[Ord. No. 837, 10/9/2018]
This Part shall be known and may be cited as the "Regulation of Dumpsters and Similar Containers in the Borough of Beaver Ordinance."
[Ord. No. 837, 10/9/2018]
The following definitions shall apply in the interpretation, administration, and enforcement of this Part:
Any uncovered, wheeled or otherwise movable receptacle utilized for the storage and/or collection of refuse, trash, debris or other solid waste materials.
All table, refuse, animal and vegetable matter, offal from meat, fish and fowls, fruits, vegetables and parts thereof, and other articles and materials ordinarily used for food which have become unfit for such use or which are for any reason discarded.
Any garbage, refuse or a combination thereof, as defined in Act 97, which, because of its quantity, concentration, or its physical, chemical or infectious characteristics, may:
Cause or significantly contribute to an increase in mortality or an increase in morbidity in either an individual or total population; or
Pose a substantial present or potential hazard to human health or the environment when improperly treated, stored, transported, disposed of or otherwise managed.
The Borough of Beaver, Beaver County, Pennsylvania.
A permit issued by the Borough authorizing the temporary placement of a dumpster, portable storage facility or container in or upon a public street or public grounds.
A person or legal entity that obtains or is required to obtain a permit under this Part.
Any natural person, firm, partnership, corporation, association, limited liability company, estate, trust or other legally recognized entity.
The Beaver Borough Police Department, Beaver, Pennsylvania.
A portable device or container of 20 cubic yards or more in size and intended for the storage of personal property. This does not include recreational or work-related trailers.
Any garbage, refuse, industrial lunchroom or office waste and other material, including solid or semisolid material generated in residential, municipal, commercial or institutional establishments and from community activities, and other solid waste which is within the definition of "municipal solid waste" as set forth in the Pennsylvania Solid Waste Management Act of 1980 (see 35 P.S. § 6018.101 et seq.) and which the county, the Beaver County Solid Waste Authority or any contractor, by its ordinance or regulations, is willing to accept at the plant; but excluding any liquid waste or sludge, all wastes which are defined by existing or future federal or state law or regulations as hazardous waste or industrial residual waste, any waste which may be marketable and which is intentionally segregated for purposes of recycling and materials specifically excluded under applicable county ordinances.
Any public street, highway, road, lane, court, cul-de-sac, avenue, alley or other thoroughfare located within the Borough.
Any item placed in a street for a period in excess of 48 consecutive hours that is not a motor vehicle as defined by the Pennsylvania Vehicle Code[1] or a dumpster, including, but not limited to, containers commonly known as "portable storage devices," stones, mulch and yard waste.
Beaver Borough Zoning Officer or designee
Editor's Note: See 75 Pa.C.S.A. § 101 et seq.
[Ord. No. 837, 10/9/2018]
No person, other than agents or employees of the Borough, shall place, maintain or use a dumpster or street storage anywhere on their property or on public thoroughfares or Borough streets without first having obtained a permit from the Borough by filing an application with the Zoning Officer in a form to be hereafter prescribed. The application fee for obtaining such a permit shall be established by Borough Council by this Part as attached in the application form hereto[1] and shall from time to time by resolution change if Council deems appropriate. If the dumpster or street storage is or will be located on the street or within the cartway, the placement of the dumpster or street storage must be approved by the Zoning Officer or his/her designee.
The permit application is considered complete when all required information is provided on the permit application and any applicable fee is paid.
The permit must be issued prior to the placement of the dumpster or street storage by the applicant.
All permits issued under this Part shall be valid for a period of time for a maximum of four weeks from the date of placement of the dumpster or street storage, as stated in the application. Applicant must notify the Zoning Officer of delivery of dumpster or street storage. If it becomes necessary to amend the date of placement of the dumpster or street storage, the applicant shall notify the Borough authorities.
Upon expiration of permit, the permittee may apply for one extension which may be granted if the enforcement official deems the extension necessary and reasonable. The applicant must apply for an extension at least five business days before the expiration of the original permit. Any extension request for permit, if granted, shall be limited to an increment of no more than a two-week period.
Permits issued pursuant to this section shall be nontransferable. Permits may be used only by the permittee to whom originally issued for the dumpster or street storage at the location for which originally issued as stated on the permit application.
Editor's Note: Said application form is on file in the Borough offices.
[Ord. No. 837, 10/9/2018]
No dumpster or street storage device shall be placed on any portion of a public pedestrian sidewalk or walkway in the Borough.
The placement of a dumpster or street storage upon a street shall not extend into the travel lane of traffic, and shall only be done with the approval of the Zoning Officer.
A dumpster or street storage placed upon a street shall be illuminated with a warning light, light reflector or a reflectorized material on the front and rear surfaces in such a manner to indicate the height and width of it, and shall be visible for a distance of not less than 300 feet between the hours of sunset and sunrise.
The location and utilization of a dumpster or street storage upon a street shall not be in a manner which constitutes a safety hazard to persons or property.
The location and utilization of a dumpster or street storage upon a street shall be in compliance with all federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations applicable thereto, including but not limited to any highway occupancy or other permit required by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, in addition to the requirements of this Part.
