Barbara, including the name and address of the employer or prospective employer and the fact that such employment or continued employment is contingent upon the issuance of said permit; and
Such other identification and information as the Police Chief may reasonably require.
The Police Chief may require the applicant to appear in person at the Police Department in order to be photographed and fingerprinted.
The Police Chief, or his or her representative, shall, within 60 days after the date of the filing of the application, render a written approval or denial of the application for the permit or renewal thereof.
The Police Chief shall grant the permit, or renewal thereof, only if he or she finds that all of the requirements of paragraphs H.1 through 3 of Section 9.39.060 have been met, and, in addition, if he or she finds that the following additional requirements have been met:
The applicant has not had an Escort Bureau, Introductory Service or Escort Permit or other similar license or permit denied or suspended or revoked for cause by the City of Santa Barbara or any other city or county located in or out of this state within the one year immediately preceding the date of the filing of the application;
The applicant is at least 18 years of age;
The applicant has not been convicted or found guilty in a court of competent jurisdiction by final judgment within the last five years of any offense referred to in Section 9.39.060.H.4.
If the Police Chief does not find that all of the requirements set forth in subsection F above have been met, he or she shall deny the application for the permit or renewal thereof. In the event the application for the permit, or renewal thereof, is denied by the Police Chief, written notice of such denial shall be given to the applicant specifying the ground or grounds of such denial. Notice of denial of the application for the permit, or renewal thereof shall be deemed to have been served if it in fact is personally served on the applicant or when deposited in the United States mail with postage prepaid and addressed to the applicant at an address as set forth in the application for an Escort Permit, or renewal thereof. Any applicant whose application for an Escort Permit or renewal thereof has been denied by the Police Chief, may appeal such denial to the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners.
When any change occurs regarding the written information required by subsection C of this section, the applicant or permit holder, as the case may be, shall give written notification of such change to the Police Chief within 24 hours after such change.
(Ord. 4127, 1981)
No holder of an Escort Permit shall escort, offer to escort or perform any activity described in this chapter to any person under 18 years of age, except at the special instance and request of the parent, guardian or other person in lawful custody of the person on whose behalf the escort or introductory service is engaged.
(Ord. 4127, 1981)
Upon the sale or transfer of any interest in an escort bureau or introductory service, the permit shall immediately become null and void. A new application shall be made by any person, firm or entity desiring to own or operate the escort bureau or introductory service. A fee as established by resolution of City Council shall be payable for each such application. Any application involving the sale or other transfer of any interest in an existing escort bureau or introductory service, as well as any permit which may thereafter be granted, shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 4127, 1981)
A change of location of any premises or real property where a permitted escort bureau or introductory service is conducted may be approved by the Police Chief provided all requirements of this chapter and all ordinances and regulations of the City of Santa Barbara are complied with and a change of location fee as established by resolution of the City Council is deposited with the Finance Department. Application for such change shall be made within three days of such change.
No permit holder shall operate an escort bureau or introductory service under any name or designation not specified in the permit.
(Ord. 4127, 1981)
Every escort bureau and introductory service shall maintain a record of every transaction whereby any escort is employed or engaged, or whereby any introductions are arranged for on behalf of any patron, customer or person. Such record shall include the following information:
The date and hour of the transaction;
The name, address and telephone number of the patron, customer or person requesting or employing the escort bureau or introductory service; and
The name of the escort furnished or other persons who were introduced or arranged to be introduced. Such records shall be made available to law enforcement officers, upon request, for inspection, review and copying.
(Ord. 4127, 1981)
If the Police Chief finds that any person holding an Escort Bureau or Introductory Service Permit under the provisions of this chapter has violated any of the provisions of this chapter or conducts such business in such a manner as would have been grounds for denial of a permit as set forth in Section 9.39.060.H, or if the Police Chief finds that any person holding an Escort Permit is engaging in behavior or actions which violate any of the provisions of this chapter or which would have been grounds for denial of a permit as set forth in Section 9.39.100.F, he or she may suspend or revoke the permit. No such suspension or revocation shall become effective until the permit holder has been notified in writing of the right of such permit holder to appeal the suspension or revocation. Notification of the permit holder shall be made either by personal delivery or by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, addressed to the permittee at such permittee's address as set forth on the application for a permit or renewal thereof. If a timely appeal is filed, the suspension or revocation shall be stayed and shall become effective only upon decision of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners. Otherwise the suspension or revocation shall become effective after the appeal period has expired.
(Ord. 4127, 1981)
Fees for applications, permits and appeals under this chapter shall be established by resolution of the City Council. The fees for applications shall be established to defray, in part, the costs of investigations and reports required under this chapter.
(Ord. 4127, 1981)
Time to Appeal. Any written decision of the Police Chief under this chapter may be appealed to the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners, but such an appeal must be filed with the Clerk of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners within 10 days after notice of the decision is personally delivered or mailed to the applicant or permittee and must be accompanied by an appeal fee.
Notice. The applicant or permittee shall be given notice of a hearing at least 10 days prior to the hearing. Such notice shall be served when it is personally delivered to the applicant or permittee or it is deposited in the United States mail with postage prepaid and addressed to the applicant or permittee.
Procedure. The hearing shall be conducted in the manner set forth in subsections C, D, E, F and I of Section 9.45.050 of this code, but the provisions contained in this chapter shall prevail where there is any conflict.
(Ord. 4127, 1981)