The following regulations shall apply in the C-P Restricted Commercial Zone unless otherwise provided in this chapter. The zone strives to provide a desirable living environment by preserving and protecting surrounding residential land uses in terms of light, air and existing visual amenities.
Land classified in a C-P Zone may also be classified in another zone and the following regulations shall apply in the C-P Restricted Commercial Zone unless otherwise provided in this chapter.
(Ord. 3499, 1972; Ord. 3710, 1974; Ord. 4005 §7, 1979)
Any use permitted in the R-4, R-O and C-O Zones and subject to the use restrictions and limitations contained in the respective zone and in Section 28.54.130.
Any of the following uses:
Art school.
Automobile parking areas.
Automobile service station or automobile service station/mini-market containing not more than six pumps and limited to incidental tire and tube repairing, battery servicing, automobile lubrication and other minor automotive service and repair with a conditional use permit issued pursuant to Section 28.94.030.U of this title.
Bakery employing not more than 10 persons.
Barber shop.
Beauty shop.
Billiard parlor.
Bowling alley.
Child care center.
Confectionery store.
Dancing school.
Dressmaking or millinery shop.
Dry cleaning, pressing and laundry agency.
Dry goods or notion store.
Florist shop.
Garden nursery.
Gift shop.
Grocery, fruit and vegetable store.
Hardware store.
Household appliance store and repair.
Ice storage house of not more than five ton capacity.
Jewelry store.
Liquor store.
Meat market or delicatessen.
Music and vocal schools.
Pet shop.
Photographic shop.
Restaurant, bar, tearoom or cafe.
Self-service laundry or dry cleaning.
Shoe store or shoe repair shop.
Stationery store.
Tailor, clothing or wearing apparel shop.
Television, radio store and repair.
Veterinary hospital for small animals provided:
That no animals are to be boarded overnight except for medical reasons.
That the building shall be designed so as to prevent the escape of all obnoxious odors and noises.
Wig shop.
Household hazardous waste collection facility, as defined in Chapter 28.04.
Accessory buildings and accessory uses, including a storage garage for the exclusive use of the patrons of the above stores or businesses.
Automobile rental, restricted to passenger vehicles, not including trailers, campers, trucks, recreational vehicles, etc., with the specific location subject to approval by the Planning Commission.
Other businesses and occupations that are substantially similar to the uses enumerated above, as determined and documented by the Community Development Director in a manner similar to the substantial conformance determination process provided in the adopted Planning Commission Guidelines.
The above specified stores, shops or businesses, to the extent that they sell merchandise shall sell only at retail, shall sell only new merchandise, except for the resale of used merchandise acquired incidentally in the sale of new merchandise, and shall be permitted only under the following conditions:
Such store, shop or business, except automobile service station and nursery shall be conducted entirely within an enclosed building.
Products made incidental to a permitted use shall be sold at retail on the premises.
(Ord. 3727, 1975; Ord. 4033 §4, 1980; Ord. 4825, 1993; Ord. 4858, 1994; Ord. 5040, 1998; Ord. 5380, 2005; Ord. 5459, 2008)
As provided in Chapters 28.93 and 28.94 of this title.
(Ord. 6026 § 3, 2021)
Three stories and not exceeding 45 feet. Building height immediately adjacent to a residential zone(s) shall not exceed that allowed in the most restrictive adjacent residential zone for that part of the structure constructed within a distance of 23 feet or one-half the height of the proposed structure, whichever is less.
(Ord. 2585, 1957; Ord. 3710, 1974; Ord. 4005 §8, 1979)
The following setback requirements shall be observed on all lots within this zone:
Front setback. A front setback of not less than 10 feet shall be provided between the front lot line and all buildings, structures and parking on the lot.
Interior setback adjacent to nonresidential zone. An interior setback of not less than the indicated distance shall be provided between an interior lot line that abuts a nonresidentially-zoned parcel and all buildings, structures and parking on the lot as follows:
Nonresidential or mixed use buildings or structures: No setback required.
Exclusively residential buildings or structures: R-3/R-4 interior setback requirement.
All parking and driveways: No setback required.
Interior setback adjacent to residential zone. An interior setback of not less than the indicated distance shall be provided between an interior lot line that abuts a residentially-zoned parcel and all buildings, structures, and parking on the lot as follows:
All buildings and structures: 10 feet or one-half the building height, whichever is greater.
