This chapter establishes procedures for conducting a Zoning Clearance to verify that each new or altered structure, site development or use complies with all of the applicable requirements of this title.
A Zoning Clearance is required for the following whether allowed as a matter of right or required by any permit or approval provided for in this title:
All buildings or structures erected, constructed, reconstructed, altered, repaired or moved;
The use of vacant land; or
Any new use or change in use.
General Requirement. Before the City may issue any permit or approval for which a Zoning Clearance is required by this chapter, the Community Development Director shall review the application to determine whether the proposed structures, site development, or use complies with all provisions of this title, substantially conforms to the discretionary approvals for the proposed structures, site development, or use, and that all conditions of the discretionary approvals have been satisfied.
Application. Applications and fees for a Zoning Clearance shall be submitted in accordance with the provisions set forth in Section 30.205.020, Application Forms and Fees. The Director may request that the Zoning Clearance application be accompanied by a written narrative, plans or other related materials necessary to show that the proposed structure, site development, or use of the site complies with all provisions of this title and the requirements and conditions of any applicable discretionary approval.
Determination. If the Director determines that the proposed structure, site development or use conforms to all applicable requirements of this title, the Director shall issue a Zoning Clearance in the form of a physical stamp on submitted plans, an electronic signature or approval, a written memo, or other approved method. Attachments of other written or graphic information, including, but not limited to, statements, numeric data, site plans, floor plans and building elevations and sections may be required, as a record of the proposal's conformity with the applicable regulations of this title.
Exceptions. A Zoning Clearance shall not be required for the continuation of previously approved or permitted uses and structures, or uses and structures that are not subject to building or zoning regulations.
Violation of Law Not Permitted. A Zoning Clearance issued pursuant to this chapter shall not constitute authorization to violate any provision of this title or law, regardless of whether the Zoning Clearance purports to authorize such violation or not. A Zoning Clearance presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this title shall not be valid. The issuance of a Zoning Clearance based on construction documents and other data shall not prevent the Director from requiring the correction of errors in the construction documents or other data. The Director is also authorized to prevent occupancy or use of a structure where in violation of this title.
(Ord. 6067, 2022)