The following land uses are permitted in the Riviera Campus Specific Plan Zone:
Research and development establishments and related administrative operations, provided that no manufacturing is permitted, and further provided that such uses or operations are not hazardous, offensive or obnoxious by reason of the emission of odor, dust, heat, glare, gas fumes, smoke, vibrations, electromagnetic or other radiation resulting in radio or television interference, or by reason of the storage or disposal of waste materials or other products of such operations.
For the purposes of this section, the word manufacturing shall mean the fabrication, assembly or production of articles other than prototypes or models used for experimentation or research. The word prototype is hereby defined as an original or model or pattern from which manufactured, fabricated or assembled products are developed or copied. No prototype, model or pattern shall be built, erected or constructed to a scale exceeding the ceiling height of the building in which it or they are erected, constructed or developed, and the erection, fabrication or assembly thereof shall be confined to the interior of the building. Product storage related to the research and development business shall be incidental to the research and development use.
Administrative offices, provided that such offices are not open to or visited by the general public for the purpose of receiving or disbursing goods, services, information, payments or other such routine or frequent activities. Offices performing personnel employment activities shall be limited to those involving persons actually working at the site and not the general public.
Classes or training program activities shall be incidental to the administrative office use of the premises. The number of persons attending such classes shall not exceed 10% of the total number of employees regularly (daily) present at the site.
Product storage related to the business shall be incidental to the office use only.
Movie Theater limited to 6,665 square feet (approximately 453 seats).
Professional Offices, including those of an architect, engineer or therapist, provided that no activity is carried on catering to retail trade with the general public and there is no stock of goods for sale to customers (e.g. architect, engineer, counselor).
Arts-Related Uses, including, but not limited to, photography studio, artist studio, film development/ production, music recording/editing. Product or raw material storage shall be incidental to the arts-related use.
(Ord. 5319, 2004)
Only the following uses shall be allowed in the Riviera Campus Specific Plan Area subject to the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit, provided that the Planning Commission has made the findings stated in 28.94.020 for such use.
Educational facilities.
Child care center.
Up to three manager/caretaker residential units within or attached to an existing nonresidential structure.
(Ord. 5319, 2004)
Any use in the Riviera Campus Specific Plan Area ("SP-7") shall comply with the following standards of performance and operation:
Fire and Explosion Hazards. There shall be provided and maintained in good workable condition adequate and sufficient safety and fire suppression equipment and devices in such locations on the premises as may be necessary to prevent and suppress fire and explosion hazards wherever inflammable or explosive materials are used or stored.
Incineration. There shall be no rubbish or refuse incineration on the premises.
Radiation. All devices emitting radio frequency energy shall be operated in such a manner as to cause no interference with any activity carried on beyond the boundary of the premises of such establishment, including, but not limited to, radio and television interference. Radio frequency energy is electromagnetic energy at any frequency in the radio spectrum between 10 kilocycles and three million megacycles.
Noise. Noise shall be restricted in accordance with Chapter 9.16 of the Santa Barbara Municipal Code.
Vibration. No equipment, machinery or facility in such establishment shall be operated so as to produce or generate vibration which is perceptible without the aid of instruments to a person of ordinary sensibilities at or beyond the boundary line of the premises.
Emission of Dust, Heat and Glare. No such establishment shall be operated in a manner resulting in the emission of dust or other substances susceptible of being transmitted through the air, or heat or glare to an extent or degree permitting such emission or emissions to extend beyond the boundary line of the premises.
Outdoor Storage and Waste Disposal. All fuel, raw materials, equipment and products used outside the building of such establishment shall be enclosed by a fence, wall or shrubbery planting adequate to conceal such facility from adjacent or nearby residential property. The removal or transference from the premises of such establishment of any such fuel, raw materials or products by natural forces or causes shall be prevented. Suitable closed containers shall be provided and used for the storage of any materials or water products which by their nature are combustible, volatile, dust or odor producing or edible or attractive to rodents, vermin or insects.
(Ord. 5319, 2004)
The Riviera Campus Specific Plan Area ("SP-7") shall consist of a lot or lots for the uses allowed by this Specific Plan, and in the aggregate the Area shall have a minimum lot area of not less than two acres.
(Ord. 5319, 2004)
No building in the Riviera Campus Specific Plan Area shall exceed 35 feet in height with exception of the following structures that are allowed to be maintained or repaired at the heights indicated:
Furse Hall/Administration building (51.5 feet).
Brooks Hall/Men's Gymnasium (44 feet).
Quadrangle Building (39 feet).
Ebbets Hall (49 feet).
In the event that the nonconforming buildings are destroyed by a natural casualty, reconstruction of the Area buildings shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions contained within 28.87.030.D and 28.87.038. Any additions to such structures shall adhere to the standards of this zone.
(Ord. 5319, 2004)
All structures within the Riviera Campus Specific Plan Area shall have a front setback of not less than 35 feet and an interior setback of not less than 25 feet. Pine Hall, the Cafeteria/Music building, and Ebbets Hall shall be considered nonconforming to the front setback requirement. Furse Hall (Administration building) shall be considered nonconforming to the interior setback requirement. Structures designed to replace these demolished or destroyed structures on substantially the same footprint may meet or be consistent with the existing structure setback, and additions to the structures shall not be closer than the line of the existing building parallel to the front property line at any point. Any approved additions to these buildings should generally be consistent with current requirements.
(Ord. 5319, 2004; Ord. 5459, 2008)
Not more than 25% of the net site area of the Riviera Campus Specific Plan Area shall be covered with buildings and structures. Not more than 35% of the net site shall be used for open vehicle access, parking, loading and delivery. A minimum of 40% of the Riviera Campus Specific Plan Area shall be preserved in open space (including landscaped areas, landscape features, and public walkways).
(Ord. 5319, 2004)
Activities on the campus of the Riviera Campus which are sponsored or conducted by entities other than tenants of Riviera Campus shall be limited as indicated below:
Weddings. No more than 12 per year with a maximum of 250 attendees at each wedding. The wedding event shall end no later than ½ hour after sunset (dusk) or 8:30 p.m., whichever is earlier.
Non-Profit Benefit Events. Benefit events shall be conducted by or to support non-profit community organizations. No more than four such events per year shall be allowed, with a maximum of 400 attendees per event. Each event shall end no later than ½ hour after sunset (dusk) or 8:30 p.m., whichever is earlier.
Additional Events. Up to two additional special events beyond those outlined above may be approved by the Community Development Director upon a showing that adequate parking will be provided and a community benefit will result. These special events shall be subject to the same operating standards and limitations as outlined for Non-Profit Benefit Events.
(Ord. 5319, 2004)
Off-street parking for uses within the Riviera Campus Specific Plan Area shall be provided as required in Chapter 28.90 of this title.
(Ord. 5319, 2004)
The plans and elevations for all buildings and structures to be erected and all exterior alterations as defined in Chapter 22.22 of this code for buildings or structures within the Riviera Campus Specific Plan Area shall be subject to review and approval by the Historic Landmarks Commission.
(Ord. 5319, 2004)
All parcels in the Riviera Campus Specific Plan (SP–7) Area shall have street frontage and single side dimensions of not less than 150 feet each.
(Ord. 5319, 2004)
The owner or developer of the Riviera Campus (SP-7) Plan site shall construct buildings and install landscaping in strict accordance with approved plans and without substantial deviation therefrom. In addition, all buildings and landscaping shall be maintained in a clean and orderly condition.
(Ord. 5319, 2004)
The map attached hereto and labeled the "Riviera Campus Specific Plan Area" is hereby approved and incorporated in this chapter by this reference.
(Ord. 5319, 2004)