The purpose of this chapter is to set forth design overlay standards for new neighborhood master plans to insure the orderly conversion of a large amount of urbanizable land to mixed use, residential and commercial land within the City to higher intensity, urban uses to maximize investment in public facilities. The standards will apply to areas identified through City or developer initiated master planning. The subject areas are largely vacant and currently have a low level of urban services. These areas are projected to develop over time to a density of at least 25 units per acre similar to High Density Residential Zone (RH). This chapter is intended to insure that public facilities adequate to serve development at this density are provided, either before or concurrent with development.
(Ord. 1233 § 1, 2020)
The neighborhood master plan standards in this chapter shall apply to areas designated on the Comprehensive Plan/Zone Map with the symbol "NMP-NAME." In addition, a specific master plan will be adopted and referenced herein that illustrates the boundaries and physical layout of new streets, parks, and other land uses.
(Ord. 1233 § 1, 2020)
The following standards shall apply to new development within designated areas:
All development shall provide the following primary urban services: water, sanitary sewer facilities connecting to the City sewer system, local streets, fire protection and drainage. An inability to provide an acceptable level of all primary services shall result in the denial of a land use application.
All development shall be reviewed to ascertain whether an adequate level of the following secondary urban services exists: collector and arterial streets, transit, schools, police protection, and parks. Where the City determines and supports with findings that an unacceptable level of secondary urban services exist, the City may deny the land use application unless the developer insures the availability of an acceptable level of the services within five years from occupancy.
City specifications shall be the standard used as measurement of acceptability of a service, including traffic engineering and adopted City transportation policies, to disperse new traffic trips generated by the impact of new development. If street standards are proposed that differ from the TSP, findings and analysis shall be provided to demonstrate compliance and consistency with neighborhood planning principles.
Encourage the maximum redevelopment of the area to facilitate the creation of a pedestrian friendly, transit supportive, and people oriented neighborhood where residents and visitors can walk to services within the neighborhood and adjacent areas.
Development proposed within the neighborhood overlay that is consistent with the master plan is streamlined whereas any proposed development that does not support neighborhood planning principles in Comprehensive Plan and other policies should be discouraged.
(Ord. 1233 § 1, 2020)
The following standards shall apply to new development in the Spur 104 Neighborhood Master Plan area.
Development shall consider either the "Mixed Use Concept" or "Residential Concept" contained herein. At a minimum, streets, parks, open space, and trails shall be adhered to and planned for in future development.
The total number of housing units for the new neighborhood shall not exceed 350 units. The types of units and minimum density are described in the Commercial Mixed Use (CMU) Zone and High Density Residential Zone (RH) standards. Housing units that existed prior to 2018 shall not be counted towards the cap on the total amount. Adaptive reuse of cultural or historic structures built prior to 1940 is strongly encouraged.
The total amount of commercial space shall not exceed 50,000 SF. No building footprint shall be larger than 20,000 SF to encourage a mixed use, neighborhood scale, and pedestrian-oriented design. Maximum of building floor area shall be regulated by height standard. The types of uses allowed are described in the Commercial Mixed Use (CMU) Zone. However, drive thrus shall be prohibited to reduce traffic impacts.
Architectural design shall be governed by Chapter 16.116 Design Standards. In addition, at least three distinct exterior materials shall be used. Glass entries and vestibules shall not be counted towards the required amount of materials. A distinctive entry is required. New parking for commercial uses should be located to the rear or side portion of the lot.
All new development shall contribute to planned parks and trails identified on the concept plans and Parks Master Plan.
Zero lot line developments for single family attached are allowed subject to site design review.
(Ord. 1233 § 1, 2020)