Residential parking and driveways: R-3/R-4 interior setback requirements.
Nonresidential or mixed use parking and driveways: five feet, landscaped. In addition, a minimum six-foot-high solid fence or decorative wall shall be provided along the property line abutting a residentially-zoned parcel, except where such fence or wall will interfere with traffic safety or would be inconsistent with the provisions of Section 28.87.170 of this title. However, the requirement for a fence or wall may be reduced or waived by the design review body that reviews the project.
(Ord. 5459, 2008)
None, except all buildings or portions thereof used exclusively for dwelling purposes shall comply with the provisions of the R-4 Zone.
(Ord. 2585, 1957; Ord. 3710, 1974)
None, except all buildings or portions thereof used exclusively for dwelling purposes shall comply with the provisions of the R-4 Zone.
(Ord. 2585, 1957; Ord. 3710, 1974)
Any lot in this zone developed exclusively for residential use or developed with a mixed use development shall provide outdoor living space in accordance with the provisions of the R-3/R-4 Zone as stated in Section 28.21.081 of this title.
(Ord. 5459, 2008)
Off-street parking and loading space shall be provided as required in Chapter 28.90 of this title.
(Ord. 2585, 1957; Ord. 3710, 1974)
Signs shall be permitted in this zone only as provided in the Sign Ordinance of the City of Santa Barbara.
(Ord. 2585, 1957; Ord. 3710, 1974)
The architectural and general appearance of all buildings and grounds shall be substantially in accordance with the actions of the Architectural Board of Review, or the Historic Landmarks Commission if the property is located within El Pueblo Viejo Landmark District or another landmark district or if the structure is a designated City Landmark.
(Ord. 2585, 1957; Ord. 3529, 1972; Ord. 3710, 1974; Ord. 4851, 1994)
C-P Zone Development Plan approval. Prior to the permitting and construction of any building or structure of 10,000 square feet or more of total floor area within the C-P Zone, a Development Plan shall be submitted for approval by the Planning Commission pursuant to the procedural and public noticing requirements of Section 28.85.030.
C-P Development Plan submittal requirements. A Development Plan submitted pursuant to this section shall, at a minimum, show the proposed building location on the site, the size, setbacks, floor area, floor plan and elevations, proposed parking lot design, footprints of adjacent structures, landscaping plan, and other information as prescribed by the Community Development Director, provided that such information is reasonably related to meeting the requirements of this chapter.
Planning Commission review. The Planning Commission may limit the allowed uses and the permissible building height for buildings and structures approved pursuant to this section, and may impose additional setbacks requirements, where deemed necessary by the Planning Commission in order to secure an appropriate development and as deemed necessary to mitigate adverse impacts upon neighboring residential uses.
Required findings. The Planning Commission, or City Council on appeal, shall make the following findings and impose conditions necessary to secure and perpetuate the basis for such findings, in order to approve a Development Plan submitted pursuant to this section:
The proposed development complies with all of the provisions of this title; and
The proposed development is consistent with the General Plan and the principles of sound community planning; and
The total area of the site and the setbacks of all facilities from the property and street lines are of sufficient magnitude in view of the character of the land and of the proposed development that major detrimental impact on surrounding properties is avoided to the greatest extent possible; and
The design and operation of the project and its components, including outdoor lighting and noise-generating equipment, will not be a nuisance to the use of property in the area, particularly residential use; and
Adequate access and off-street parking is provided in a manner and amount so that the demands of the development are met without altering the character of the public streets in the area; and
The appearance of the developed site in terms of the arrangement, height, size, bulk, scale and architectural style of the buildings, location of the parking areas, landscaping, and other features is compatible with the character of the area and of the City.
Appeals. A decision by the Planning Commission pursuant to this section may be appealed in the manner provided for such appeals in Section 28.85.070.
Expiration of Development Plans. The provisions of Section 28.85.090 shall be applicable to Development Plans approved pursuant to this section.
(Ord. 5040, 1998; Ord. 5609, 2013)
Development plan review and approval by the Planning Commission are sometimes required by Chapter 28.85 of this code.
(Ord. 3529, 1972; Ord. 4140, 1982; Ord. 5609, 2013)
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, no application for a land use permit for a nonresidential construction project will be accepted or approved on or after December 6, 1989 unless the project complies with the provisions outlined in Development Plan Approval, Chapter 28.85.
(Ord. 4670, 1991; Ord. 5609, 2013)