Pursuant to the provisions of California Government Code Section 66499.20-3/4, a merger and certificate of merger of existing contiguous parcels of real property may be approved by the Director of the Department of Public Works and a certificate of merger filed for record by the County Recorder only where the Director of the Department of Public Works makes all of the following findings:
The merger will not affect any fees, grants, easements, agreements, conditions, dedications, offers to dedicate or security provided in connection with any approvals of divisions of real property or lot line adjustments.
The boundaries of the merged parcel are well-defined with adequate monumentation in existing recorded documents or filed maps.
The document used to effect the merger contains an accurate description of the boundaries of the resulting parcel.
All parties having any record title interest in the real property affected have consented to the merger upon a form and in a manner approved by the Director of the Department of Public Works of the City of Santa Barbara according to the terms, provisions, reservations and restrictions provided in Government Code Section 66436 for such consent, excepting those interests that are excepted by statute from the consent requirement.
There has been compliance with all requirements and all fees have been paid, including a fee for recording the certificate of merger.
(Ord. 4412, 1986)
Where determined to be necessary by the Director of the Department of Public Works in order to monument and define the boundaries of the merged parcel, a record of survey in compliance with all legal requirements shall be filed at the same time as the certificate of merger. The City standard for such record of survey shall include measured connections (ties) of the monuments and boundaries of such record of survey to the approved City Survey Control Network in the same manner as is provided for maps under Section 27.10.080 of this code.
(Ord. 4412, 1986; Ord. 5120, 1999)
The recordation of a certificate of merger shall constitute a merger of the separate parcels shown thereon into one parcel for the purpose of the Subdivision Map Act and this title, and the parcels shall thereafter be treated in all respects as a single parcel.
(Ord. 4412, 1986; Ord. 5380, 2005)
No person shall record a document merging separate legal parcels into a single legal parcel for the purposes of the Subdivision Map Act and this title except in conformity with the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 4412, 1986; Ord. 5380, 2005)
The City Council may establish by resolution such fees as may be required for the review and processing of a proposal for voluntary merger.
(Ord. 4412, 1986)