It is the purpose of the SP-9 Zone to establish a single-family residence district where specific development standards are establish ed to cluster development, maintain a semi-rural setting, restore a section of degraded creek and riparian corridor, and protect the natural environment.
(Ord. 5456, 2008)
The uses permitted in the SP-9 Zone as depicted on attached Map A (attached as an exhibit to the Chapter and dated as of June 24, 2008) shall be as follows:
Area A - Residential Development: Uses permitted in Area A (as depicted on Map A) are:
A single residential unit occupying a single lot.
Uses, buildings, and structures typically allowed by the City incidental, accessory and subordinate to the permitted residential uses.
A Home Occupation.
A State-licensed Small Family Day Care Home.
A State-licensed Large Family Day Care Home, subject to the provisions in Chapter 28.93 of this title.
State authorized, licensed or certified uses to the extent such a use is required by state law.
Creek stabilization, habitat restoration, and related maintenance.
Private open space including, but not limited to, patios, decks, and yards for the private use of the residents of individual homes.
Common open space and passive recreational areas.
Public trails as approved by the City.
Brush removal, not including trees, for fire protection purposes, subject to municipal code provisions for vegetation removal.
Utilities, storm drain system, flood control projects or other infrastructures as approved by the City.
The gazebo structure required by the Environmental Impact Report as mitigation for potentially significant impacts to cultural resources.
Area B - Open Space: Area B (as depicted on Map A) shall be maintained in its natural state to preserve the steep slopes from erosion or landslide, preserve the creek environment, and maintain the scenic quality of the area. Uses permitted in Area B are the following:
Public trails along the Arroyo Burro Creek corridor.
Brush removal, not including trees, for fire protection purposes, subject to Municipal Code provisions for vegetation removal.
Subsurface utilities, flood control projects or other infrastructure as approved by the City.
(Ord. 5456, 2008)
The uses allowed by conditional use permit shall be as provided in Chapter 28.94 of this title. However, no development is permitted in Area B under any circumstances.
(Ord. 5456, 2008)
In connection with any development approval required to be issued by the City, the City may impose such appropriate and reasonable conditions and restrictions as it may deem necessary for the protection of property in the neighborhood or in the interest of public health, safety and welfare, in order to carry out the purposes and intent of this chapter. While the provisions of Chapter 28.92 (Variances, Modifications and Zone Changes) shall be applicable within this zone, it is the intent of this Specific Plan that no variance, modification, or other approval shall be granted that would result in a number of residential units within Area A that exceeds the maximum number of residential dwelling units originally specified in Section 28.50.085, and that Area B be permanently maintained in its natural state.
(Ord. 5456, 2008)
The materials used for roofing and siding on any building shall be of a non-reflective nature, and any shiny, mirror-like or glossy metallic finish for such materials is prohibited.
(Ord. 5456, 2008)
No building in this zone shall exceed a height of 30 feet nor exceed the height limitation imposed for the protection and enhancement of solar access by Chapter 28.11 of this title.
(Ord. 5456, 2008)
Front setback. Each lot shall provide a front setback of not less than 20 feet, except as permitted by Section 28.50.065.
Interior setbacks. Each lot shall provide interior setbacks of not less than six feet, except as permitted by Section 28.50.065.
Rear yard setbacks. Each lot shall provide a rear setback of not less than six feet, except that those lots abutting the open space drainage (identified as Lot 31 in Figure 4-7 of the 2008 Final Revised EIR) may be permitted to have a zero setback.
Open yard.
Minimum Size: One area of 1,250 square feet
Minimum Dimensions: 20 feet by 10 feet
Maximum Slope: None
Location and Configuration:
Open yard may consist of any combination of ground level areas such as: patios, ground floor decks, pathways, landscaped areas, natural areas, flat areas, or hillsides, so long as the overall size and dimensions of the open yard meet the requirements described in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, and it is not located in any of the following areas:
A portion of the front yard; or
Any areas designed for use by motor vehicles, including, but not limited to, driveways and parking areas; or
On decks, patios, terraces or similar improvements, where the average height above grade is greater than 36 inches. Average height shall be calculated by measuring the height of each corner of the deck, adding those heights together, and dividing by the number of corners.
If the open yard is provided on a slope greater than 20%, the open yard shall contain a flat area as follows:
Minimum size: 160 square feet
Minimum dimensions: 10 feet by 10 feet
Maximum slope: 2%
The flat area may be provided at grade, or on decks pursuant to paragraph 4.a above.
Lots with multiple frontages shall have a primary front yard designated by the property owner and agreed to in writing by the Community Development Director. All other front yards shall be designated as secondary front yards. Ground level open yard may be provided in the secondary front yard, up to 10 feet from the front property line, provided that it is unobstructed and meets all other requirements.
On lots of less than 7,000 square feet and an average slope of 20% or less, the following is required:
The open yard may be provided in one area, or in separate areas of not less than 400 square feet each (minimum dimensions of 20 feet by 10 feet required), and
Up to 850 square feet of the open yard may be provided in the remaining front yard, provided that it is unobstructed and meets the minimum dimensions required.
(Ord. 5456, 2008)
Front setback reduction. The required front setback may be reduced to 15 feet when:
The lot is less than 7,000 square feet and the required parking is provided in a detached garage in the rear yard; or
The lot is a triangular lot of less than 7,000 square feet; or
The subject lot abuts a private street.
