The City Council finds and determines that the public has an interest in the naming of public facilities, including parks, buildings and streets, owned or controlled by the City, that no consistent policy has been employed in the past in selecting the names of public facilities, that the renaming of facilities without due consideration in the context of established principles results in confusion and detracts from the honor accorded in naming a facility, and that, therefor, it is desirable and in the public interest to delineate the policies, principles and procedures for the selection of names and naming of public facilities.
(Ord. 3485 §1, 1971)
The election of names for public facilities shall conform to the following principles, policies and priorities:
As a general policy, names which commemorate the culture and history of Santa Barbara will be given first priority; those names commemorating California history may be given second priority;
The name of an individual shall be considered only if such individual has made a particularly meritorious and outstanding contribution, over a period of several years, to the general public interest or the interests of the City;
A preference shall be given to names of long established local usage, names which are euphonious, and names which lend dignity to the facility to be named;
Names selected shall be of enduring, honorable fame, not notoriety, and shall be commensurate with the significance of the facility;
Proliferation of names for different parts of the same facility should be avoided, and the same name should not be applied to a similar kind of facility;
Names with connotations which by contemporary community standards are derogatory or offensive shall not be considered.
(Ord. 3485 §1, 1971)
Existing names and names once established shall not be changed unless, after investigation and public hearing, the name is found to be inappropriate.
(Ord. 3485 §1, 1971)
In the selection of names for City owned facilities the suggestions, comments and recommendations of community or citizen groups and the citizens in the neighborhood of the facility shall be duly considered; provided, that such suggestions, comments and recommendations are not inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 3485 §1, 1971)
Any person may initiate the naming of a City owned facility by submitting to the City Administrator a request for such action and setting forth the proposed name, a description of the facility, and a statement evidencing that the proposed name is consistent with the policies and guidelines of this chapter.
(Ord. 3485 §1, 1971)
The City Administrator shall review all requests to name a City owned facility and shall refer the request to the department having jurisdiction of such facility and the appropriate commission or committee for consideration of the request.
(Ord. 3485 §1, 1971)
The commission or committee to which the City Administrator has referred a naming request pursuant to Section 22.48.060 shall hold a public hearing to consider the necessity or desirability of naming the facility, and the proposed name and any alternatives. Such commission or committee shall prepare a recommendation for action by the City Council. The recommendation shall include the name, if any, for the facility which is deemed most appropriate in accordance with the policies and guidelines of this chapter and the justification for the selection of such name.
(Ord. 3485 §1, 1971)
Whenever a private street or way is constructed, other than in a subdivision as provided in Title 27 of this code, upon which structures will front, requiring an address, a proposed name for such street or way may be submitted to the Public Works Department for consideration by the Subdivision Review Committee. If such name is not a duplication of or so nearly the same as to cause confusion with the name of an existing street or way located in the City of Santa Barbara, or in close proximity thereto, and if such name is appropriate for a street name, such name shall be approved by such Committee, and recommended to the City Council for adoption.
If upon the completion of such private street or way, no name has been submitted as hereinabove set forth, the Public Works Director may propose a name for such private street or way and submit the same to the Subdivision Review Committee for approval. Such Committee shall adopt a resolution either approving such proposed name or any other name agreed upon by the Committee, which resolution shall be forwarded to the City Council as a recommendation for action by the Council.
A copy of the resolution of the City Council naming a private street or way shall be forwarded promptly to the City Police, Fire and Public Works Departments, the United States Postal Service, the County Clerk and County surveyor and the City Clerk shall also notify abutting property owners of such change of name.
(Ord. 3249 §1, 1967; Ord. 4090, 1980)
Whenever it is ascertained by the Subdivision Review Committee that the existing name of any private street or way should be changed to avoid duplication of or confusion with the names of public streets, such Committee may adopt a resolution proposing a new name to be designated for such private street or way and submit the same to the City Council for action. The procedure for such change of name by the City Council shall be the same, as near as may be, as that provided by Section 970.5 of the Streets and Highways Code or any comparable section for change of name by County action. Upon the adoption of a resolution changing such name, notices thereof shall be sent as provided in Section 22.48.080 of this chapter.
(Ord. 3249 §2, 1967; Ord. 4090, 1980)