Required. Every taxicab operated in the City of Oroville must have a current vehicle permit. To qualify for a vehicle permit, the taxicab shall:
Meet or exceed all requirements of the California Vehicle Code;
Be in safe mechanical condition and be well-maintained;
Be currently registered pursuant to the California Vehicle Code and the owner/operator shall provide proof of such current registration to city;
Keep posted in the vehicle in a conspicuous place a schedule of fares and charges.
The taxicab shall be made available to the chief of police at any reasonable time and location, for inspection to verify that the vehicle meets all qualifications, as required by this chapter.
Issuance. Upon a determination by the chief of police that the vehicle meets all the qualifications required by this chapter, the chief of police shall issue a permit for the vehicle.
Denial. The vehicle permit shall be denied if the chief of police finds, in his or her sole discretion, that the information submitted regarding the vehicle is materially false, or if the taxicab does not meet the qualifications required by this chapter.
Term. The term of the vehicle permit shall be for one year from the date of issuance and may be renewed upon submittal of a renewal application form, as prescribed by the chief of police.
Revocation. The chief of police shall revoke any vehicle permit if the taxicab fails to meet any qualifications required by this chapter. The chief of police may, in his or her sole discretion, suspend the vehicle permit revocation for 30 days to allow for correction of the violation. The chief of police shall send a written notice specifying the reason for the vehicle permit revocation to the vehicle owner's address as indicated on the vehicle registration.
(Ord. 1772 § 1)