Minimum Requirements Intended. In their interpretation and application, the provisions of this Code shall be held to be minimum requirements, adopted for the protection of the public health, safety, and general welfare.
Most Restrictive Requirements Apply. When the requirements of this Code vary from other provisions of this Code or with other applicable standards, the most restrictive or that imposing the highest standard shall govern.
No person shall erect, construct, alter, maintain or use any building or structure or shall use, divide or transfer any land in violation of this Code or any amendment thereto.
A person violating a provision of this Code shall, upon conviction, be subject to a fine of not less than $100.00, nor more than $1,000.00.
Each Violation a Separate Infraction. Each violation of a separate provision of this Code shall constitute a separate infraction, and each day that a violation of this Code is committed or continued shall constitute a separate infraction.
Abatement of Violation Required. A finding of a violation of this Code shall not relieve the responsible party of the duty to abate the violation. The penalties imposed by this section are in addition to and not in lieu of any remedies available to the City.
Responsible Party. If a provision of this Code is violated by a firm or corporation, the officer or officers, or person or persons responsible for the violation shall be subject to the penalties imposed by this section.
Filing Written Complaint. Whenever a violation of this Code occurs, or is alleged to have occurred, any person may file a signed, written complaint.
File Complaint with Community Development Director. Such complaints, stating fully the causes and basis thereof, shall be filed with the Community Development Director. The Community Development Director shall properly record such complaints, investigate and take action thereon as provided by this Code.
When it is necessary to make an inspection to enforce the provisions of this Code, or when the building official or Community Development Director have reasonable cause to believe that there exists in a building or upon a premises or parcel a condition contrary to or in violation of this Code that makes the building or premises or parcel unsafe, dangerous, or hazardous, the building official or Community Development Director may enter the building or premises, or enter upon the parcel at reasonable times to inspect or to perform other duties imposed by this Code, provided that if such building or premises or parcel is occupied or attended that credentials are presented to the occupant and/or attendant and entry requested. If such building or parcel is unoccupied or unattended, the building official or Community Development Director shall make a reasonable effort to locate the owner or person having charge or control of the building or premises and request entry. If entry is refused, the building official or Community Development Director shall have recourse to the remedies provided by law to secure entry.
Any development or use which occurs contrary to the provisions of this Code or contrary to any permit or approval issued or granted under this Code is unlawful, and may be abated by appropriate proceedings.
Stop-Work Order Issued. Whenever any work is being done in violation of the provisions of this Code or a condition of any permit or other approval granted pursuant hereto, the Community Development Director may order the work stopped by notice in writing served on persons engaged in doing such work or causing such work to be done. The stop-work order shall be posted in a conspicuous location on the development site and a certified mailing containing a copy of the order shall be provided to the property owner at the earliest practicable time. All work under the permit or approval shall cease until the Community Development Director has authorized its continuance.
Stop-Work Order Hearing. The Community Development Director shall schedule a public hearing before the Planning Commission if the purported violation is not removed or corrected following due warning from the City, typically 30 days from the date of the stop-work order. If the violation is not removed or corrected within the time specified, the Community Development Director shall schedule a hearing before the Planning Commission, with no requirement for public notice. The hearing shall be held in accordance with the procedures of Section 16.208.050. At the discretion of the Community Development Director, such hearing may be:
Part of a hearing on revocation of the underlying development approval; or
Solely to determine whether a violation has occurred. The Planning Commission shall hold this hearing and shall make written findings as to the violation within 10 business days. Upon a finding of no violation, the Planning Commission shall require the issuance of a resume work order. Upon finding a violation, the stop-order shall continue to be effective until the violating party furnishes sufficient proof to the Planning Commission or its designee that the violation has been abated. The Planning Commission decision is subject to notice and appeal procedures prescribed by Section 16.208.050.