The purpose of the Coastal Lake and Freshwater Wetland Zone is to assure the conservation of important shoreland and wetland biological habitats and conserve examples of different natural ecosystem types in the Clatsop Plains to assure a diversity of species and ecological relations. Low intensity uses which do not result in major alterations are appropriate in this zone. Low to moderate intensity recreation is appropriate in coastal lakes. This zone includes coastal lakes, significant non-estuarine freshwater marshes and important upland biological habitat.
The A-5 zone shall be designated on the City of Warrenton Comprehensive Plan/Zone Map, and shall conform to the 1" = 400' photo-contour maps entitled Significant Shoreland and Wetland Biological Habitats on file at the City of Warrenton and hereby adopted by reference.
The following uses and their accessory uses are permitted in the A-5 zone if the Community Development Director determines that the uses conform to the standards in Section 16.84.050, applicable Development Code standards, and other City laws:
Low intensity recreation.
Passive restoration.
Vegetative shoreline stabilization.
Bridges and Access Roads. Temporary encroachments in the floodway for the purposes of bridge construction and repair:
This use shall comply with Chapter 16.88 (Flood Hazard Overlay (FHO) District) prior to issuance of any permits.
The temporary permit shall state the number of days the structure or other development will be on the site. If a longer period is required, a new permit shall be issued.
A flood warning system for the project should be in place to allow equipment to be evacuated from the site and placed outside the floodplain.
Placement of equipment in the floodway should be restricted to only equipment which is absolutely necessary for the purposes of the project. All other accessory equipment and temporary structures (i.e., construction trailers) should be restricted from the floodway. Structures should be placed on site so that flood damages are minimized. Anchoring the construction trailers in case evacuation is not practical.
Individual docks limited to 500 square feet for recreational or fishing use and necessary piling.
Submerged cable, sewer line, water line or other pipeline.
Maintenance and repair of existing structures.
Developed hiking or bicycle trails.
In the Marine Commercial Shorelands Zone (C-2), the Recreation-Commercial Zone (R-C), and in the Water-Dependent Industrial Shorelands Zone (I-2), non-water-dependent uses that are in conjunction with and incidental and subordinate to water-dependent uses on the site may be approved subject to the following standards:
Such non-water-dependent uses shall be constructed at the same time as or after the water-dependent use of the site is established, and must be carried out together with the water-dependent use.
The ratio of the square footage of ground-level indoor floor space plus outdoor acreage distributed between the non-water-dependent uses and the water-dependent uses at the site shall not exceed one to three (non-water-dependent to water-dependent).
Such non-water-dependent uses shall not interfere with the conduct of the water-dependent use.
In the Marine Commercial Shorelands Zone (C-2), the Recreation-Commercial Zone (R-C), and in the Water-Dependent Industrial Shorelands Zone (I-2), temporary non-water-dependent uses that involve minimal capital investment and no permanent structures subject to this standard. The intent of allowing such uses is to avoid posing a significant economic obstacle to attracting water-dependent uses. Tools for implementing this approach include "vacate" clauses in leases on public lands, as well as requiring "vacate" clauses for land use approvals involving leasing of private lands.
Similar uses as those listed in this section.
The following uses and activities and their accessory uses and activities may be permitted in the A-5 zone when approved under Chapter 16.220, Conditional Use Permits. These uses and activities are also subject to the provisions of Section 16.84.050, Development Standards.
Active restoration.
Structural shoreline stabilization limited to riprap.
Boat launch.
Similar uses as those listed in this section.
The following standards are applicable in the A-5 zone:
All uses shall satisfy applicable aquatic and shoreland standards in this chapter. When applied to lands in the Marine Commercial Shorelands Zone, Recreation Commercial Zone, or the Water-Dependent Industrial Shorelands Zone, the following definitions apply:
means physical contact with or use of the water.
means the use either by its intrinsic nature (e.g., fishing, navigation, boat moorage) or at the current level of technology cannot exist without water access.
"Water-borne transportation"
means uses of water access:
Which are themselves transportation (e.g., navigation);
Which require the receipt of shipment of goods by water; or
Which are necessary to support water-borne transportation (e.g. moorage fueling, servicing of watercraft, ships, boats, etc. terminal and transfer facilities).
means water access for fishing, swimming, boating, etc. Recreational uses are water-dependent only if use of the water is an integral part of the activity.
"Energy production"
means uses which need quantities of water to produce energy directly (e.g., hydroelectric facilities, ocean thermal energy conversion).
"Sources of water"
means facilities for the appropriation of quantities of water for cooling processing or other integral functions.
Typical examples of water-dependent uses include the following:
Industrial. Manufacturing to include boat building and repair; water-borne transportation, terminals, and support; energy production which needs quantities of water to produce energy directly; water intake structures for facilities needing quantities of water for cooling, processing, or other integral functions.
Commercial. Commercial fishing marinas and support; fish processing and sales; boat sales, rentals, and supplies.
Recreational. Recreational marinas, boat ramps, and support.
Certain scientific and educational activities which, by their nature, require access to coastal waters-estuarine research activities and equipment mooring and support.
Examples of uses that are not "water-dependent uses" include restaurants, hotels, motels, bed and breakfasts, residences, parking lots not associated with water-dependent uses, and boardwalks.
Uses that are not water-dependent or water-related shall be set back to the extent of riparian vegetation identified in the Comprehensive Plan and in accordance with the wetland and riparian area protection area standards of Chapter 16.156.
At such time that a development is proposed in the vicinity of an area designated freshwater wetland, the City may require a site investigation to determine the exact location of the zone boundary. The site investigation shall be performed by a qualified consultant or by a biologist from a state or federal resource management agency.
Development in this zone is subject to permit approval by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and by the Oregon Division of State Lands.
All other applicable Code requirements shall be met.
All new sewer and water connections for a proposed development shall comply with all City regulations.