The California State Legislature has declared it to be in the public interest to establish an effective process for hazardous waste management planning and has adopted a process for development and public review of local plans to serve as the primary planning documents for hazardous waste management. The County of Santa Barbara and appropriate city and state agencies have approved a Santa Barbara County Hazardous Waste Management Plan pursuant to that process.
It is the purpose of this chapter to require certain decisions to be consistent with the portions of the approved county plan which identify general areas or siting criteria for hazardous waste facilities.
(Ord. 4825, 1993)
To the extent required by the provisions of California Health and Safety Code Section 25135.7, all applicable zoning, subdivision, development plan, conditional use permit, modification and variance decisions on projects made by and on behalf of the City of Santa Barbara shall be consistent with the Hazardous Waste Management Plan for the County of Santa Barbara, as adopted, approved and amended, from time to time. The County has adopted the Hazardous Waste Management Plan as the Hazardous Waste Element of the Santa Barbara County Comprehensive Plan.
(Ord. 4825, 1993)