This chapter establishes a process for consideration and review of Minor Zoning Exceptions. Minor Zoning Exceptions provide a means for individual consideration and review to grant relief from the requirements of this title, when so doing would be consistent with the purposes of the Title.
Minor Zoning Exceptions may be granted whenever specified in this title.
The Review Authority shall be as specified in any section of this title that refers to an allowance for a Minor Zoning Exception, and shall approve, conditionally approve, or deny applications for Minor Zoning Exceptions based on consideration of the requirements of this chapter.
Applications for Minor Zoning Exceptions shall be accepted and processed pursuant to Chapter 30.205, Common Procedures, and the specific requirements of this chapter. The application shall include data or other evidence in support of the applicable findings required by Section 30.245.060, Required Findings below, and accurate plans showing adjacent building footprint information which demonstrates compatibility with existing neighborhood development and how the project will minimize privacy impacts to surrounding properties.
Minor Zoning Exceptions reviewed by any Design Review body shall require public notice and hearing pursuant to Chapter 30.205, Common Procedures.
A Minor Zoning Exception shall only be approved if the Review Authority makes all of the following findings in addition to any findings required in any section of this title that refers to an allowance for a Minor Zoning Exception.
All Minor Zoning Exceptions. In order to grant any Minor Zoning Exception, the Review Authority shall find that granting of such exception will not be detrimental to the use and enjoyment of other properties in the neighborhood.
Minor Zoning Exceptions Reviewed by the Design Review Body. The following findings are required for a Minor Zoning Exception within the purview of the Design Review body:
The improvements are sited such that they minimize impacts to abutting properties;
The project generally complies with applicable privacy, landscaping, noise, and lighting standards in the Single Family Design Board Good Neighbor Guidelines; and
The improvement will be compatible with the existing development and character of the neighborhood.
In approving a Minor Zoning Exception, the Review Authority may impose conditions deemed necessary to:
Achieve the general purposes of this title or the specific purposes of the zoning district in which the project is located;
Minimize potential adverse impacts on neighboring properties that relate to the requested Minor Zoning Exception, proportionate to the potential impacts on neighboring properties; or
Mitigate impacts identified as a result of review conducted in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act.
The Review Authority may require reasonable guarantees and evidence that the applicant is complying, or will comply, with the conditions of approval.