This chapter establishes a process for consideration and review of Conditional Use Permits. Conditional Use Permits allow for consideration and review of uses that are generally consistent with the purposes of the zone district in which they are proposed but require special consideration to ensure that they can be designed, located, and operated in a manner that will not interfere with the use and enjoyment of surrounding properties, and meaningful standards can only be established in relation to the particular features of each individual proposal.
Approval of a Conditional Use Permit is required for uses or developments specifically identified in any section of this title that refers to a requirement for a Conditional Use Permit.
Pre-application review pursuant to Section 30.205.030, Pre-Application Review, is required prior to submittal of an application of any property owner or authorized agent for a Conditional Use Permit.
The Planning Commission shall approve, conditionally approve, revise or deny applications for Conditional Use Permits based on consideration of the requirements of this chapter.
Applications for Conditional Use Permits shall be accepted and processed pursuant to Chapter 30.205, Common Procedures and the specific requirements of this chapter. In addition to any other application requirements, the application for a Conditional Use Permit shall include data or other evidence in support of the applicable findings required by Section 30.215.070, Required Findings, below.
All applications for Conditional Use Permits shall require public notice and hearing before the Planning Commission pursuant to Chapter 30.205, Common Procedures.
A Conditional Use Permit application shall only be approved if the Review Authority makes all of the following findings.
The proposed use is allowed with a Conditional Use Permit within the applicable zone district and complies with all specific requirements for the Conditional Use Permit, as well as all other applicable provisions of this title and all other titles of the municipal code;
The proposed use and development is deemed essential or desirable to the public convenience or welfare and is consistent with the General Plan and any applicable specific plan;
The proposed use and development will not be adverse to the public health, safety, or general welfare of the community, nor materially detrimental to surrounding properties or improvements;
The total area of the site and the setbacks of all facilities from property and street lines are of sufficient magnitude in view of the character of the land and of the proposed development that significant detrimental impact on surrounding properties is avoided;
The design and operation of the project and its components, including hours or manner of operation, outdoor lighting and noise generating equipment, will not be a nuisance to the use of property in the area, particularly residential use;
Adequate access and off-street parking including parking for guests is provided in a manner and amount so that the demands of the development for such facilities are adequately met without altering the character of the public streets in the area at any time; and
The appearance of the developed site in terms of the arrangement, height, scale and architectural style of the structures, location of parking areas, landscaping, open space and other features is compatible with the character of the area.
In approving a Conditional Use Permit, the Review Authority may impose reasonable conditions or restrictions deemed necessary to:
Ensure that the proposal conforms in all significant respects with the General Plan and with any other applicable plans or policies adopted by the City Council;
Achieve the general purposes of this title or the specific purpose of the zone district(s) in which the proposed use is located;
Achieve the findings for a Conditional Use Permit listed in Section 30.215.070, Required Findings, above; or
Mitigate impacts identified as a result of environmental review conducted in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act.
The Review Authority may require reasonable guarantees and evidence that the applicant is complying, or will comply, with the conditions of approval.