The purpose of the Aquatic Conservation Zone is to conserve designated areas for long-term uses of renewable resources that do not require major alterations of the estuary, except for the purpose of restoration. They are managed for the protection and conservation of the resources found in these areas. The Aquatic Conservation Zone includes areas needed for the maintenance and enhancement of biological productivity, recreational resources, aesthetic features and aquaculture. The Aquatic Conservation Zone includes areas that are smaller or of less biological importance than aquatic natural areas. Areas that are partially altered and adjacent to existing moderate intensity development which do not possess the resource characteristics of other aquatic areas are also included in this zone.
The following uses and activities and their accessory uses and activities are permitted in the A-2 zone if the Community Development Director determines that the uses conform to the standards in Section 16.76.040, applicable Development Code standards, and other City laws:
Estuarine enhancement.
Projects for the protection of habitat, nutrient, fish, wildlife and aesthetic resources.
Shoreline stabilization.
Boat ramps for public use where no dredge or fill is needed for navigational access.
Maintenance and repair of existing structures or facilities.
Bridge crossing support structures and dredging necessary for their installation and maintenance.
Beach nourishment at sites designated in the Comprehensive Plan.
Active restoration of fish habitat, wildlife habitat, or water quality.
Filling in conjunction with any of the permitted uses, pursuant to the applicable standards in Section 16.160.060.
Tidegate installation and maintenance in existing functional dikes.
Dredging to obtain fill material for dike maintenance pursuant to the dike maintenance dredging standards.
Navigation aids.
Pipelines, cables, and utility crossings.
Water-dependent parts of an aquaculture facility which do not involve dredge or fill or other estuarine alterations other than incidental dredging for harvest of benthic species or removable in-water structures such as stakes or racks.
Dredging in conjunction with any of the permitted uses, pursuant to the applicable standards in Section 16.160.040.
Undeveloped low intensity water-dependent recreation.
Research and educational observation.
Piling in conjunction with any of the permitted uses.
Passive restoration.
Bridge Crossing. Temporary encroachments in the floodway for the purposes of bridge construction and repair:
This use shall comply with Chapter 16.88 (Flood Hazard Overlay (FHO) District) prior to issuance of any permits.
The temporary permit shall state the number of days the structure or other development will be on the site. If a longer period is required, a new permit shall be issued.
A flood warning system for the project should be in place to allow equipment to be evacuated from the site and placed outside the floodplain.
Placement of equipment in the floodway should be restricted to only equipment which is absolutely necessary for the purposes of the project. All other accessory equipment and temporary structures (i.e., construction trailers) should be restricted from the floodway. Structures should be placed on site so that flood damages are minimized. Anchoring the construction trailers in case evacuation is not practical.
Temporary uses.
Similar uses to those listed in this section.
The following uses and activities and their accessory uses and activities may be permitted in the A-2 zone when approved under Chapter 16.220, Conditional Use Permits. The uses and activities are also subject to the provisions of Section 16.76.040, Development Standards. They are also subject to a resource capability determination (Section 16.164.050) and impact assessment (Section 16.164.010).
High-intensity water-dependent recreation including boat ramps, marinas, and individual docks.
Aquaculture and water-dependent portions of aquaculture facilities.
Active restoration for purposes other than protection of habitat, nutrient, fish, wildlife and aesthetic resources.
Temporary alterations.
Filling in conjunction with listed conditional uses, pursuant to the applicable standards in Section 16.160.060.
Minor navigational improvement.
Mining and mineral extraction.
Dredging in conjunction with any of the listed conditional uses pursuant to the applicable standards in Section 16.160.040.
Low-intensity water-dependent commercial or industrial uses requiring occupation of water-surface area by means other than fill.
In-water log storage.
Communication facilities subject to the standards of Chapter 16.148.
Piling in conjunction with any of the listed conditional uses.
Similar uses to those listed in this section.
The following standards are applicable in the A-2 zone:
All uses shall satisfy applicable Columbia River Estuary Shoreland and Aquatic Area Development Standards in Chapter 16.160.
A proposal involving several uses shall be reviewed in aggregate under the more stringent procedure.
All applicable policies in the City's Comprehensive Plan and goal exceptions shall be met.
A proposal which requires new dredging, fill, in-water structures, riprap, new log storage areas, water intake, in-water disposal of dredged material, beach nourishment, or other activities which could affect the estuary's physical processes or biological resources is subject to an impact assessment (Section 16.164.010).
All other applicable Development Code requirements shall also be satisfied.
The maximum height of structures in the A-2 zone shall be 45 feet above MLLW.
Uses that are not water-dependent shall be located on a floating structure or on pilings, and shall not increase the need for fill if in association with a water-dependent use located on fill.
Uses that are not water-dependent shall not preclude or conflict with existing or probable future water-dependent development on the site or in the vicinity.
Uses that are water-dependent and/or water-related must meet the criteria in Section 16.160.080.
Uses and activities permitted under Section 16.76.020 of this chapter are subject to the public notice provisions of Section 16.208.040 if an impact assessment is required pursuant to Sections 16.164.010 through 16.164.050, or if a determination of consistency with the purpose of the A-2 zone is required pursuant to Section 16.164.020, or if the Community Development Director determines that the permit decision will require interpretation or the exercise of factual, policy or legal judgment.
All new sewer and water connections for a proposed development shall comply with all City regulations.