[Ord. 565, 11/17/1986]
The purpose of the CBD Central Business District is to:
Provide and require a unified and organized arrangement of buildings, service and parking areas, together with adequate circulation and open space, all planned and designed as an integrated unit, in a manner so as to provide an efficient, safe, convenient and attractive shopping area.
Encourage the preservation and revitalization of the Central Business District.
Provide for the orderly development, expansion and improvement of the Central Business District.
Provide an area for combined residential and commercial uses.
Exclude uses not compatible with the above objectives.
[Ord. 565, 11/17/1986]
In order to assure the satisfactory development of the Central Business District, it shall be required that development plans be submitted to the Borough under the procedures established in this Chapter for a conditional use.
A development plan shall be prepared and submitted to the Borough showing the overall development scheme, including location, proposed site layout, existing zoning, parking facilities, all adjacent highways, streets and alleys with traffic flow patterns, and a list of the kind of establishment(s) to be located on the site and the floor area(s) and preliminary architectural sketches.
[Ord. 565, 11/17/1986]
Permitted uses in the CBD Central Business District are as follows:
Business or professional office, bank, savings and loan association or other financial institution; passenger station for public transportation.
Retail establishment for sale of dry goods, drugs, food, jewelry, variety and general merchandise, hardware, household furnishings and supplies, instruments, electronic appliances, including repair service, and job printing and department stores.
Restaurant, tearoom, café, confectionery or other place serving food or beverages, provided that no outdoor counter or curb service shall be permitted.
Indoor theater, bowling lanes or other similar place of indoor recreation.
Personal service shop, including barber, beauty salon, shoe repair, tailor, dressmaking and pickup station for laundry and dry cleaning.
Office or office building for administrative, executive and professional activity and similar activities involving the performance or rendering of professional services, such as financial institution, mortician and the sale of real estate, and business office, including the showing of samples, sale promotion and demonstration of equipment; provided, however, that no merchandise shall be warehoused on the premises except for sale, exchange or delivery thereon, and further provided that nothing herein shall preclude the sale of merchandise manufactured, fabricated or warehoused at or delivered to locations outside of the Central Business District.
Automatic self-service laundry and dry-cleaning establishment, with certificates of approval by the public health agency having jurisdiction with regard to waste disposal and by the Fire Marshal with regard to compliance with all safety regulations.
Any use which is similar to the above and which is not primarily a highway type commercial establishment. This shall be handled as a special exception by the Zoning Hearing Board under the provisions of §27-305.
Appropriate public uses and essential services.
Dwelling units on the second or third floors over a business establishment. Dwelling units must meet the minimum habitable floor areas for multi-family units set forth in §27-1315.
[Ord. 565, 11/17/1986; as amended by Ord. 651, 10/16/1995]
Conditional uses in the CBD Central Business District are as follows:
Gasoline filling station.
[Ord. 565, 11/17/1986]
Area and bulk regulations in the CBD Central Business District are as follows:
Impervious Coverage. No limitation shall be placed on impervious surfaces.
Building Coverage. No lot shall be covered more than 90% by buildings.
Minimum Front Yard. There shall be a front yard on each lot, the depth of which shall be not less than five feet.
Minimum Side Yard. There shall be two side yards of a minimum of five feet per side; except that when a mutual agreement is subscribed to by the adjoining property owners, no side yard shall be required where two or more commercial uses adjoin side by side.
Minimum Rear Yard. There shall be a rear yard of not less than 20 feet.
Height. Three stories or 40 feet maximum.
[Ord. 565, 11/17/1986]
The neat and orderly outdoor display of merchandise may be permitted in reasonable amounts, provided that such display does not interfere with the safe and efficient flow of pedestrian traffic.
[Ord. 565, 11/17/1986]
The performance standards in the CBD Central Business District shall be the same as for research and development industries.
[Ord. 565, 11/17/1986; as amended by Ord. 835, 9/4/2018]
No off-street parking is required for the Central Business District, except that any and all off-street parking spaces existing as of the effective date of this Section shall remain and be maintained as required herein.
[Ord. 565, 11/17/1986]
For sign regulations, see Part 15.