This chapter establishes a process for consideration and review of Local Coastal Program Amendments, consistent with the Coastal Act, including changes in the land use or zoning designation on properties where such change is warranted by consideration of location, surrounding development and timing of development; text or policy amendments to the City's Local Coastal Plan as the City may deem necessary or desirable; and amendments to any ordinances or other implementation measures carrying out the provisions of the City's Local Coastal Plan.
Pre-application review pursuant to Section 30.205.030, Pre-Application Review, is required prior to submittal of an application of any property owner or authorized agent for initiation.
An application for an amendment to the Local Coastal Program may be made by either the Planning Commission or City Council upon its own motion, or the Planning Commission upon the verified application of any property owner or authorized agent and following a public hearing.
Amendments to the certified Local Coastal Program shall be reviewed and processed as pursuant to Chapter 30.235, General Plan and Zoning Amendments.
An amendment to the City's Local Coastal Program shall not take effect until it has been certified by the Coastal Commission pursuant to Chapter 6, Article 2 or the California Coastal Act.
Approval by the City Council of an amendment to the Local Coastal Program shall be submitted to the Coastal Commission by the City Council in accordance with Sections 30512, 30513, and 30514 of the Coastal Act.
Denial by the City Council of an amendment to the Local Coastal Program shall be final, with no opportunity for appeal to the Coastal Commission. However, any person proposing a public works project or a major energy facility development for which an amendment request was denied by the City Council may file with the Coastal Commission a request for an amendment pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 30515.