It is unlawful for a dog to run at large or be permitted to run at large.
(Ord. 1137-A § 1, 2009)
As used in this chapter:
means either male or female of the species.
The person shown on the application for license of a dog as the owner is the owner of such dog.
The adult occupants of a dwelling shall be presumed to be the co-owners of any dogs housed in such dwelling or on the premises thereof.
"At large"
means off or outside the premises belonging to the owner having the control, custody or possession of the animal while the animal is not under the complete control of such person or within a vehicle of such person. Dogs in designated dog park areas are not considered "at-large." Dogs being used to legally hunt in designated areas under the direct supervision of the keeper or being used to control or protect livestock or other activities related to agriculture are not considered "at large."
means to have power over or exercising restraining or directing influence over by means of an adequate physical control device or under voice control. "Voice control" means the complete control by such person in the immediate vicinity of the animal. If the animal creates a nuisance or acts unlawfully as defined in this code, such acts will in and of themselves determine that the animal was not under voice control.
"Physical control device"
means a sufficiently strong collar connected to a leash or tether made of chain links, or other material as strong, or fenced or enclosed in a structure so as to prevent the escape of an animal by breaking of the device.
"Athletic fields"
means any baseball, soccer, football, or any other clearly marked athletic field whether or not it is contained by a fence. Dogs are not allowed on City athletic fields unless permission is obtained from the City or you reserve an athletic field for your use through the prescribed City process.
(Ord. 1137-A § 2, 2009; Ord. 1245 § 1, 2020)
A physical control device is:
Required to be carried and readily available to be used by the keeper of a dog whenever they are off of their premises if a situation would arise where they need to control their dog.
Required to be used on all Warrenton Trail Systems.
Required to be used in all areas of Warrenton Parks and Facilities where dogs are allowed unless engaged in a recreational activity (ball chasing, frisbee, etc.) or if engaged in a professional training activity.
Not required to be used within the fenced area at any designated dog park.
Not required to be used when the dog is used to legally hunt in designated areas under the direct supervision of the keeper.
Not required when a dog is being used to control or protect livestock or other activities related to agriculture.
(Ord. 1245 § 2, 2020)
A dog is a public nuisance if it:
Bites a person.
Habitually chases vehicles or persons.
Damages or destroys property of persons other than the owner of the dog.
Scatters garbage.
Habitually trespasses on private property of persons other than the owner of the dog.
Disturbs any person by frequent or prolonged noises.
Is a female in heat and running at large.
(Ord. 1137-A § 3, 2009)
A dog found biting a person or showing a propensity to bite persons may be summarily seized by any person and promptly delivered to the Police Department, humane officers, or any other authorized law enforcement department or officer for impounding.
(Ord. 1137-A § 4, 2009)
A dog shall be licensed according to the laws of the state or county, and no person shall own or have custody of a dog not so licensed.
(Ord. 1137-A § 5, 2009)
A dog which is running at large, is a nuisance, or is unlicensed is in violation of this chapter and shall be impounded by the Chief of Police, humane officer or any other authorized law enforcement officer. Such officer shall impound it or cite the owner or keeper to court.
(Ord. 1137-A § 6, 2009)
Whenever a dog is impounded pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, in case the owner, or custodian of the dog is known to the impounding official, he or she shall forthwith give notice of the impounding by personal service or by mail upon the owner or custodian; and if the owner of custodian does not, within three days after the date of service of the notice, claim the dog and pay a redemption fee as established by the Clatsop County Animal Control, the dog may be humanely killed or disposed of to a person agreeing to provide it a suitable home.
(Ord. 1137-A § 7, 2009)
A dog owner, believing him or herself aggrieved by the seizure and impounding of his or her dog, may apply to the municipal judge for the release of the dog, and the municipal judge shall thereupon set a time and place for hearing the application and notify the enforcing officer; and upon a summary hearing at such time and place, the municipal judgment shall have full power to determine whether the dog has been wrongfully impounded, and whether the dog shall be returned to its owner and upon what terms.
(Ord. 1137-A § 8, 2009)
It is unlawful for a person owning or keeping a dog to allow the dog to deposit solid waste matter on any property other than that of the person owning or keeping the dog, but it is a defense to this action if such owner or keeper removes the solid waste deposited by the dog on any property other than his or her own.
(Ord. 1137-A § 9, 2009)
It is unlawful for any person to interfere in any way with any police officer of the City or duly authorized animal control officer engaged in seizing or impounding any dog under the authority of this chapter.
(Ord. 1137-A § 10, 2009)
A violation of any provision of this chapter may be punishable by a fine not to exceed $500.00.
Each violation of a separate provision of this chapter shall constitute a separate offense, and each day that a violation of this chapter is committed or permitted to continue shall constitute a separate offense.
The abatement of a nuisance under Section 6.04.030 of this chapter is an additional remedy and not a penalty for violating this chapter. The imposition of a penalty does not relieve a person of the duty to abate a nuisance.
(Ord. 1137-A § 11, 2009)