[Ord. 325, 5/3/1965; as amended by Ord. 434, 10/4/1976]
There is hereby created a Borough Planning Commission.
[Ord. 325, 5/3/1965; as amended by Ord. 387, 7/10/1972]
The Borough Planning Commission shall consist of seven residents of the Borough of Selinsgrove, appointed by the Council to serve without pay. In the first instance, two members of the Commission shall be appointed for one year, two members for two years, one member for three years, one member for four years and one member for five years; and annually thereafter, as each of the original terms expire, members of said Commission shall be appointed for a term of four years or until his successor is appointed and qualified. An appointment to fill a vacancy shall be only for the unexpired portion of the term.
At least five of the seven members of the Planning Commission shall not hold any other office or position in the government of the Borough of Selinsgrove.
The Borough Planning Commission may make and alter rules of its own organization and procedure, consistent with the ordinances of the Borough and the laws of the Commonwealth, and shall make an annual report to the Council of its transactions.
Any member of the Selinsgrove Planning Commission, once qualified and appointed, may be removed from office for malfeasance, misfeasance or nonfeasance in office or for other just cause by a majority vote of the Selinsgrove Borough Council which appointed the member, taken after the member has received 15 days' advance notice of the intent to take such a vote. A hearing shall be held in connection with the vote if the member shall request it in writing. Any appointment to fill a vacancy created by removal shall be only for the unexpired term.
[Ord. 325, 5/3/1965; as amended by Ord. 434, 10/4/1976]
The Borough Planning Commission may employ engineers and other persons, whose salaries and wages and other necessary expenses of the Commission, where approved by Council, shall be provided for through proper appropriation by the Council; additionally, the Borough Planning Commission may contract for professional services, the costs and expenses of which, when approved by Council, shall be provided for through proper appropriation by the Council.
[Ord. 325, 5/3/1965; as amended by Ord. 434, 10/4/1976]
The Secretary of the Council shall, upon introduction, furnish to the Borough Planning Commission, for its consideration, a copy of all proposed ordinances and all amendments thereto relating to the location of any public building of the Borough and to the location, extension, widening, narrowing, enlargement, ornamentation and parking of any street, boulevard, parkway, park, playground or other public ground and to the relocation, vacation, curtailment, changes of use or any other alteration of the Borough plan with relation to any of the same and to the location of any bridge, tunnel and subway or any surface, underground or elevated railway. The Commission shall have the power to disapprove any of the said ordinances, bills or amendments, which disapproval, however, must be communicated to the Council, in writing, within 10 days from the introduction of said ordinance; but such disapproval shall not operate as a veto.
[Ord. 325, 5/3/1965; as amended by Ord. 434, 10/4/1976]
The Borough Planning Commission may make or cause to be made and lay before the Council and, at its discretion, cause to be published maps of the Borough or any portion thereof, including territory extending three miles beyond the Borough limits, showing the streets and highways and other natural and artificial features and, also, locations proposed by it for any public building, civic center, street, parkway, park, playground or any other public ground or public improvement or any widening, extension or relocation of the same or any change in the Borough plan by it deemed advisable; and it may make recommendations to the Council, from time to time, concerning any such matters and things, aforesaid, for action by the Council thereon and, in so doing, have regard for the present conditions and future needs and growth of the Borough and the distribution and relative location of all the principal and other streets and railways, waterways and all other means of public travel and business communications, as well as the distribution and relative location of all public buildings, public grounds and open spaces devoted to public use.
[Ord. 325, 5/3/1965; as amended by Ord. 434, 10/4/1976]
The Borough Planning Commission shall have the powers of a planning agency, including the right to recommend to the Selinsgrove Borough Council the boundaries of the various zoning districts and appropriate regulations to be enforced therein, in accordance with the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, Act 247 of 1968, 53 P.S. §10101 et seq., as amended.
[Ord. 325, 5/3/1965; as added by Ord. 387, 7/10/1972]
In addition to the powers of §§1-435 and 1-436, the Selinsgrove Planning Commission shall have all powers of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Act of 1968, July 31, P.L. 805, No. 247, Article II, §209.6, 53 P.S. §10209.6.
[Ord. 325, 5/3/1965; as added by Ord. 387, 7/10/1972]
The Selinsgrove Planning Commission may, with the consent of the Selinsgrove Borough Council, accept and utilize any funds, personnel or other assistance made available by the County, the Commonwealth or the Federal government or any of their agencies or from private sources. The Commission may enter into agreements or contracts regarding the acceptance or utilization of the funds or assistance in accordance with the consent of the Council and of the governmental procedures of the Borough.