The dumpster or street storage shall be kept at least 20 feet away from any crosswalk and from any intersection and must be placed so it does not block the view of any motorist pulling into a roadway.
The dumpster or street storage shall be conspicuously marked with the name, address and telephone number of its owner and a copy of the current effective permit shall be visibly attached to it.
In all instances the container shall, when necessary, be provided with adequate restraints to prevent inadvertent movement from the original location. The need for restraints shall be determined by Borough officials at the time the permit is issued.
At all times, including those times when work is not being performed at the dumpster, the dumpster and its refuse contents must be maintained in a manner to assure that the contents of the dumpster may not be invaded or removed by animals, vermin, vandals, scavengers or trespassers and in a manner to assure further that persons occupying residences or other buildings or structures contiguous to, or adjacent to, the dumpster location will not be annoyed by noxious odors, noise, airborne pollutants or other elements or characteristics of the dumpster.
When a dumpster is filled to capacity, it must be removed from the Borough street within 24 hours of that occurrence. The dumpster shall be deemed to be filled to capacity when its contents extend above the top edge of any wall of the dumpster or beyond the edges of any door, hatch or other opening in the roof of any wall of the dumpster. No overflow of any material shall be permitted from the dumpster or street storage, nor shall any accumulation of any material next to the dumpster or street storage be permitted.
Hazardous waste and garbage shall not be stored in a dumpster or street storage.
The permittee shall execute an indemnity agreement, in a form acceptable to the Borough, promising to indemnify, save harmless and defend the Borough, its officials, agents, servants and employees and each of them, against and hold it and them harmless from any and all lawsuits, claims, demands, liabilities, losses and expenses, including court costs and reasonable attorney's fees for or on account of any injury to any person or any damage to any property, which may arise or which may be alleged to have arisen out of or in connection with the placement or utilization of a dumpster or street storage on any street.
Only one dumpster or street storage per property will be permitted on any street in the Borough.
If a chute or similar device or object is to be used with a dumpster, it must be deemed structurally sound by the Borough.
The permittee shall assume all risk of damage, and the Borough shall not be liable for any damage to the dumpster when the Borough is plowing snow, maintaining the street or other facilities within the street or performing other public functions. Should a snow emergency be declared by the Borough, permittee shall immediately have the dumpster removed from the street.
The permittee shall be responsible for all damages to Borough property which may occur as a result of the placement or use of the dumpster or street storage. If the permittee does not promptly repair any damage after notice to do so from the Borough, the Borough may repair such damage and recover the cost from the permittee.
After the dumpster or street storage has been removed, the permittee placing the dumpster or causing its placement in the Borough shall clean and restore the dumpster location to the fullest extent reasonably possible to the condition of that location and its surrounding area as exists prior to placement of the dumpster. If the location area is not cleaned and restored within 24 hours of removal of the dumpster, then Borough officials shall cause the area to be cleaned and restored and shall recover the total costs of such cleaning and restoration, plus a 10% surcharge on the total amount, from the permittee.
[Ord. No. 837, 10/9/2018]
Without limitation as to the utilization of any other legal or equitable remedy or action available to the Borough, civil or criminal, noncompliance with any of the requirements or provisions set forth in this Part or any material false statement or omission made in connection with the application for a permit shall be grounds for revocation by the Zoning Officer, the Borough Chief of Police, or their designee of the permit issued.
The Borough reserves the right to revoke any permit issued for a dumpster or street storage if any conditions of approval are not met or maintained by the permittee. Upon notice of revocation, the permittee shall remove the dumpster or street storage within 24 hours of notice unless the Zoning Officer, the Borough Chief of Police, or their designee determines that, because of health and safety concerns, immediate removal of the offending dumpster or street storage is required which, in that case, the permittee shall immediately remove the dumpster or street storage.
[Ord. No. 837, 10/9/2018]
All dumpsters or street storage placed within the Borough without a permit or upon expiration of a permit shall be removed immediately upon notice issued by the Borough. The Borough may at the expense of the owner or lessee of the property or the permittee remove or cause the removal of a dumpster or street storage.
[Ord. No. 837, 10/9/2018]
Any person who or which violates or fails to comply with any provision of this Part shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $300 and not more than $1,000, plus costs for each such violation. Each day or portion thereof in which a violation exists shall be considered a separate violation of this Part. Each provision of this Part which is violated shall be considered a separate violation. Such fine shall be in addition to any other fine which may be imposed under the provisions of any other ordinances of the Borough, Pennsylvania law, or federal law. In default of payment of any fine, such person shall be imprisoned for not more than 30 days.
[Ord. No. 837, 10/9/2018]
In addition to or in lieu of the penalties provided in § 9-107 hereof, any violations of the provisions of this Part may be abated or enforced by proceedings seeking equitable relief against the violator.
[Ord. No. 837, 10/9/2018]
If any provision of this Part shall be determined to be unlawful, invalid, void or unenforceable, then that provision shall be considered severable from the remaining provisions which shall continue in full force and effect.
[Ord. No. 837, 10/9/2018]
Any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with such provisions of this Part is hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict.
[Ord. No. 837, 10/9/2018]
This Part shall be in full force and effect immediately upon and after its final passage.