Attached main buildings. Main buildings may be constructed on an interior property line when attached to another main building on an adjacent property, as follows:
The buildings are attached by not less than eight feet in length of one of the walls or roof, or not less than 100% of any wall less than eight feet in length; and
Said configuration shall be allowed for no more than four lots within the zone, resulting in no more than two buildings containing two dwelling units.
Accessory buildings. Interior setbacks are not required for detached accessory buildings, screened trash areas, or attached porte cocheres not exceeding 14 feet wide by 18 feet long where three of the four sides are open, as approved by the City's Single Family Design Board.
(Ord. 5456, 2008)
No main building shall be closer than 20 feet to any other main building on the same lot.
(Ord. 5456, 2008)
Each single-family dwelling with its accessory buildings hereafter erected shall be located upon a lot having the following:
A net area, excluding street rights-of-way and other publicly dedicated improvements, of not less than 5,000 square feet, provided that a minimum average net lot area of 7,000 square feet shall be provided for all residential lots in Area A.
Not less than 60 feet of frontage on a public or private street, except as the Planning Commission or City Council may allow by subdivision map approval at the Alan Road cul-de-sac, or by Modification.
(Ord. 5456, 2008)
The maximum number of residential units in this zone shall be 23. However, if at least two affordable units are provided, the maximum number of residential units in this zone may be increased to 25 units.
(Ord. 5456, 2008)
Not less than 50% of the gross acreage of Area A shall be common open space devoted to planting, walkways, natural drainage features (e.g., bioswales, retention basins), riparian corridor, public agency access and passive recreational areas.
(Ord. 5456, 2008)
In order to maintain a semi-rural ambiance, and where necessary to preserve natural terrain features or open space, the Planning Commission or City Council may grant exceptions to City street design standards as may be deemed necessary to assure that the intent of this chapter is observed, that adequate public parking is provided, and the public welfare and safety secured.
(Ord. 5456, 2008)
Off-street parking shall be provided as required in Chapter 28.90 of this title.
(Ord. 5456, 2008)
Detached accessory buildings shall not exceed two stories or 30 feet in height.
Accessory buildings, excluding garages, shall not have a total aggregate square footage in excess of 500 square feet.
Garages shall not have a total aggregate square footage in excess of 600 square feet.
(Ord. 5456, 2008)
Notwithstanding any other provision of this code, residential structures in this zone, except as provided by subsection B below, shall not exceed a total net square footage of 3,800 square feet, excluding garages and accessory structures.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this code, residential structures in this zone located adjacent to and with access from Alan Road shall not exceed a total net square footage of 2,500 square feet, excluding garages and accessory structures. Home size in this area shall be massed and designed to provide an appropriate transition to existing adjacent homes along Alan Road as determined appropriate by the Single Family Design Board.
All residential structures shall be located within the "Grading and Landscaping" envelope shown on the Conceptual Site Plan exhibit as approved by the City in connection with the subdivision of this real property.
All residential structures shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from the top of creek bank, which is defined as the Adjusted Top of Bank in Figure 4-4 of the certified Final Revised Environmental Impact Report for the Veronica Meadows Specific Plan, dated May 2008.
For the purposes of this chapter, the term "net square footage" shall be defined and calculated in the manner which that term is used and calculated pursuant to Section 28.15.083.
(Ord. 5456, 2008)
All development within the SP-9 Zone shall be subject to the review and approval of the Single Family Design Board for consistency with the City's Single Family Design Guidelines; however, home sizes shall not be subject to height or size limitations beyond those identified in Sections 28.50.050, 28.50.105 and 28.50.110, and no Floor Area Ratio maximums shall apply to the homes initially constructed within Area A, but shall apply thereafter. The grades of individual lots and roads shall blend with the natural topography of the site, minimize site grading, and balance on site earthwork to the maximum extent feasible. Where the Single Family Design Guidelines conflict with this chapter, this chapter shall govern proposed development, with emphasis on the Legislative Intent of the Zone (Section 28.50.005).
(Ord. 5456, 2008)
Development within the SP-9 Zone shall be exempt from the Inclusionary Housing requirements of Chapter 28.43 - the "City of Santa Barbara Inclusionary Housing Ordinance."
(Ord. 5456, 2008)
If affordable housing units are provided, the lots on which they are located shall be no less than 3,000 square feet in size. Said lots and associated development shall comply with the provisions of this zone in all other aspects, unless said provisions are reduced through a modification, pursuant to Chapter 28.92 of this title.
(Ord. 5456, 2008)
Fencing within 50 feet of the top of creek bank, which is defined as the adjusted top of bank in the certified Final Environmental Impact Report for the Veronica Meadows Specific Plan dated May 2008, shall be approved by the Community Development Director after being reviewed for comments only by the Single Family Design Board. Fencing abutting the open space drainage (identified as Lot 31 in Figure 4-7 of the Final Revised EIR) shall be open. All other fencing shall be subject to the provisions of Section 28.87.170 of this title.
(Ord. 5456, 2008)
The map attached hereto as Exhibit A (dated as of June 24, 2008) and labeled "Veronica Meadows Specific Plan Area" is hereby approved and incorporated in this chapter by this reference.
(Ord. 5456, 2008)