[Ord. 565, 11/17/1986]
The Borough of Selinsgrove is divided into the following districts:
R-1 Low Density Residential District.
R-2 Low-Medium Density Residential District.
R-3 Medium-High Density Residential District.
RSP Residential Semipublic District.
R-C Residential Commercial District.
C-1 General Commercial District.
CBD Central Business District.
I-1 Research and Development and Light Industrial District.
OS Open Space District.
FW Floodway District.
FF Flood Fringe District.
FA General Floodplain District.
[Ord. 565, 11/17/1986]
The location and boundaries of the districts are established as shown on the attached Zoning Map of the Borough of Selinsgrove. The Zoning Map is hereby made a part of this Chapter, together with all future notations, references and other data shown thereon, as if all were fully described herein. The Zoning Map includes, as separate parts, the official map of flood hazard areas within the Borough and the official map of airport hazard areas within the Borough.
[Ord. 565, 11/17/1986]
Where uncertainty exists as to boundaries of any district as shown on the Zoning Map, the following rules shall apply:
District boundary lines are intended to follow or be parallel to the center line of streets, streams and railroads, and lot or property lines as they exist on a recorded deed or plan or record in the County Recorder of Deeds office at the time of the adoption of this Chapter, unless such district boundary lines are fixed by dimensions as shown on the Zoning Map.
Where a district boundary is not fixed by dimensions and where it approximately follows lot lines and where it does not scale more than 10 feet therefrom, such lot lines shall be construed to be such boundaries unless specifically shown otherwise.
In unsubdivided land or where a district boundary divides a lot, the location of such boundary, unless the same is indicated by dimensions, shall be determined by the use of the scale appearing on the map.
[Ord. 565, 11/17/1986]
In case of any uncertainty, the Zoning Hearing Board shall interpret the intent of the map as to location of district boundaries.
[Ord. 565, 11/17/1986]
Whenever in any district established under this Chapter, a use is neither specifically permitted nor denied and an application is made by a property owner to the Zoning Officer for such use, the Zoning Officer shall refer the application to the Zoning Hearing Board, which shall have the authority to permit the use or deny the use. The use may be permitted if it is similar to and compatible with permitted uses in the district and in no way is in conflict with the general purpose and intent of this Chapter.