The provisions of this title are severable. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this title is adjudged to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, that decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this title.
Compliance with the Provisions in the Development Code. Land and structures may be used or developed by construction, reconstruction, alteration, occupancy, use or otherwise, only as this Development Code ("Code") or any amendment thereto permits. No plat shall be recorded or no building permit shall be issued without compliance with the provisions of this Code.
Obligation by Successor. The requirements of this Code apply to the owner(s) of record, persons undertaking the development or the use of land, and to those persons' successors in interest.
Most Restrictive Regulations Apply. Where this Code imposes greater restrictions than those imposed or required by other rules or regulations, the most restrictive or that imposing the higher standard shall govern.
Variances. Variances shall be governed by the provisions of Chapter 16.272.
Transfer of Development Standards Prohibited. No lot area, yard or other open space or off-street parking or loading area which is required by this Code for one use shall be a required lot area, yard or other open space or off-street parking or loading area for another use, except as otherwise specifically allowed by this Code.
Each development and land use application and other procedure initiated under this Code shall be consistent with the adopted Comprehensive Plan of Warrenton as implemented by this Code, and with applicable state and federal laws and regulations. All provisions of this Code shall be construed in conformity with the adopted Comprehensive Plan.
A development shall be used only for a lawful use. A lawful use of a development is one that is permitted by this Code (including nonconforming uses, subject to Chapter 16.276), and is not prohibited by law.
Legality of Pre-Existing Approvals. Developments including subdivisions, projects requiring development review or site design review approval, or other development applications for which approvals were granted prior to the effective date of this Code, may occur pursuant to such approvals; except that modifications to development approvals shall comply with Chapter 16.228, Modifications to Approved Plans and Conditions of Approval.
Subsequent Development Applications. All development proposals received by the City of Warrenton after the adoption of this Code shall be subject to review for conformance with the standards under this Code or as otherwise provided by state law.
Building Permit. A building permit shall not be issued until the Community Development Director has issued a development permit in accordance with the provisions of Division 4, Applications and Review Procedures, or otherwise found that a development permit is not required.
Certificate of Occupancy Required. To ensure completion of a structure or use in the manner approved, a structure shall not be occupied, and a use shall not begin until the building inspector/official has issued a certificate of occupancy.
Prior to Final Completion. Prior to the final completion of all work, a certificate of occupancy may be issued by the building inspector/official for a portion of the structure conditioned upon further work being completed by a date certain.
Official Action. All officials, departments, employees (including contractor-officials) of the City vested with authority to issue permits or grant approvals shall adhere to and require conformance with this Code, and shall issue no permit or grant approval for any development or use which violates or fails to comply with conditions or standards imposed to carry out this Code.
Notice. The failure of any person to receive mailed notice or failure to post a notice shall not invalidate any actions pursuant to this Code.
The Community Development Director shall have the authority to schedule any review of an administrative land use application before the Planning Commission or hearings officer for a determination.