As used in this chapter:
means any substance that draws animals to a particular location and includes, but is not limited to, food, garbage, or salt lick. Attractant does not include lawns, flowers, shrubs, trees, or gardens that are eaten by wild animals.
means the City of Warrenton.
means any device or container used for feeding animals.
means any of a large number of bird species in which the vocal organ is developed in such a way as to provide various sound notes commonly known as a bird song.
shall include any animal which is not normally domesticated including, but not limited to, bear, cougar, coyote, wolf, deer, elk, feral cats, foxes, groundhogs, opossums, raccoons, squirrels, skunks, and turkeys.
(Ord. 1200-A § 1, 2016)
The attracting or feeding of wildlife within the City limits is declared to be a public nuisance and is prohibited at all times. This prohibition includes any manner by which a person places or knowingly allows food or other attractants to be placed on their property or public property with the intent of attracting or feeding wildlife. Nothing contained in this section shall prohibit the feeding of songbirds or squirrels provided that the food is contained in a feeder which is reasonably designed to avoid access by wildlife and placed in a manner to avoid access by wildlife. This section does not prohibit the feeding of wildlife kept under a valid permit issued by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW).
(Ord. 1200-A § 1, 2016)
Should the City Manager determine that a feeder for songbirds and squirrels is attracting wildlife; the City shall require the removal of such feeder. Failure to remove a feeder within 24 hours from notification shall constitute a separate violation.
(Ord. 1200-A § 1, 2016)
Any person violating any provision of this chapter shall be liable to a fine not less than $50.00 or more than $250.00 for each offense. A separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day during which a violation occurs or continues.
(Ord. 1200-A § 1, 2016)