Unlawful operation of motor vehicles on airport. It is unlawful for any person to operate a Motor Vehicle on the Airport in violation of any provision of this code, any rule or regulation adopted by resolution of the City Council, or any rule or regulation adopted by the Airport Director pursuant to authority granted under this code.
Motor vehicle rules and regulations. The Airport Director is authorized to adopt rules and regulations governing the operation of Motor Vehicles on the Airport consistent with the provisions of this code.
Operation of motor vehicles on roads. It is unlawful to operate a Motor Vehicle on the Airport except on roadways, parking areas and other hard surfaces that are designated for such vehicles, except service vehicles authorized in writing by the Airport Director and emergency vehicles.
Service vehicle identification. All authorized service vehicles operating within the Air Operations Area of the Airport must have company identification displayed on both sides of the vehicle, visible and legible from a distance of 100 feet.
Designation of construction vehicles. All construction vehicles operating within the Air Operations Area shall display an orange and white checkered flag of not less than nine square feet and shall obtain clearance from the Airport Traffic Control Tower when operating within 100 feet of a runway or taxiway.
Nighttime vehicle designation. All vehicles operating on the Air Operations Area from sunset to sunrise shall operate a rotating amber light beacon or strobe on the roof of the vehicle.
(Ord. 3480 §2, 1971; Ord. 4242, 1983; Ord. 5203, 2001; Ord. 5557, 2011)
Each operator of a Motor Vehicle involved in an accident between that vehicle and an Aircraft or another vehicle on the Airport shall report such accident fully to the Airport Director as soon as possible after the accident. The report shall include to the greatest extent possible: the date, time and location of the accident; a description of all vehicles or Aircraft involved in the accident, including license or tail numbers; the name of the owners of the vehicles or Aircraft; the names of the vehicle or Aircraft operators and their license numbers; the owners' and operators' insurance carriers; the circumstances of the accident; and a list of any injuries or damages.
(Ord. 3480 §2, 1971; Ord. 5203, 2001)
Paid parking areas. It is unlawful to:
Park a Motor Vehicle on the Airport in an area requiring payment for parking unless the required amount is paid.
Park a Motor Vehicle in such a manner as to occupy parts of two marked spaces, unless approved by the Airport Director.
No abandoned vehicles. It is unlawful to abandon a Motor Vehicle on the Airport.
Obey signs and markings. It is unlawful to park or stand a Motor Vehicle at any place on the Airport in violation of any sign or pavement marking posted by the Airport Director.
No parking within fifteen feet of fire hydrant. It is unlawful to park or stand a Motor Vehicle within 15 feet of a fire hydrant on the Airport.
Parking in air operations area. It is unlawful to park a Motor Vehicle in the Air Operations Area or in any Aircraft tie-down area unless authorized by the Airport Director. The Airport Director may authorize an owner or operator of an Aircraft stored in a hangar on the Airport to park a Motor Vehicle used to access the Aircraft in an aircraft hangar while using the Aircraft.
Parking only in designated areas. It is unlawful to park a Motor Vehicle on the Airport anywhere other than on an area that has been designated for parking by the Airport Director.
Removal of unauthorized vehicles. The Airport Director or his or her designee may remove, at the owner's expense, any vehicle parked on the Airport in violation of this title, and the vehicle shall be subject to a lien for the cost of removal.
(Ord. 3480 §2, 1971; Ord. 4242, 1983; Ord. 5203, 2001; Ord. 5557, 2011)
Motor Vehicles shall be kept clear of gates, entrances and fire equipment at all times.
(Ord. 3480 §2, 1971; Ord. 5203, 2001)
Motor vehicle operation on airport. It is unlawful to operate a Motor Vehicle on the Airport in a negligent or reckless manner or in excess of 25 miles per hour or as otherwise posted.
Motor vehicle operation in air operations area. It is unlawful to operate a Motor Vehicle in the Air Operations Area in a negligent or reckless manner or in excess of 15 miles per hour or as otherwise posted.
(Ord. 3480 §2, 1971; Ord. 4242, 1983; Ord. 5203, 2001; Ord. 5557, 2011)
Motor Vehicles on the Airfield shall yield right-of-way to taxiing Aircraft.
(Ord. 3480 §2, 1971; Ord. 5203, 2001)
Motor Vehicles on the Airfield shall pass to the rear of Aircraft if the Aircraft's engine is running.
(Ord. 3480 §2, 1971; Ord. 5203, 2001; Ord. 5557, 2011)
Gasoline tenders shall not be operated or parked so as to restrict taxiing Aircraft.
(Ord. 3480 §2, 1971; Ord. 5203, 2001)
Gasoline tenders shall not be so positioned as to prevent their rapid removal.
(Ord. 3480 §2, 1971)
Except as authorized in writing by the Airport Director, or to make minor repairs necessary for the prompt removal of the Motor Vehicle, it shall be unlawful to clean or make repairs to Motor Vehicles anywhere on the Airport other than designated shop areas.
(Ord. 3480 §2, 1971; Ord. 5203, 2001; Ord. 5557, 2011)
All roads and parking lots on the Airport are subject to public traffic regulations and control. It is unlawful to operate a Motor Vehicle in violation of any sign, signal or other traffic control device on the Airport.
(Ord. 5203, 2001; Ord. 5557, 2011)